Category Archives: positive

How to Talk to Your Children

How to talk to your children, brought to you by famous sales trainer and mother of 5. This is one of my most favorite episodes. Back in 2009 Dani Johnson, of multi-level marketing fame talked with us about her book *Grooming The Next Generation for Success.* She gives detailed examples of how she talks to her children. You will be amazed at the good results.

Next time, what she said then about the porn assault on children. Then, it might have been news. Next after that, we will share with you from someone else’s podcast, a successful attempt at getting porn directed at children out of a municipal library — and the vicious reaction. It is really time to think.

For now, while you are all cozy with your family during these holidays, surely you want to think about how you speak with your children.

Holiday Ideas to Do with Children

Since episodes on ideas of things to do with children are popular, this year again, we have one on holiday crafts. Whether you celebrate Christmas or Chanukah, we have ideas for you.

Ideas include giving, crafts, and stories. Of course, I am sure your family, like mind, gathers around to hear the story of Jesus’ birth read from the Gospel of Luke.  This year, it would be especially relevant to read or tell the story of the Maccabees. While I don’t go into that in this episode, here is the story told by Prager U kids:

Today: a number of craft ideas. Most of these were sparked by my grandchildren decorating and discovering in the process crafts their mother had done when she was little. What a wonderful time. Families are really wonderful, aren’t they?  Holidays were created by God especially to pass down the family values, that which is of value, through sharing God’s history of redemption with our children and grandchildren.

Making holiday crafts is a way to do that. It is also a way to be happy, and to exercise skills of creativity and craftsmanship that children don’t often get to use during school time. Thus, it is especially helpful for those children who have been labeled “learning disabled.” Offer a way to learn that is fun and affirming, through crafts at this wonderful godly, holiday time. Celebrate the “holy days”!

Ultimate Secret to Day of Trouble

In a 3 part series, we have been gathering the secrets to success from an ancient situation. King Hezekiah faced an onslaught by the ruthless emperor Sennacharib, and his lying captain Rabshakeh. He appeals to the LORD, both directly and through the prophet isaiah. This situation is recorded 3 times in the Bible. Today, we look at Isaiah’s memory. The good news is that the Lord intervened on behalf of his people; one angel overcame 185,000 men in one night.  Here is the ultimate secret to the day of trouble.

No doubt we too have a day of trouble, rebuke and blasphemy. The same strategies of manning the wall, sorting out truth from falsehood, praying, and looking to God will help us win. This is the ultimate secret to the day of trouble. God will allow us to be challenged to strengthen us, but in the end, God will fight for us.

In the time it took to receive, record and post this series, we have seen some turn around. We have turned the corner. Lies are exposed. the captains are backing up, trying a little more. The dark kingdom is imploding. Take courage. Be strong. Overcome. Recover all.

Indeed, I am encouraged. I am beginning to see more than just a very few alternative media people share the truth. Common people are not being intimidated. They can’t fire half of all workers. They can say that they will replace nurses and air traffic controllers, but that is entirely unreasonable. They can make gas prices higher, inflation severe, taxes worse — but all that will be noticed by the people. They are not just fighting among themselves, they are shooting themselves in the foot. Intecessors and prophets are proclaiming turn around — and so do the headlines.

Let us take heart. Let us man the walls. Let us not believe the lies. let us stand with Love, Truth, and faith.   Let us go out, pursue, overtake, recover all. Meaning, no longer be locked up with fear, based on lies, with our God-given rights taken, nor our children taken, nor our health taken. We can stand together.

Harvard prof: Children SHOULD NOT be vaxxed

Revival Today reasoned resistance :

Now from the folks on the Left:

Finally, today:


How to Build Confidence in the Student with LDs

Great topic for back to school! Confidence for overcoming school challenges is a vital issue for the student who has some sort of learning problem. First, one must start with the right identity or self concept. Then one must say, enunciate positive confessions (both good self-talk and appropriate words in social context.) This is fundamental. Almost always, the process of diagnosis and the school situation gives the bright student the idea that he or she is stupid. From that perspective, they do not find the solutions for overcoming that they need. Faith, here, finds the grace available. The first — and last word — for helping the student with LD/learning problems.

Quick link to the help page on our website. How to get saved is the top audio listing.

Martin Seligman Raising Optimistic Kids Scientific book that shows how building self-esteem really works — in contrast to the counterproductive, psuedo-scientific ideas taught for decades. Many other books on well-being, being happy, etc.

Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence