Category Archives: College

How to Think Better: Use Definitions

In our series on how to think better, this week we are going to talk about noticing and using and enforcing definitions. Because “learning disabled students” spend so much time coping with regular school work like decoding, they often miss the nuances of other things like deeper comprehension and social cues. As society has lost most of its literacy and academic ability, then it is more easily tricked. This will help: USE DEFINiTIONS.

I told my college students to argue from definitions. It makes a strong argument. Like this: valuation is determined by the market. This house sold for $X this year. Therefore the value is $x. Therefore that is the tax valuation.
See? Or, in a case of a student: Water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen. So, what a happens if we put hydrogen and oxygen together (in this special way)? Marsupials are characterized by carrying their young in their pouches. A kangaroo carries their babies in their pouch. So what kind of animal is a kangaroo? Or for a high school student, socialism is defined as redistribution of the wealth. These people are promoting a plan to tax the rich and pay that money to the poor. So, what kind of a plan is that? Is that capitalism or is that socialism?

Not surprisingly, some people want to fudge or change definitions in mid-stream. These are mostly peaceful protestors; they protest by breaking plate glass windows, stealing merchandise, and burning buildings. Only a few people have been injured. These other protestors are protesting one nation’s purported occupation by occupying the administration building at their college. They are protesting carefully targeted warfare that responded to a very large very heinous terrorist act, as genocide. So, to protest, they are calling for genocide of an entire people worldwide. To advertise that position, they are refusing entrance to class buildings to students who identify with that people group. Well know this is in the news. So, wait, what is the definition of “peaceful”, “occupation,” “genocide”? Do you see that this is at the heart of the discussion.

First, people get triggered, and instead of being able to have a useful conversation on whatever the topic is, such as a particular foriegn conflict or what student in the USA should do about it, they go off on some emotional rant based on emotional feelings somewhat, if tangentially, related. For that, see last episode. Then, they have difficult conversations, but the definitions are not agreed to and are not stable. No one can make progress like that.

Do not let other people fool you by switching definitions on you. This happens all the time in advertising. You go from wanting to be successful, offered the chance to be superior in every way because of that desire, to being a slovenly lazy ass because you don’t buy the very expensive course. Self-critique of being willing to consider alternate ways of proceeding becomes s never ending struggle session where only compliance and self-hate is permitted. It goes on and one.

What is a Christian Nationalist? Some one who is both patriotic and a Christian? Or some right = wing extremist who is a violent, racist, armed terrorist?

Argue from definitions for a strong argument. Watch how others use and mis-use definitions.

Understanding Testing for Grades, Placement, Aptitude, and College Entrance

Today we talk about Testing for Grades, Placement, Aptitude, and College Entrance. I find that many people don’t understand the difference between criterion based and norm-based testing. In this way, they do not understand the scores.

Also, almost no one understands how random and arbitrary grades are. Even the standardized tests (either criterion or norm-based) have been re-centered much lower. No one has much motivation to talk about this, however.

Secrets revealed on how to find placement tests for purchasing homeschool curricula. Explanations given to allay concerns of homeschooling parent about their children being behind or being competitive in college entrance. Of course, it is helpful to understand how these tests work, but in general, home educated students are far ahead. And most college admissions clerks know that by now.

Contact Me To Start A School

Announcement to Lioness mothers. Sometimes knotty problems call for new solutions. You won’t be the first mother who started a school to get education for your own child. Maybe you have already educated yours, but maybe now you are willing to help others. It is a mission that can pay for itself.

Here are my current thoughts about the need to start Christian schools. More coming.

Please take advantage of the products that I have provided for you: books on, mostly Bible Study.

Notice what I have on  mostly market level how to.

Also, audio files on this site, see top menu. Sales to change from time to time.

Priorities in Life – Makes Rest Line Up

Prioritizing life makes the rest line up the best. Even if we get good grades or a good job, if we are a bad person, we have not succeeded. Same for our children. Yet, in the rush of being a parent, of a child whose needs take up maybe extra time, especially in today’s dark world, we might forget the most important. The urgent crowds out the important. But if that important foundation is missing, everything else slants, breaks, and could crumble.

Eternal, moral, and only then educational.

Today, in this holiday season, let us consider the most important things, and how we can re-prioritize, come to faith, and line the rest of life up. The promise is that it works better that way.

I offer again my product on how to teach in dangerous times. I offer some guidance in going through this next dark rough patch.  Get under the wing of God, with others doing the same. I will see you on the other side of night, in the bright light of day. Be blest: may you and your children increase. Why? How? Because we are taught of the LORD and therefore great will be our shalom, our total well-being.