Category Archives: Faith

Bart Once Was Non-Sighted; Now he Sees

Finishing up our 3 part series on miraculous healing, we hear the history of “Blind Bartimeus” — or Blind Bart or today maybe Bart who used to be non-sighted. Well, Bart was once non-sighted, but now he sees. He heard that Jesus the Miracle Worker was coming to town. He positioned himself. Then he started calling out — loudly.

Look at the dynamics, because they are typical. He positioned himself and he started calling out, toward where he had heard Jesus was coming. People around him told him to stop. Typical!!!  But Jesus did hear him and called him. Then, the people around him changed their tune and were telling him to go.

He threw off his beggar’s cloak, the label that permitted him to get his beggar’s pittance. Jesus healed him. He walked away, seeing. This throwing off was a faith statement. Jesus said more than once to someone, “You faith has made you whole/well/saved.” (It is all the same word in Greek: sozo.)

Go thou and do likewise. Meaning: position yourself, call out, ignore contradictions, have faith, and walk away victorious. That is the way it works.

It might be easier to learn how to read, how to do algebra, and how to understand philosophy than to believe for sight if you have never seen. So, go for what you need. And by all means, throw off the label!

Also, announcements following in the audio.

Holiday Activities to do with Your Children 2023

Happy, faith-filled, educative, fun activities for your children. This is important for students with “learning disabiities” just to have some enjoyable, joyful experiences! This is important for all children, to engage in the faith of the family. This is important to your family to pass along traditions. This is important for all of society, to pass along values, skills, traditions — culture.

Ideas include gifts to make, greeting cards, crafts and arts that depict your faith. Whether your family celebrates Christmas, the Hanukah miracle of the oil, or the history of the Macabees, make it meaningful.

PsyOp Death and Faith to Overcome Learning Disabilities

We have been learning many new things. The headlines are mesmerizing. Isn’t that so? Now we have all discovered and had confirmed what we had suspected in the area where we were: the evil has taken over the industry, the sector of society. Whether it is doctors going along with killing patients rather than helping them, or military focusing on not winning a war, or teachers being willing to hurt children — it is all the social structure that few are willing to contravene. But right to conscience based on the Judeo-Christian faith in something more than this here and now is what made our world great. And that hope continues. That God still reaches out his hand. Those who take hope, exercise faith, can overcome all the evil in the world.

My listeners, mostly mothers, but parents, grandparents and educators want to find solution to the learning problems their children have. Apply yourself here. Apply these solutions. Rather than being paralyzed by the word curses, the language that tells you that your child is hopeless and you must resign yourself. NO! These are not “disabilities” but “learning problems.”  Learning problems have solutions, even if we must learn what they are. Diagnoses should not be death knells but instead, guidance to parents and educators how to help the child. TM

You can pay someone any amount of money, hope for the best, feel like you did what you could, and resign yourself that it was impossible if it doesn’t work. Or, you could to a little investing, very little, and give it some application, and find your answer. Get the book, Learn at Home for Great Shalom at  Unique, it shows you how to consider what you child needs to learn and how to best deliver it. Then, get our *Celebrate the Victory* year long process. For sale this month only,  half price the already ridiculously low price, compared to what “providers” would charge you. Go to shop.

Miraculous Healing

A couple of friends came in the studio to testify of miraculous healings they had experienced under my ministry. I threatened them not to talk about me! LOL But they did talk about their healings.

this is so very important, because the number one reason peolpe don’t see healing is because they don’t think it exists. People resign themselves to whatever the problem is. Worse, they use it for an excuse to get other things they want, so the very problem is a treasure to them.

This is abundantly true in learning disabilities at this time. Children learn to be work avoidant victim controllers rather than overcomers, successful and happy.  Teacher learn to have ever lower expectations and predictably get those expectations.  Teachers college which for so long denied that learning disbilities existed now train people to see them as disabilities that need to be encouraged and coddled, rather than overcome.

The whole public school system appears to be set up to ensure a dumbing down of the population. Just when it seemed that it couldn’t get worse, there is a new law that gives more money to for the school for every child identified with LD. That sounds good, except the “services” were never helpful.  Labeling theory explains how the label fixes and makes permanent the problem. This is trebly true when “services” means that the children will get less of the regular education, and more of the labeling behavior.

Hear Betty and Melanie and apply that hope and faith to your situation.