Category Archives: Causes of learning disabilities

Overcoming the PsyOP of Learning Disabilities

Today, we tell you the secret to overcoming the psyop of learning disabilities. As long as you think your child — or you– are DISABLED…. you don’t find the right solution to the problem, you have to depend upon someone else, and some bureaucrat keeps their job. You and others around you are harmed, suppressed, and basically: disabled.

However, if you understand that there is a learning PROBLEM, then you are enabled to find the right solution. School is important. Vocation is vital. You can do it. God created you good. Yes, the world is fallen. Your child was almost certainly injured by a polluted environment, some accident, or some poor educational situation. Fine; I understand. I and my family have had to deal with all of that. However, God is a redeemer — meaning fixing. Beyond that, God is a resurrector — meaning a Doer of the absolutely impossible.

So grab hold of this faith. Get hope to move on. Move on. Get your gold.

In the meantime, join with us for the journey. And let others know. Share both online and in person. Thanks.

Vision Can Be Improved!

Vision can be improved! So can eyesight.

Both vision and eyesight can be improved? Did you think not? Did someone tell you otherwise?

Vision has to do with the brain. Eyesight has to do with the eyes. Both need to be working. Both can be improved.

Eye doctors do not do that. They, instead, sell glasses. So, they “correct” eyesight by putting on glasses. Often these glasses are the wrong prescription. People, especially children complain, and are told “well your eyes will adjust.” Well, sure enough their brain adjusts, and maybe their eyes adjust too. And then they need stronger glasses. Until the person is old and is sold surgery — that lasts only 7 years. STOP!

Vision is not the same as Eyesight

Vision/eyesight is extremely important. Obviously, it underlies academic performance, but also it is foundational to lots of other things including spatial awareness/coordination and social ability and behavior and ability to focus! Until now just about no one was working scientifically on that.


And more and more Americans are having eye problems — largely because of the over-use of screens.

I just heard a great podcast by Dave Asprey with guest Dr. Bryce Applebaum that got me excited. So, I sat down with you, like an informal chat, and tried to convey what I know.

Meier Schnieder was blind, exercised till he could see, and started sharing his intuitive methods with others. He now teaches courses in person and on line. He had a couple of books, too.

Here is a link to the old sunning and palming exercises, altho I do not know the folks behind these sites at all. Looks like this is called the “Bates Method.”

Easy things to do

First principals:
Get outside, do not stay indoors on your computer all the time! Strictly limit screen time for children. Make your screens warm, with as little blue light as possible. Even adults should stop using a screen 2 hours before bedtime or use strong blue blockers like Tru dark glasses. (Cheap substitutes won’t be as good but will likely do some good.)

Look far away. Take breaks from working your eyes at least every hour.

Exercise your eyes: 1) Look close and far away
2) Look all around
3) Use your peripheral vision
4) Rest your eyes by covering your eyes with your warm palms and enjoying darkness for a while.

I think you will notice that your eyesight is improving with just a few trials. But keep on! Take hope and motivation by this fact, now established: that vision and eyesight can be improved — a great deal. Maybe in the future no one will wear glasses!

HR 9828 Would Return Liability to Vaccine Manufacturers

In late September, Republican Congressman Paul Gosar of Arizona’s 9th District introduced H.R. 9828 in the US House of Representatives. Titled “The Public Health Service Act to end the liability shield for vaccine manufacturers, and for other purposes,” the bill serves to overturn aspects of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. These changes would allow victims of vaccine-induced injuries and deaths to obtain legal compensation from vaccine manufacturers by stripping these corporations of the immunity from liability afforded to them by NCVIA.

The bill boasts an impressive list of 30 cosponsors, including five from the Texas congressional delegation. Interestingly, not one Democrat has signed on to this vital legislation.

Texans for Vaccine Choice ardently supports this bill, which would allow for much needed justice for victims by restoring liability back to the vaccine manufacturers, and we applaud Representative Paul Gosar in his pursuit. We would also like to remind you that 99% of vaccine policy is set at the state level, and if this bill were to pass, it would be just ONE step towards holding Big Pharma accountable, after years of their relentless pursuit of medical mandates.

Overcoming Learning Problems Instead of Labeling into Entrenched, Weaponized Disabilities

Our position is that as parents and educators, we want to overcome learning problems, rather than labeling our children as disabled — thus intentionally failing to do our job, thus damaging children, thus increasing resentment in order to overturn “the hegemonic order.”

Problems need solving. Learning problems need to be solved or worked around — or in some other way to be overcome. This is the path to a successful and happy life. This is the path that works.

This is also the Biblical was to proceed. We are called to be overcomers — by faith, and woks. The Word of God and the example of Jesus and the leadership of Holy Spirit in all ways invites us to have hope, faith, hearing of good ideas, selfless service, and long-term blessing.

By contrast, there is another path. One that insists on labeling problems as either insignificant thus unaddressed — or as “disabilities.”  Disabled? meaning not able!  Labeling theory, long and strongly accepted in Psychology, Sociology and Education disciplines shows how people live up — or down — to labels. Nowhere is this more true than with children and social environment of school. Please see academic paper by Sales connecting JD and LD in the 1990s. Older, more well known work is widely known by Rosenhans, Schiff, Becker and others.

Diagnosis can be used as death knells, or as I encourage, as direction to parents and educators. However, if diagnosis are used for labeling (and they inevitably are in schools) the path is turned away from solving problems. Educators do not remediate but rather accommodate — at best. Look around. Notice, as the oldest research in teachers’ behavior showed, that teacher treat anyone with LD diagnosis/label as less intelligent. Thus, they get less, rather than more, quality education. They get pulled out of class, so they miss more. They have abbreviated curricula, missing more. They get drilled over and over again at what they are weak in, thus insuring demoralization.

But there is much more. If you have read James Lindsay, or Alex Newman, or Paolo Friere you might even be able to detect it in the critiq2ue of what we are doing by the conventional LD podcast. It is important in Marxist thought to always tear down whatever is considered normal. It is important to weaponize one group against another. Marx himself said in Das Kapital that he cared nothing for science, but only wanted to increase conflict, in order to improve society. Marx originally was thinking of class warfare. However, in the United States, where nearly everyone thinks of themselves as middle class, other conflicts have been intentionally excerbated. Whereas once the government school could not be  bother about  learning problems, and parents worked to get education for their children, since oh about 2000, public educators have been grooming students and their parents to be hostile to educators in a way to ensure the greatest conflict. Teachers are constrained by school rules; schools insist on being in complete control of any move regarding the “learning disabled.” Thus, fewer problems get fixed; fewer even than when the problem was not recognized.

This is in larger context, also a Marxist ploy. In our 5th generation warfare environment, in our cold WWIII, outside forces that have taken over the elite, are ensuring that our youth are not educated. Not in academics. Not in social skills. Not developed in anything — except perhaps in being weaponized, emotionally triggered pawns.

Once you see this, listen again to our detractors. You choose. Do you want to spend your time and money in resentment and conflict and status squabbles? Or would you like to have learning problems solved, and weaknesses overcoming by strength, and faith applied to find good ideas — for success and total well-being. Two paths. You decide.