Category Archives: Current Events

Great Info Coming on Great Shalom – Education, Faith, Answers

I have such important things to post, but gosh, right now, I can’t. We have some technical transitions going on. Once we accomplish it, we will have much greater reach and it will be easier for you to access our episodes.

In the virtual green room, is an episode about how to “be the village” that children need. This is current; both candidates for presidents acknowledge we need to pay attention to children’s education. Okay, but what? How will it work? What can you do now? I will answer that.

Also I have a series ready on how to answer questions and challenges to the faith. You and your children, at least your older children desperately need this information. How I have seen good Christian parents be dismayed at what their children turned out to be. They never realized that other influences were giving them an alternate value system. They may not have realized that they themselves had swallowed one. Let’s talk. I’ve got some answers for you.

Revelation: Stay out of street protests now

Isa 42:2 He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street.

In these end times, it is following Jesus to stay out of street violence. Jesus never led into violence. Jesus never led into complaining.  Holy Spirit is never the author of confusion, strife or dissension.  In this time, there is an evil desire to stir up contention and unrest in the population. The controllists are using the resentments of the less advantaged to make trouble so they can clamp down. Street protests no longer are useful, have always had attempts at subversion, and today are dangerous. Stay out of them!

Jesus said to go the second mile and to turn the other cheek. Paul said to submit. Gandhi was firmly holding to the truth. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King taught nonviolent resistance and went to great lengths that no one should ever be harmed; even his opponents reputation should not be harmed or he would call off a march. Today, instead, we see protests based on lies and turning into riots.

Even after it was publicly known that Brown was a consistent criminal, still there was a second annual march. To this day the name of Michael Brown is used in a list of police wrong-doing!

Today, we are not permitted to distinguish between a pervasive war of terror and regular street crime — by national policy. At the same time, we are urged to call regular crime ( and some times innocent nothings) hate crimes. While at the same time real hate is becoming policy and certainly widely enflamed.

Listen to me, listen to me. By revelation: stay out of street protests. Stay home and go to work.  Pray. Vote. Talk to your neighbors in a reasoned way.

Remember: Resentment is the work of the devil. Fanning it will bring nothing good. Thankfulness is a better vibration. Yes?




Are We Living in a Sexualy Repressed Society?

Are we STILL being taught that today’s problems exist because we lived in a sexually repressed society? WHAT? Time to rethink.

Repressed Sex?

Apparently, this is still taught and still given as an explanation. However, we surely know that our society is HIGHLY sexualized. Indeed, it has become stock-in-trade to point to the 1960s ubiquitous practice of selling cars by draping pretty young women across the hoods. While that is not done any longer because of the outcry of the feminist movement — and the number of female car buyers — today we are even more highly sexualized. Just go out in public and watch people. See how they dress. How they interact. Sexual purity has become a relic of the past. Indeed, suggesting that sex should be between one man and one woman in marriage only itself has become controversial, even despised. So the argument fails.

So why is it still trotted out? Does some one have an agenda to push? Who benefits from pushing this oversexualization? Who benefits from condemning wholesomeness and sexual purity? And why?

If it is NOT TRUE that sexual problems in society stem primarily from sexual repression (and given that we have more sexual problems than ever, more rape, more violence, more children molested, and much much more sex trafficing, then why isn’t some constraint being considered? Why not a move FOR “sexual repression”?

Is it because of this old saw? Where did it come from? Why is it still repeated? How could we change the situation?

Speak the truth.

Dani Johnson Warned About Porn — but Who Could Have Predicted What We Have Now?

We so appreciated Dani Johnson’s sharing with us her crusade against porn aimed at children. Dani Johnson, for those of you who don’t know, is a near famous trainer for the multi-level marketing industry. She is also mother of five and author of the book, Grooming Children for Success. I highly recommend it. I will post here the archived broadcast.

Dani Johnson v Porn aimed at Children Dani Johnson is a guru in the multi-level marketing industry so she knows what the marketing gurus are doing. They are sitting in board rooms planning how to addict children to porn. Rerun from Jan 2009.

I think it is worthwhile reflecting on the trajectory of our society at a time when most of us can not believe what we are hearing: requiring both sexes of children to bathroom, dress, and shower together. When I first heard it, I thought my friend surely had it wrong, that maybe it was a mandate to make one bathroom for anyone. Who could have believed that an American public official would forces schools to harm 100% of the children over some purported or help or right to some 1/100th of the population that even science is uncertain really exists.

The Great Shalom has worked hard to steer clear of all political controversies, but clearly when the safety, health, and well-being of all children are at stake, and the moral well-being of the country is seriously in question, we cannot be silent. GSB can not/will not opine on whether transgendered persons are so by ascription or acheivement, whether they are born so or are mentally ill. If they are born so, then perhaps there may be a need to take care of them – but even this eventuality does not dictate a particular direction as to what is helpful. This may be left to experts. However, even if there are “transgendered people” and even if the best thing is to go along rather than treat them, nevertheless, we can not sacrifice the at least nearly 100%.

We have been appalled at the sexual assualts at school. We have been appalled at the porn aimed at children. We look back and see a downward trend, having begun about 100 years ago, to encourage cross-gendered behavior. Bobbing of the hair by women was widely preached against. Men shaving perhaps did not have the same controversy, but was certainly an innovation, accepted because of purported lice in military quarters. We might want to consider historical and sociological questions. Indeed, I have thought that it would be humorous to suggest that we all engage in social protest: the women by wearing long hair and long skirts and the men by sporting beards — without military mustaches. But some others have thought of these measures before I did. LOL.

Certainly, as parents and citizens we must discuss policy. We can not imagine that this move is a move by one man. Indeed Fort Worth was already engaged in such a controversy. And a Round Rock teacher was reprimanded for correcting a high school girl who went into a boys bathroom — before there was any such mandate. Think of this. You are responsible for herding high schoolers; you see a girl walking purposively to the boys bathroom; you never heard of any transgender mandate (maybe never heard of transgender anything; and you get reprimanded by your boss? WHAT?  This is a movement. And why? Why would anyone make a concerted effort across the nation, against all public schools for a purported 1/100th? We need to talk about this. And what is the right response? We need to talk about this. Please go to for policy discussions.

If you have questions about starting or running a preschool — and now home school cooperative or a school, please go to