Category Archives: Hearing from God

Self-Reliance, Resiliency, and Overcoming Learning Problems

Thinking about the recent storm devastation, we are inspired by the self-reliance, resiliency, and innovation in face of challenge. Let’s apply these lessons to learning challenges.

Nature’s Anti-biotic! Home-made

Amazing news that one can make an anti-biotic at home from kitchen items. Just think! no more of those stomahc upsets and health setbacks that inevitably come from the expensive store bought anti-biotics. You pay a doctor, then you pay the pharmacists, and then, if you are wise, you pay the health food store to restore your stomach flora. Commerical anti-biotics kills all the stomach flora or “biotics” both good and bad, in your belly.

This is what made Jordan Rubin so sick when he was 18, even though his family was very much into healthy lifestyle. So, when he found the solution, he began a wondereful career as a Biblical health coach. He sells pro pbiotics.

Many people now know this. But imagine. Why would we have ever started making synthetic drugs? Well, maybe they are stronger. They certainly do make a lot of money. But, really, folks, we are not more healthy than the population was 3 generations ago. IQ has gone down. Life expectancy is now going down. Obesity is up. Expectations are plummeting.

Time to take matters into our own hands. Cook. Real food. And start learning what I cal “doctor mom” things. We may not replace the professional wellness providers, but everyone agrees that a smart mom can take care of many if not most of the problems. Health first. Food as medicine next. Medicine — only rarely — and only with great caution. In the meantime, I think you will love this recipe for you and yours.

Nature’s Amoxicillin

Children in Touch with God


Searching for what to do this hot summer? Here is an inside activity that is hot hot hot! And very cool, too. This is a re-run from our radio day with Mr. Chris Wiesnhutter, often called “Weezy”. He worked in high tech, but at that time was running the Children’s Equipping Center, I believe at True Life Church in Round Rock.


This completes the thought we started with our Becky Fischer interview (of course she has curricula and events). It is high time to pay attention to the children’s ministry. We have Sunday School curricula that is informed by leftist doctrine. We have Children’s Church that is nothing but candy and games without Christian content. Then, we send our children off to schools where instead of traditional educational content, they are battered by every form of perversity.

Thank God for the exposure of the evil, if that is used to eliminate it. We must have that in a democratic republic. But we also, even more, need the banner of positive what to do. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord raises a standard. This raises the standard.

I saw a posting on Twitter, purportedly by some pastors’ organization that seems to say that it is important to send children to government schools for the good of the whole. Is this appropriate evangelism? Or is this is lie, asking for sacrifice of children to Ba’al?


Allow children, lead children, to hear from God. Of course, they also need a strong foundation of the Bible. Here what Weezy says: they pray the Bible and share their insights. Their eyes are fixed on Jesus.

If children have adult problems, how much more should they be equipped. Jesus, even when he was here on earth, said, “Let the children come to me.”

This summer, why don’t you read Scripture with your children? Memorize some verses. Sing Bible songs. Spend some time even praying — including listening. Talk with other parents about what is happening and what should be happening in your children’s department. If you go to a house church, what is happening with the children?

Why don’t children have access to what the adults do in church?

Children love to meet with Jesus. Jesus is enough.

Pattern of Lies

How to not be Fooled by the Lies

We see how to not be deceived by the pattern of lies, liars, and lying spirits. We can look around us and see that we , our friends, and a good deal of our nation has been deceived, and badly so.  We have a story in the Bible about a liar sent to be used in warfare.   His name was Rabshakeh, and he was a captain, sent my a brutal marauding emperor Senacharib, to talk to the men of Judah, get them snookered, discouraged, and confused. Thus, he hoped to make his battle against the easier. Actually, he was pretty good at it. Rabshakeh used a pattern of accusations, lies, and false deals.  it might have worked had the Judahites not believed in God; had they not known something about that God was different; had there not been a prophet on the seen and a good king.   Isaiah 37( & II Chronicles 36 and 2Kings 18 & 19)

Lies, Accusations, Projections, Intimidation, Misleading Deals

We are going to look at prophet Isaiah’s memory of the incident. he doesn’t sanitize the picture that Rabshakeh paints as much as Ii Chronicles.  Fear is a weapon. Confusion is a weapon. But hope for normalcy can also be a weapon. Notice that he gives misleading deals, painted with comforting words. The kingdom needed to take a step back and carefully consider. They needed to compare what they were hearing with what they knew. They needed to consult God.

is This Really an Attack on the Church?

In the final analysis, the attack was on God and God’s character. Rabshakeh was only a captain, doing what his emperor was telling him.  That emperor worshiped an idol that today we think really was a front for a demon.  Anyway, God was personally confronted. Not just the religion; not just the kingdom, not just all the people, but the thing went to the depth. Rabshakeh used God’s person name and said over and over that that God could not stand up to the Assyrians.

And so, God took it personally. We see in the end of the story, how God reserved the lat move for Himself. Judah won without fighting this time. Most of the time, they did have to show up. This time, they had to just not be deceived by the lying.

So, today, we focus on the pattern of lying.

If this is not very clear to you, would you like a retrospective, along with a course in reasoning? Seriously, I am so amazed in a bad way at how people have been so fooled. Can people really be that stupid? Are that many people really paid off? What is going on?

Please please do share this episode with your pastor!

Here are some pastors who say 1) enough is enough and 2) pastors, you had better get on board.   Please listen to the end, where they pray for pastors. You will see it is straightforward, but upbeat.


Related, in the news:

On Sunday, Southwest Airlines had 1,800 plane problems at once (?) and a bit of a staff shortage

On Monday, it was reported that Southwest Airlines had more than 2,000 flights cancelled because of weather although no one else was having weather problems.

Steve Turley  Is a MASS VAX PROTEST Crippling the Airline Industry? M10/11  !!Get a load of the pix. Notice that the corporate media was STILL reporting the cause was weather on Tuesday.

Bongino reports Tuesday, Southwest Airline blames Biden for vax mandate.

Rebel News reports Wednesday Southwest Airlines crews protest vax mandate, cause 2,000 flight delays


Gregg Abbot, governor of Texas, enforces religious and medical exemptions by any “entity’ in Texas.  (He did not disallow all ax mandates, as was widely reported. )

Turley Texas bans Vax Mandates  10-12

Now Rabshakeh

Now for statistics?

People in the street in many countries, protesting the forcing of a “vaccine” that is “safe” and “for their own good.”

Steve Turley   Patriots Revolt Oct 13

And some people put 2 and 2 together

BLM says NY vax mandates are racist .

so does Joe Pags

So do some people who call themselves rednecks

And just in case you thought someone really was out for your health : Dark Winter     and Conspiracy Facts

Dan Bongino “We are living in a time so devoid of truth that we must parse thru the lies and find the lighthouse of truth or we will lose our way.”

Tucker Carlson reports on Biden’s analysis: the problem is the unvaxxed.  10-13

And finally,  What it is like to believe everything the media tells you. by Awake with JP Oct 13, 21