Category Archives: American Independence

Thanksgiving 2020

Wow! Can we be thankful this year? The Spirit moved me to thank God for the upheaval. I was surprised. In this episode I ask where the Thanksgiving decorations are. Time to bring them back. Overcome bad curricula at home. Think about forming children with joy, aspirations, altruism, and self-restraint.

The Puritans were escaping a tyrannical government, desiring religious freedom and convenanted together to create a better place. They celebrated thanksgiving with a diverse people who also had a history of giving thanks and feasting. And we think we are so great that we take celebrating the good part away from our children?

Offered are some ideas of how to make Thanksgiving better: books, art, developmentally appropriate story.

Since I posted this, I have heard a couple of other messages that also encouraged the celebration of Thanksgiving, particularly at this time.
Pastor Bonnie Chavda, who had a special anointing to work on healing race relations, spoke on honoring the history of Thanksgiving :

And Kevin Zadai speaks on the importance of celebrating God and with our family.

Lance Wallnau

Rewriting History

Explanation of how history is being rewritten and why. Necessary for a parent to know real history, how to detect the problem, and the options about what to do are obvious, once the true facts are uncovered.

Pentecost Power: Sound in Government

It is time to make a sound in government. Otherwise your rights will be gone: free speech, free assembly, right to follow your conscience. Shouldn’t have to explain much about that today. But how? Listen. That is what Holy Spirit came for.

The Great Rescue

Did you notice that God made a great rescue for us this Passover season? Please notice this and consider it during the time between Passover and Pentecost. It is one thing to be rescued. Another thing to take and keep the land. Don’t let your rescue go to waste.

The rest of “Call to Arms” is available in the store on the website, tab at the top labeled “store.”