Category Archives: In the news

Great Rescues that Happened this Passover

In a series about the great pattern of Passover and the great rescues that we saw this season. Make use of this understanding now. Prepare for Pentecost. Then take the “promised land.” This means you, your children, your vocation/sphere of influence, city, and country. You and yours want to make a different in the world. To do so, understand the pattern of passover and don’t be a slave, resigned to whatever happens. It has been unmasked in the death angel passing over. Now learn.

The Great Rescue

Did you notice that God made a great rescue for us this Passover season? Please notice this and consider it during the time between Passover and Pentecost. It is one thing to be rescued. Another thing to take and keep the land. Don’t let your rescue go to waste.

The rest of “Call to Arms” is available in the store on the website, tab at the top labeled “store.”

Practical Tips for Stay at Home Time

Some great news. Some analysis. A few ideas for staying at home with children.

I’ve been specifically informed/asked to talk about ibuprofen for Covid-19. (Well, actually was I informed like this was vital news that we would need unless we were all going to die and I was responsible to get it out. Okay folks, you need to calm down.) So here is as far as I know, not being a doctor, just a mother. Well, generally the rule of thumb is that we are using acetaminophen (Tylenol) for fever in children. For general pain for adults, Ibuprofen works. There has been some discussion about not using Ibuprofen in cases of Covid-19, but of course there has never been any studies on this. Ask your doctor. I think he or she will talk to you similarly, in similarly calm terms.

Our heart do go out to all those who are sick and all those who care for them. We especially pray for those frontline medical people who are working long hours in cities where there really is an overage of cases. We rejoice in the news about the high rate of recovery. We hope that this will be a wake-up call that will improve our systems. What satan meant for evil, God meant for good.

We pray for repentance for our nation and revival for our church. We stir ourselves up to do the important things, our God assignments. We look to your youth for great new contributions. You, mom, are a big part of that. Thanks.

Announcements About the Coming Year

As so many do, I consulted about the next year and will share what I heard.It will be a year of increased vision and clarity. It won’t all be pretty, but victory is in the offing. The time is now.
Also, I’m making the announcement of a re-branding of this podcast ministry. It started around a concern to preaching healing and encouragement to people dealing with learning disabilities. I styled it on the Word of Faith broadcasts that were at that time and probably still all the largest broadcasts in Christendom, and perhaps in any field. However, I always wondered if styling it as a religious broadcast would fail to reach out to those who needed help. Would the religious people even feel they needed this help? Oh, I still have questions, but my understanding at this time is to be more focused and clear and reach directly to those who need help.

Don’t worry. I haven’t changed. Also, please be patient that the change may be somewhat slow because I am flying solo here. If you are a spirit-filled Christian and want to do audio editing for me, please let me know.

Thanks again. Have a wonderful year in 2020. It may have its challenges, but hold tightly to God and be unstoppable and you will find great victories. No more delay.