Category Archives: In the news

Pentecost Power: Sound in Government

It is time to make a sound in government. Otherwise your rights will be gone: free speech, free assembly, right to follow your conscience. Shouldn’t have to explain much about that today. But how? Listen. That is what Holy Spirit came for.

Important Common Sense Info : A Doctor, A Petition, A Minister

It is the mission of this broadcast ministry to share “good ideas” from experts that would help the well-being of children. Here is a doctor weighing in with advice and information that is professional, common sensical, suppressed, and important.

recorded May 10, 2020 Dallas
Please share widely.

For a petition against coerced vaccines:
There are many others. I encourage you strongly to be active as a citizen. Inform your representatives. Remove by election any who pet you on the head and do as they like. They are supposed to be representatives and not rulers. And certainly not illegal conspiratorial rulers. This mean email, call, and write, and then be active politically, and of course vote. This is all very much preferable to either having to use force of arms or dying a martyrs’ death.

Both of which seem to be choices quickly arriving.

For a minister’s opinion on current events, in light of Scripture, please see Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne May 14, 2020
Earlier in the week, he had a lawyer who is a Constitutional expert on. She has written a book for children, too.

Please devote adequate time to teaching your child the Bible and the founders’ view of liberty and a government constrained by law. The Constitution, and not people, are the supreme law of the land. Government was endowed with power in order to protect our rights. Not something else.

Course links: Free course on the Constitution Constitution 101

Rescue of Children – Sex Abuse Rings Busted

In our series of the great rescues that God did over this Passover season, we are going to cover a rescue of children from sexual abuse rings. We will not talk about the horrible details. I heard this from a ministry I trust. I could not find examples during the exact week. What I did find was reputable, conventional news sources reporting this regularly over the last 3 years or so. I had not really heard much about it. Had I mentioned elite people participating in child sexual abuse, with or without idolatrous religious connections, and/or law enforcement stopping and prosecuting same, I would have been mocked as a conspiracy theorist. However, apparently, this indeed was going on. Obviously, anyone who would do such a thing would like to keep it secret. That it is regularly being reported that there are “busts” is a good thing — if we can assume that these reports are true. If even half true, then some children were rescued. If there are ongoing abuses, let alone a trend, then more and more children are being rescued. Future children won’t be abused, thank God.

This Passover/Resurrection season surely has been amazing. We are in a regroup now, a shut-in time (hopefully shut in with God), in order to be released into working in the Great Awakening manifested on Pentecost. I think many of us are being awakened during this time. We are finding new news sources, and sloughing off old, corrupt ones. We are discovering corruption in most sectors or society. Our eyes are being opened to the creeping evil and resultant slavery even in our own country, cities, and homes.

Let’s a greet every revelation with thanks. God is on the move.First we hear the rustle. Then we go with God.

Let’s prepare to go with God. And God wants total well-being for all children!

Homeschooling More Popular After Covid-19 Experience

During this unprecedent time, with so many families being shut in for an extended period of time, families have had an opportunity to get just a taste of what home education might be like. They didn’t have support in it, not mentoring, nor models, nor social outlet. They didn’t have new curricula of their choice. They didn’t have a choice. Even still, they have come to see that being involved in their children’s schooling could be a good thing. Or maybe, they discovered some bad things about how school was done. Perhaps they discovered how little children were actually expected to do. Maybe they discovered poor textbooks. Maybe they discovered a socialist bent. They could have discovered how hard it is, how frustrated they are with their children, or how likely abuse is. But actually, they didn’t…. for the most part.

Are you curious? Texas Home School Coalition took a survey and Tim Lambert tells us what they found.

We will be supporting and resourcing this idea, this effort.