Category Archives: What is true?

Vision Can Be Improved!

Vision can be improved! So can eyesight.

Both vision and eyesight can be improved? Did you think not? Did someone tell you otherwise?

Vision has to do with the brain. Eyesight has to do with the eyes. Both need to be working. Both can be improved.

Eye doctors do not do that. They, instead, sell glasses. So, they “correct” eyesight by putting on glasses. Often these glasses are the wrong prescription. People, especially children complain, and are told “well your eyes will adjust.” Well, sure enough their brain adjusts, and maybe their eyes adjust too. And then they need stronger glasses. Until the person is old and is sold surgery — that lasts only 7 years. STOP!

Vision is not the same as Eyesight

Vision/eyesight is extremely important. Obviously, it underlies academic performance, but also it is foundational to lots of other things including spatial awareness/coordination and social ability and behavior and ability to focus! Until now just about no one was working scientifically on that.


And more and more Americans are having eye problems — largely because of the over-use of screens.

I just heard a great podcast by Dave Asprey with guest Dr. Bryce Applebaum that got me excited. So, I sat down with you, like an informal chat, and tried to convey what I know.

Meier Schnieder was blind, exercised till he could see, and started sharing his intuitive methods with others. He now teaches courses in person and on line. He had a couple of books, too.

Here is a link to the old sunning and palming exercises, altho I do not know the folks behind these sites at all. Looks like this is called the “Bates Method.”

Easy things to do

First principals:
Get outside, do not stay indoors on your computer all the time! Strictly limit screen time for children. Make your screens warm, with as little blue light as possible. Even adults should stop using a screen 2 hours before bedtime or use strong blue blockers like Tru dark glasses. (Cheap substitutes won’t be as good but will likely do some good.)

Look far away. Take breaks from working your eyes at least every hour.

Exercise your eyes: 1) Look close and far away
2) Look all around
3) Use your peripheral vision
4) Rest your eyes by covering your eyes with your warm palms and enjoying darkness for a while.

I think you will notice that your eyesight is improving with just a few trials. But keep on! Take hope and motivation by this fact, now established: that vision and eyesight can be improved — a great deal. Maybe in the future no one will wear glasses!

Covid Con, Death Rates, and the new RSV vaccine
New RSV vaccine not tested for safety.
Much higher death rates among Canadians who have been “boosted.”
Astonishing death rates in the UK>
Dr. McCullough says accountability for the covid scam/jab bioweapon is coming.
Fox and Newsmax took bribes to suppress news about vaxx injury
vaxx vs unvaxxed
Dr. Long: We have no idea how long the affects will be, perhaps even trans-generational.
An attorney and a military doctor converse. This was a long-planned weapons test in a de-population/software installation plan.

BTW, we are not overpopulated. We could put everyone in a single family home, in West Texas. We have made great progress on reducing pollution. And we have had massive die offs during the last century, largest because of violence based on ideology: Russia, Nazis, China, Cambodia — and now…
“Soldiers are being abused.”
“”IF you got vaxxed, you are the property of the patent holders. That is the status of the law now.”

Where are the Pictures of the Pilgrims?

Where are the pictures of the pilgrims? How — and why! — has that history been erased. Let’s think about that today.
This is a rerun from 2020. Some of us who said things that weren’t always well received in 2020 can now legitimately toot our own horn. It is time for the recognition of discernment and wisdom.

Let’s sort our our curricular problems in education, just as we sort out method. Our children should not be hampered by the refusal to teach them facts. Or by the lack of wisdom in how to teach them.

Today, not just a diatribe but some good ideas for what to do with the children this Thanksgiving weekend.

Let’s also consider some gift giving — whether Christmas, or if in your house it is Hanukah. Books are always great. We have some.
Here is a wonderful article by Marshall Foster on Thanksgiving and the character of the nation and its original founders.

How to Tell What is True

We have been in a series on how to think better. However, this is the first episode of the older series on how to tell what is true. Wow! is this ever a timely topic. More than half the country is rejoicing that we saved democracy from communists, and another large percentage of the country is lamenting that Hitler and the facists have just taken over, with a promise to end democracy. One party wants to return to the rule of law and the other is afraid of lawfare and weaponized government. It would be hilariously laughable if it were not so deadly serious.

However, this ability to tell what is true is not just a widespread life skill need, but it is particularly a “LD” need. Students with learning disabilities seem to be slower at “reading between the lines” precisely because they are spending so much energy on decoding what those words in the line mean. They may be slower at gaining “social skills” precisely because they are spending so much time on academic work. Of course, it also may be true that there are brain healing, detoxing, and growing issues, which we addressed in the more recent series.

In any case, this topic, how to tell what is true, is a huge need for everyone. Teacher and educators need to work with students who are having problems in school to directly teach this. It is a shame, of course, that this is not in the normal public school curricula. Wonder why that is?

Anyway, hope this helps you. Please like, share, and tell your friends.