Category Archives: In the news

New Understanding of Authority

You might have heard of the sovereignty of God and thought it meant everything that happens was in the will of God. You might have heard of “speaking truth to power” and figured that was for leftist activists. Here is a new idea from someone long ago who was faithful in the midst of duties in an ungodly world: Daniel

BE The Village

Is Hilary Clinton right that it takes more than just a parent or two to rear a child? Is she right in her plans to extend government reach in order to serve more children? Is this the best way? Let’s consider this. A more in depth and point-by-point consideration is in my book. And guess what? There is a 15% off sale TODAY. Just use the code: FIFTEEN.

Looking back at the stats, I am very confused. Do you like Bible Studies or interviews with providers more? Is there a pattern about what is liked? Is there a pattern of hits by month? I just can’t tell. Anyway, here is a very popular episode, one that matters to me a lot. I am following up on this idea, and the book I wrote in 2012 (The Government is not a Village available on, at the command of God, with another book, now on Amazon (How to Start a Daycare/Preschool as a Mission), with an online course.

It turns out that there is robust and replicated research that congregationally affiliated preschools have a much better academic outcome than any other type of preschool, far far better than Headstart — get this : even controlling for income in the home. This is huge. No one is talking about it. I was even told in one state by the person who controls the training for preschool teachers that I may not mention it. So much for science based education.

So if you want to make the most major impact the world, start a preschool in your church. Personalities are formed before 7 years of age. More than half of America’s children must be raised in group care. Take the lead in that group care. If you don’t know how, get my course.

Please please please, contact me. Let me know what you like about this podcast. Let me know what you are looking for that you are not finding. Please, just say hello, okay?

Principles from the Founding of the USA on This National Day of Prayer

Today, 5/3/18 is the National Day of Prayer. So, since I am doing a retrospective series, I thought I would post the first of the series I did on Citizenship for July the 4 back in 2012. Home educators in Texas know that they are tasked with teaching citizenship; would that all teachers took the same as seriously! All of us should pray earnestly for our leaders and in order to live in peace, just as we are instructed by the Bible. Current events would lend some urgency to that recommendation!

This episode was the first of 5 that dealt with the founding of this country, its Christian roots, and what lessons we might draw from that. I was reading the Primer that school children of that period were taught from and so I made an audio primer. It would be very good to buy for your children or grandchildren. Indeed, we all might be edified by its lessons. Normally the bundle of the 5 messages plus the hour long CD would run $100, but for this week, let’s have a special and offer the whole things for half price: $50.00. Please send a check to Sharon Sarles/The Great Shalom P.O. Box 971 Cedar Park Texas 78613 and I will send the CDs to you.

We are Christians and therefore friends of Jews

Today I am re-airing an interview with a man, David Rubin, who has started a therapy center for children who are victims of terrorism in Israel. He lives in Shiloh, the place where Eli and Samuel ministered at the historical Tabernacle, but what was bare ground before a few RVs came in to settle — in what is now called “The West Bank.” Mr. Rubin did this in response to he and his two year old being shot up while attempting to go to a dentist appointment.

My Jewish friends are uncomforatable and ask: all children? Yes, all children. He takes in any child who has been a victim, without regard to religion or ethnicity. Although… well, it just wouldn’t be politically correct to point out that snipers shooting kids comes from only one angle.

His two year old was shot through the throat. Every child in town at that time knew of a sibling or a friend who had been shot. It is hard to go to places like the dentist or doctor, out of town, for them, therefore. Mr. Rubin was the 1,000th person in the hospital and so was interviewed. He chose to use the random tragedy and platform for good.

Today I want to mention also, that someone took a look at my business card and informed me that because I used the word “Shalom” therefore I am not a Christian. Folks, this is ignorance gone to seed! First off, I use the word “shalom” because my foundational scripture is Isa 54:13 All your offspring shall be taught of the Lord and great shall be their shalom.” I could say “well-being” or “peace” in English, but that would not give the whole meaning. Shalom encompasses everything. 2) Christians use Hebrew scripture, btw, and we call it “The Old Testament.” Not everybody likes this, but everybody knows it. So it is reasonable for an educated Christian to know Hebrew and use a few Hebrew words. 3) All Christians should be friendly to Jews because Christianity came out of Hebrew roots. 4) There are some people who call themselves “Messianic” who are actually Judiazers. We have some of those in Austin. I know some. We had some in Galatia and other places where Paul writes. We are clear that Paul wrote Galatians and Corinthians and that the text is not corrupt. We know this. Just because I use the word Shalom does not mean I am a Judiazer. BTW, I am friendly with them, even if I disagree doctrinally.

So, if you don’t follow all of this, fine, don’t worry about it. If you do, then you understand. The Great Shalom Broadcast tries to be friendly to everybody, and respect a wide variety of Christian traditions, even Jewish traditions, although we do strongly preach faith and miraculous healing, along with intelligent health practices. It is my position that faith and intelligence can go together. Please come along with me on that.

In the meantime, I hope you appreciate Mr. Rubin’s work for children.