Category Archives: Bible teaching & study

Encountering God is the Best of Summer Activities

Every year the episode on activities to do during the summer is a popular episode. This year, we are running a little them, with some rebroadcasts of old interviews. Be sure to hear what Becky Fischer told us about children encountering God, not just having a few warmed over stories in the basement. (Guess what her young life was like? Well, not exactly: she was the preacher’s daughter and had to teach the children in the basement when she was young. After a successful business career, she is now teaching teachers and children alike..)

So, this week, Mr. Wisenhutter, then of Austin, a high tech worker, shared with us his youth program, where again, the students encounter God for themselves. Given both opportunity and oversight, youth can go just about what adults can. In this day and hour, it is imperative to give children and youth access to wholesome life change, life affirming, life protective experiences. There is no waiting around!

This is not a dreary drug prevention campaign! This is a real high in Holy Spirit. Check it out.

Bart Once Was Non-Sighted; Now he Sees

Finishing up our 3 part series on miraculous healing, we hear the history of “Blind Bartimeus” — or Blind Bart or today maybe Bart who used to be non-sighted. Well, Bart was once non-sighted, but now he sees. He heard that Jesus the Miracle Worker was coming to town. He positioned himself. Then he started calling out — loudly.

Look at the dynamics, because they are typical. He positioned himself and he started calling out, toward where he had heard Jesus was coming. People around him told him to stop. Typical!!!  But Jesus did hear him and called him. Then, the people around him changed their tune and were telling him to go.

He threw off his beggar’s cloak, the label that permitted him to get his beggar’s pittance. Jesus healed him. He walked away, seeing. This throwing off was a faith statement. Jesus said more than once to someone, “You faith has made you whole/well/saved.” (It is all the same word in Greek: sozo.)

Go thou and do likewise. Meaning: position yourself, call out, ignore contradictions, have faith, and walk away victorious. That is the way it works.

It might be easier to learn how to read, how to do algebra, and how to understand philosophy than to believe for sight if you have never seen. So, go for what you need. And by all means, throw off the label!

Also, announcements following in the audio.

Healing Scriptures from the New Testament to Overcome Learning Problems

Today, I just read healing scriptures from the New Testament. Last episode, I read healing Scriptures from the Old Testament. Indeed, I start with the NT quoting Isaiah 53! (Don’t forget to get the product where I delve into the Hebrew of Isaiah 53! and I go on to Isa 54 — where our foundational scripture is found! )

Today, more healing scriptures, especially selected for people believing for overcoming learning problems. Scriptures about healing, yes, but also Scriptures themselves have a healing property because God’s Word does not go forth void.

There are so very many concocted stories in the church why not healing; so, how about just listening to the Scriptures itself? So many lies have been exposed in recent years: in government, in media, in schools. Lies are also in the church. Let’s forget about all that for the moment, and focus on The Word of God. It was the Word of God that created all things, that came among us, and it will be the Word of God, believed, that will heal us.


And of course, email me your/your children’s  testimonies.

Healing Applies to Learning Problems, too

Today, as promised, we talk about how healing applies to learning problems. If you missed last episodes, where we laid out our plans, go hear it now too.

Everyone likes to pray for healing for themselves, but few are brave enough, or informed enough to say they believe it. Some even concoct stories contrary to the bible they say they believe in and teach it confidently!  That is who you do not want to be.

Most of us hope. Okay, but let’s see what the Scriptures say, okay?  By the way, it is good news!