Category Archives: Health

EMF for Health

As I related, I was at a healing ministry conference and heard a presentation about EMF relating to human health. There seemed to be a great deal of interest from the crowd, so I thought I would share a little more than the presenter did, who just gave an introduction. EMF can be used in creative ways for health.

The first EMF we think of might be… light. Sunlight is actually good for us — in proper doses — And in modern society, often we don’t get enough.

You might be surprised that even colored lights can be used as therapy. Many peopel now are aware of infrared sauna for health purposed.

Check out our episode for some new ideas.

Here is a book to check out also: Vibrations . I have been able to read it yet,l and Amazon won’t even let me on to give you a link. But, it comes recommended from one of my brainiac friends. You should like it.

EMF to Avoid


I was at a healing ministry conference and someone, purportedly with a scientific background, gave a sermon on EMF. Everyone was excited. As long-time listeners know, I have addressed the topic twice since this ministry began. The first time, I was still on the radio, but also podcasting. WOW! was I ever punished! Many listeners left at that time. Like so many “conspiracy theories” what I said has been proven true.

(Of course, what I put out was not a theory nor about a conspiracy, but based on proven science, but I guess my listeners can’t tell. That is why I have a better thinking skills series going on.)

So, rather than spend an hour, with tones of historical preaching telling you that EMF is a thing related to health, I will give you some practicalities.


EMF means all electro-magnetic frequencies, so it covers electricity, radio, light, sound, microwaves, magnetism — all in a spectrum. Each part of the spectrum has a name and some measurement. So, radio frequency RF is measured in Hertz. Electricity is measured in watts, volts, amps. Magnetism is measured in gauss. For more information, get a phsyical science book. Great lessons here!

Now, here is one I fail to add to the audio: you can measure the emf around you! You SHOULD MEASURE THE EMF around you. First, get a Tri-meter like this: (just given for example). Then measure. We can argue what is a safe level, but just look on the meter (look at both milliamps and milligaus) and see what is significant and what is a lot.


I was inspired by listening to someone who discovered his wife’s wireless printer was putting out a lot and she had been sitting beside it for years. No wonder she was having senior moments. I always avoided wireless, because I knew. So, my printer is connected by a cord. But my air purifier, which sits next to me, was measuring off the charts! My desktop was insignificant, but my laptop was half way across the arc. So, now I am not nearly so worried about my laptop, but I sure moved my air purifier far away from me. No need it sitting beside me. Who knew!?!? (Be ware of knock-offs!)

Now, emf falls off at the cube of the distance, so how far away you put your CPU (works of your computer) matters. Set it further away. Put your cell phone on speaker phone or use air pods (better than wires).

So, if you want to get a tri-meter or a multi-meter, you probably can borrow one from your friendly neighborhood electrical engineer or a ham radio operator or someone like that. You can buy one for maybe $100. You can do that simple way of just seeing what is significant across the measuring arc. Alternatively, you can get into the details about what is safe limit. Notice that American manufacturers have lower standards than European. Further, American manufacturers often control the government agencies which set standards. Also, there is such a thing as duty cycles. What is safe for a short time, is not safe for long exposure. That is why for instance, in the American military, in the old days, when guys were on old radios, they could only serve at that desk for so many hours and then had to rotate. So, the humans had a duty cycle for safety.

This article says (American standards)
10 milliamps per sq meter for adults, but only 2 for children for electrical
6 GHz for wireless
Microwave – stay away from the door lest it leak — but notice: your cell phone works on microwaves (I would suggest a good RF reducing case. Don’t use in the car if at all possible as the metal on the car makes the phone power up more.)
European standard for cell phone towers is that they can not be within 2 to 3 miles of a home

GAUSS for Magnetic Force
Gauss measures magnetic force, and microwaves from cell phone towers give off gauss too. I noticed that the retired NASA scientist that came to measure radiation exposure at my house measured in gauss, as well as other things. I can tell you that the siding that has metal in it cut down that radiation by 75%. What I could measure was gauss. Of course, he had more measuring capability and more training in this than I could ever have.

You will find articles that say there is no proven affect of magnet force on human tissue.

At the same time, you know very well that both eastern and modern western medicine use magnets. I am not expert enough to tell you what magnetic forces to avoid or seek. But here is an article that addresses the issue:


I am hearing that many smart meters are registering well over the 40 milliamps that is thought to be safe, but there are wire mesh covers that can reduce emissions. For this, you might want to search for a professional. One discussion of this was at Survival Dispatch

It is clear that some people are more sensitive to various kinds of emissions. Don’t tell them it is all in their head! A friends who has a degree and lots of experience in ee (electrical engineering) had to admit that he had relatives who were sensitive — and to different things.

I have a hard time in some places that have cheap lights and many computers! I hear the lights hum/ring. I might hear older computers scream. I am concerned that many public schools are not good for the EMF of this type in classrooms1

Links given here are just illustrative (rather than highly curated). If you have better or more precise info, please share.

How to Think Better by Starting with a Healthy Brain

Long awaited series started by some reminders about basic brain health that are often overlooked.
Children, youth, and mature adults all need sleep, protein, and vitamins. Each has their particular challenge. I just briefly mention most of these things, and give a quick run down of some supplements. If you want more specifics on any of these topics, let me know.

Another point about brain health is to stay away from toxins, which is hard to do. 3M is getting sued for polluting their products with forever chemicals. Imagine, being a company and putting brain harming chemicals in… cars, housing material, clothes, bandaids, and cosmetics. Let’s not even mention food and medicines. So, detox is a fine plan. In the immediate, please do your best not to pollute yourself and your child. For instance, when I was pregnant, I would often see the plume of car exhaust, and try to be careful to turn away, to not breathe it. I was not able to shield my baby from everything, but I did my best.

I meet young adults these days who seem to try, but seem to have very little thinking ability. This has been going on, worse and worse for several decades. School is bad, but so is the environment. I argued this about pollution in the 1980s and 1990s and was roundly ridiculed. Then, a doctor on the Learning Disabilities Association of Texas, said at one of their conventions that we should look into it. After that, I got less criticism, but still plenty of skepticism. Today, there are lawsuits aplenty. One day we may have a better situation. In the meantime, do your best as a parent to reduce exposure to agents that harm brains.

Breastfeeding and What if A Mother Can Not?

Breastfeeding is best. We do know this. Best for health; best for baby’s brain.
But what if a mother can not breastfeed for some real reason? Back in Spring 2022, remember, we had a baby formula crisis. We seem to have recurrent “crisis” around food — let’s hold that idea. Remember, you couldn’t get that formula. But… did you ever want it? Have you read what is in commercial formula? Is there a better substitute? A professional lactation specialists is not permitted to tell you, but … I found a friend.

So, a great friend, wonderful mother, and inspiring woman let us know about her situation and how she makes formula. Not surprisingly, she got some information from the Weston-Price Foundation.

Weston-Price Foundation recommends healthier food. Have you heard all the claims that commercial food is being tainted or will be tainted with dangerous mRNA or bugs? Someone asked Robert Barnes, Constitutional Lawyer extraordinaire how it is that elites would taint food, since wouldn’t they kill themselves thereby. Barnes averred that elites tend not to eat commercial food. I have heard that King Charles has long invested in organic gardens on his property and that garden supplies his tables. So, Barnes’ observation on that point may be correct, and this questioner’s assumption might fail. At any rate, I and GSB have long held that it is best to eat food like God made it. It is our faith; and it has worked for us.

If you are not at the breastfedding stage, you may wish to check into the extent to which cow or goat or sheep milk is good for your child. I think you may be surprised to find out that while necessary measures in commercial process may reduce nutrition. Thus, raw milk, if you can get it, from a trust source, might be the best option. Check out our handout, which is indebted to the Weston-Price Foundation. See the sidebar to the right.

Doc Pete Chambers, who coordinated relief to West Texas ranchers, suggested that pattern analysis may indicate that intentional targeting of food production may have been the cause of the blaze. › v4gnoxx-texas-fire-situation-report-with-doc-pete-chambers-live-from-tx.html
TEXAS FIRE – Situation Report With Doc Pete Chambers Live From TX – Rumble
Mar 1, 2024INSPIRED Mar 1, 2024 TEXAS FIRE – Situation Report With Doc Pete Chambers Live From TX Gundry MD – Watch this eye-opening … › article › lliquid-nitrogen-leak-georgia-plant-34698174274717f4ec84b6964782e9fe
Liquid nitrogen leak at Georgia poultry plant kills 6 | AP News
Published 7:29 PM PDT, January 28, 2021. GAINESVILLE, Ga, (AP) — A liquid nitrogen leak at a northeast Georgia poultry plant killed six people Thursday and sent 11 others to the hospital, officials said. At least three of those injured at the Foundation Food Group plant in Gainesville were reported in critical condition. › us › texas-chicken-farm-engulfed-hours-massive-blaze
Texas chicken farm erupted into flames on Monday night | Fox News
Jan 31, 2024The Bryan Fire Department shared images of the fire, which showed huge flames and a giant plume of smoke at Feather Crest Chicken Farm, which is owned by MPS Egg Farms. The sheriff’s office said … › news › massive-fire-destroys-buildings-holding-up-to-80000-chickens-at-dade-city-farm
Dade City poultry farm fire likely killed 250,000 chickens, officials say
DADE CITY, Fla. – Fire crews in Pasco County said a massive fire likely killed as many as 250,000 chickens at a Dade City chicken farm after flames tore through three barns with thousands of chickens inside. Farmhands living at Cal-Maine Foods in Dade City called 911 to report the growing fire. When The Amos Miller case is paragimatic of the food freedom concern. Check out legal documents, and actual truth, on the 1776 Law Center site. Most conventional news outlets are predictably being stenographers for the flagrant over-reach of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. There does seem to be a coordinated attack on the Amish in general. Imagine: a movie about Amish as the mob. Right. They are pacificists. They don’t even understand the concept of lying. So, guess who is lying… again.

Get right with God… no way to argue we are not in the end times when this sort of thing going on: bioweapons mandated and advertised by the government who also censor critics. Then, not just conservative Christians in politics (who for instance pray outside of abortion clinic they see as baby killing factories) but now… Amish… for selling foods entirely lawfully. This does match the woes in the book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ.