Tag Archives: survey

Carl Sommer Tells Children’s Stories — For Character Development

This is the last in our 3 part series about Carl Sommer’s character building children stories. Today a real treat: he tells us, in brief a couple of stories. Even better are the little books. And this month we have the special favor of a discount just for my listeners: 25% discount. Go to www.advancepublishing.com and enter the promo code “great”. Do it now or the best deals might be taken. Buy for Christmas! Buy for your church nursery! And Sunday School department! And your local favorite teacher! Yes, really, they are that good.

Also, today, a call for feedback from my listeners. What do you want more of? Character? Basic mothering? Health? For the Grandparent generation? Bible and faith? Courses? More entertaining? Religious education? How to tell what is true and what is not? Please make your needs known.

Love and BlessingS! Rev. Sharon.

Great Well-Being for All the Family

Mad as hell! Seeing people lose their mental faculties for lack of knowing simply measures. Seeing people suffering from medical industry depredations. Seeing a generation march toward slavery because of lack of morals and basic skills.

But I could do something about it. I could write. I could speak. I could broadcast. As charged up as Heaven!

Let me know if you would like a newsletter, a broadcast, a podcast, or what. What format. What topics: correct understanding of spiritual teaching, health, education, economics, or politics?

To me, this all goes together. It is for freedom that Christ set us free. It is the anti-christ that would like to see people turned into squeezed out turnips on a trash pile.

How can I serve you? How would people listen?