Category Archives: character education

Testimony of Shelby Ring

I want to have you hear Shelby’s testimony. She gave this December 2008. What amazes me is how deeply she was into trouble – even though her parents were right there. And they are great people!

Last week I met a woman who has done some work on the streets with kids. She says she wants to start talking with parents to let them know that we are in an emergency situation. I know that there is a new initiative with pastors in this area to fight sex trafficing — AMONG CHILDREN WHO LIVE AT HOME!!!!

Let’s wake-up and connect with the young people. It has been said that any society is only one generation from barbarism. We are less than that. We must learn to connect, evangelize, and disciple the next generation. Please contribute your comments/

To do this Summer with your kids – Give the Key to Success

Big reveal: What is the single most important key to success? Etiquette! I know families who have spreadsheets for each child, ticking off academics and sports achievement, yet forget to teach and model even so much as saying “Good morning” or “Please.” How likely is this to work? Unfortunately, the majority of children today have even less training! They arrive to the workforce thinking they are the king of the universe — just like a two year old does. Then they wonder why they can’t hold down a job, keep a rental situation, or have friends. DON’T LET THIS BE YOUR CHILD! Train them in basic social skills. It is called etiquette.

Give a listen. It’s light, but it will be surprising, revealing!

Definitive List of Secret “To-Do” to Fruitful Life

Overlooked, but tested traits for a fruitful life that really counts. From a letter written by St. Peter — yes, that guy — the walking on water, denying Jesus guy. Sounds good to me to know the list of things to do in order to never stumble, to have your life work, right? So let’s go through this list.

The Basis of Education is…… Character Training. Do We Do that?

There is robust, if almost unknown, scientific evidence that the single biggest predictor for academic achievement is church or synagogue affiliation. Even controlling for the income in the home or the money spent on schooling. Researchers think that the explanation for this is that all congregations and their schools aim for character development.

If the research is this clear, why is this finding suppressed? Why are we not putting any emphasis on character development in our schools. Are there NO character traits that we can all agree upon are valuable? Not honesty? Not diligence? Not self-reliance?

How to make schools better is clear, if we simply apply this one principle: character development is the true basis for better education.

This is the last call for registrations for our pastor and congregational leaders meeting in Dallas on May 13th, to discuss how to start a preschool. Call me at 512-534-5425 for details. Early bird rate has ended. Now $297.