Category Archives: Causes of learning disabilities

Priorities in Life – Makes Rest Line Up

Prioritizing life makes the rest line up the best. Even if we get good grades or a good job, if we are a bad person, we have not succeeded. Same for our children. Yet, in the rush of being a parent, of a child whose needs take up maybe extra time, especially in today’s dark world, we might forget the most important. The urgent crowds out the important. But if that important foundation is missing, everything else slants, breaks, and could crumble.

Eternal, moral, and only then educational.

Today, in this holiday season, let us consider the most important things, and how we can re-prioritize, come to faith, and line the rest of life up. The promise is that it works better that way.

I offer again my product on how to teach in dangerous times. I offer some guidance in going through this next dark rough patch.  Get under the wing of God, with others doing the same. I will see you on the other side of night, in the bright light of day. Be blest: may you and your children increase. Why? How? Because we are taught of the LORD and therefore great will be our shalom, our total well-being.

Detoxify? A child? Detoxification for children at Mom Level

Today, I share with you why detoxification is important and possibly of utmost importance in addressing “autism.” While chelation therapy  is the gold standard, this might not be right for the situation. Here are some ideas from the kitchen on how to eat a diet that should allow for more excretion of toxins than does the standard diet. Some ideas to think about and others to ask about.



How to remove aluminium from a child’s body?


All Natural Mom’s Guide to the Feingold Diet

The Feingold For ADHD

The Feingold Cookbook  

In the time period Dr. Feingold was writing these books, ADHD was the problem was the one most talked about. The other big contribution, besides the elimination idea, was the identification of artificial colors as a culprit for many people. One would think that the idea would be well known by now. BTW, I am not necessarily recommended and I get no comission ; I am just posting these for your convenience. Feel free to comparison shop.

Of course, fasting is a detox method also, but I don’t recommend that for small children! Still, I will post a few books along that line. Dr. Colbert is one of our friends.


The Daniel Detox: 21 Days

Toxic Relief

Eat This and Live!

Healthy Brain Zone

Please Share with us resources that worked for you.\

New news:

I never even thought of this: that anyone would use applesauce in any manner except out of a glass jar (or unless travelling out of a plastic cup with a spoon.) I would not use these pouches, they are not even in my awareness…. oh yes, in daycares. Well, here is bad news. Isn’t that interesting that this news came the very week that I tell you about the history of a leading family and their child… and recommend applesauce. Wow!  Spiritual warfare!  Be prudent, take things in context, and find good help.

Love you. Have a blessed holiday season.

First Things that a Mama Lioness Does

Last Time: Engage as  Mama Bear

Last time we talked a little bit about being a mama bear – holding other people accountable. Today, I am going to talk about my perspective that arises from 2 generations of failure, even with prodigious ability, to get government school officials to follow the law. I also recognize the work of Katy Marshall (Texas Scorecard) and her Exposed podcast, that discusses the dark side of Texas public schools. Trouble is, Texas is not somehow different than any other state. Maybe it is much better! They may have larger school districts — or not. They may have more conservative politicians – or not. They may have citizen who are more willing to speak out because they think the system is more conservative — probably.

Rabbit Trail: Isn’t it Odd?

Isn’t it odd, actually, how all our local school districts, in whatever state seem to be facing the same very strange problem of porn in school at the same time. Isn’t strange how, after FBI fingerprints being put in as a precaution back in 2007, and public outing of sex offenders’ locations online, that we still have so much sexual abuse of children? Isn’t it passing strange that when parents come to school board meetings, that across the country, they are treated as if they were criminal offender? And not just in one location or another.   Okay, but moving on.

Exposed : Dark Side of What is Going on in Government Schools

It happens that recent episodes  of Exposed have focused on alleged abuse in Prosper ISD. What needs to be understood in context is that Prosper is an reasonably affluent part of Dallas Fort Worth metroplex, fast growing, and not unusual. Some small towns might suffer less, but they are under the same ultimate management. Similarly, one thinks of Texas as a “red” state — but we have already discussed the false dichotomy of thinking that that means that governance is more conservative or just. Go back about 3 episodes for that.

Season 6 Episode 2 – The Other Cheek

Season 6 Episode 3 – The Spreading Rot


This time on Overcoming Learning Problems, I will share with you my maybe surprising conclusions about what is more important for a mother to do today. More conservative and more radically change oriented. Think Susanna Wesley! Change the world. And you will find it jolly well matches your personality, too, I imagine. You will be, should be surprised that I think so, but I do. My reflections today, after more fights with school officials than I wish to recall.


Knowing this, I expect you will find a deeper appreciation of what we are doing here at GSB: Overcoming Learning Problems. Our perspective will save your child from the abuse and academic degradation that you WILL find in government schools. Our perspective might save you the $87,000 one of our interviewees say that they charge families. It should save most home-schoolers a lot of grief, anxiety, and bewilderment. What I put out here, for free, is very valuable. Please make use of it, get more, and tell your friends.