Category Archives: In the news

Practical Tips for Stay at Home Time

Some great news. Some analysis. A few ideas for staying at home with children.

I’ve been specifically informed/asked to talk about ibuprofen for Covid-19. (Well, actually was I informed like this was vital news that we would need unless we were all going to die and I was responsible to get it out. Okay folks, you need to calm down.) So here is as far as I know, not being a doctor, just a mother. Well, generally the rule of thumb is that we are using acetaminophen (Tylenol) for fever in children. For general pain for adults, Ibuprofen works. There has been some discussion about not using Ibuprofen in cases of Covid-19, but of course there has never been any studies on this. Ask your doctor. I think he or she will talk to you similarly, in similarly calm terms.

Our heart do go out to all those who are sick and all those who care for them. We especially pray for those frontline medical people who are working long hours in cities where there really is an overage of cases. We rejoice in the news about the high rate of recovery. We hope that this will be a wake-up call that will improve our systems. What satan meant for evil, God meant for good.

We pray for repentance for our nation and revival for our church. We stir ourselves up to do the important things, our God assignments. We look to your youth for great new contributions. You, mom, are a big part of that. Thanks.

Announcements About the Coming Year

As so many do, I consulted about the next year and will share what I heard.It will be a year of increased vision and clarity. It won’t all be pretty, but victory is in the offing. The time is now.
Also, I’m making the announcement of a re-branding of this podcast ministry. It started around a concern to preaching healing and encouragement to people dealing with learning disabilities. I styled it on the Word of Faith broadcasts that were at that time and probably still all the largest broadcasts in Christendom, and perhaps in any field. However, I always wondered if styling it as a religious broadcast would fail to reach out to those who needed help. Would the religious people even feel they needed this help? Oh, I still have questions, but my understanding at this time is to be more focused and clear and reach directly to those who need help.

Don’t worry. I haven’t changed. Also, please be patient that the change may be somewhat slow because I am flying solo here. If you are a spirit-filled Christian and want to do audio editing for me, please let me know.

Thanks again. Have a wonderful year in 2020. It may have its challenges, but hold tightly to God and be unstoppable and you will find great victories. No more delay.

The Government is NOT a Village

Have you decided what the most important long term issue is? I know we have a LOT of issues. Fake news is assaulting us on every hand. Outrageous things are happening everywhere. Long term, however, what we teach our children may be the most important. What will they think when they vote?

While I study educational methodology, I hear a vastly contrary method propounded by … good people. For instance, I am reading and studying how reducing college down to job training is stealing the soul building, skill cultivating, citizen formation from the students, thus ensuring a slave workforce, unable to critique the government. Not a new idea. Then, I hear, from a Canadian, proudly, that their government and colleges are focusing more and more strictly on job skills. Sounds prudent, except in relation to the broader concerns about soul and society. These were the original ideals of public education when founded in the colonies and the new nation here.

For years, I learned Sociology, and made the assumptions that government programs were charitable. Looking back, I see that there was quite a bit of evidence to the opposite. Bureaucracies tend to goal displace toward self-preservation and growth. Nations that had a healthy business environment had less poverty than countries with directive governments. I have been reading a history of Canada, and comparing New France with the Hudson Bay Company. We all know that Canada is today in the British Commonwealth, and not a protectorate of France .. or Spain. So, yes, let’s have less poverty. Of course, let’s have charity where necessary. Why not let’s do some comparisons to inquire what might work along those lines. (O btw, doing comparative studies is frowned upon in American Sociology as racist — even at the country level. But it is common in Indian Anthro/Soc, but so what?)

We were so pleased back in the 1990s that Mrs. Clinton took up the concern for children. But the statistics that she rightly pointed to, if not entirely coherently, have gotten much worse. The solution, to put more children into failed government schools, is increasingly pushed. Surely no one still misquotes that children have their IQs raised when put into group care. NO! That is not what she said. She said IN THE BEST CARE, the child from the worst situation COULD have their IQ raised. But the fact is that the middle class child ends up with a higher IQ and fewer illnesses when kept at home. Of course, we will have to have many children in group care. Many more, now that we have so many young women giving birth without being married. So we ought to make that care better. But the government run Head Start programs and public school pre-Ks are the worst. Guess what are the best. Replicated, robust research says: congregationally affiliated schools.

Today, let’s consider the problems. Next time, the solutions. But be aware, science does not line up with what politics has been insinuating. No surprise anymore. To get the full book, The Government is not a Village, go to Do that, and you might get a discount, too.
Please share with your friends and anyone interested in educational policy.

Praying for Nations

In our series on praying along together, we pray for nations today. We celebrate the victory that Jesus the Christ has won for us.
Of course, while this is bigger than praying for our own children, it does relate to them!
How important to pray together.

Please also set aside some time on Sunday to pray for our President. How could anyone withstand the onslaught of lies, hatred, and official/criminal/ridiculous action? We can retreat to our private space. Let’s support our leader in prayer and thank God for the relief he has brought us!