Category Archives: Losing Faith in College

Praying in the Prodigals

Nearly every family has one — or several. Too often, feeling alone, we have lost the heart to pray for them. It is high time we link arms and pray together. Today we are doing just that. Using Isaiah 43:6 as our promise, we pray in confidence that the prodigals will be brought back. In fact, while we are at it, let’s make the enemy pay for the theft of our children with the return of their whole generation into the kingdom.

Can you love someone and disagree with them at the same time?

For most of us, older folks, who have long been in church, we would think the answer to this question is obvious. Of course people and disagree about something and still love one another! How could it be any other way?
However, some folks think not. “This is who I am, so if you don’t agree, you don’t love me.”
Let’s consider the matter.
It is very important today.
Let’s also consider what it means to love, how to love wisely, and how to disagree properly.
Let’s consider what flows from each claim and counterclaim. Is it appropriate to say “You must agree with me completely or you are not loving”? What does it mean to a parent when a child says this? What might one say back?
Notice how this relates to child rearing, witnessing, evangelism, and politics today!
More, deeper Bible Study on this topic on What does it mean to follow Jesus, being loving, and yet standing against sin?
Feel free to weigh in… in a civil, polite, restrained way.

New Understanding of Authority

You might have heard of the sovereignty of God and thought it meant everything that happens was in the will of God. You might have heard of “speaking truth to power” and figured that was for leftist activists. Here is a new idea from someone long ago who was faithful in the midst of duties in an ungodly world: Daniel

Call to Parents to Be Involved with Children’s Education

Parents must wake up! You need to know what is going on in your child’s world. This is the first in a series from II Timothy 2& 3, where we glean advice on teaching and parenting. Very appropriate!

Whole series, with good advice for parents and teachers, available for $50.00, on CDs. Send to Sharon Sarles P.O. Box 971 Cedar Park Texas 78613