Category Archives: Child rearing

What Follows from Resurrection?

It follows that we, in Him, can have new life. It follows that everything in our life can be raised to new life. That means health, relationships, success… anything. It might take time to get to Resurrection Day from Good Friday. Still.
So let’s not look for the Living among the dead places.

Let’s consider how to let that Resurrection life show in us. Let us see how to be more loving. And how pass along new life, resurrection love in religious education today. This was actually part of our run-up to Easter, but it fits now, between Passover and Pentecost. Let’s invite the Lord of Love into our church life, our family life, into every part of our life.

Keys to Love

As we prepare for our yearly celebration of Passover and Resurrection Day, let us consider how to love.

Recently, in a conversation with some other women, there was a difference of opinion. I said we needed to learn how to love. Indeed, that had been an agreement in the group. We were studying the Bible, presumably to learn how to be …. better, right? Another said, oh, no, she knew how to love. She had been talking over me. She was very much squirming in her chair. She had come ready to fight me. Because I was ready to pray for her to be healed… which she had asked for. Others opinions range in between, confused — or silent.

Let me ask you, do we really know how to love? Do we always love our family, even? Are all our children taken care of? What about our cousins? What about the kids down the block? Are our duties always fulfilled? At work? At church? In civic affairs? Do we love wisely… or are we sometimes enablers? Do we agree with sin that hurts our friends and call it love? Or can we speak the truth in love? If we don’t speak the truth, is that love? If we love only our family, or are generous with our family or only those who can pay us back — is that love? Or is that self-love? If we “give back” is that sacrificial love like Jesus? Or only self-promotion? In our supposed philanthrophy, so we really help?

Jesus is our example of self giving love. Did he always make people happy? Obviously not! Lots of religious people and rulers had “Jesus Derangement Syndrome.” Okay, so some of you now are jumping up and down. Yes, he ate with sinners. Did he tell them it was just fine to keep on sinning? No, surely not. Did people know and see how much he loved them? Did everyone get healed? All who asked, but lots of folks in Nazareth didn’t get healed because… of unbelief. I guess they didn’t ask. But some did, and they got healed. Do people today know and see how much he is trying to give them? No.

We have a lot to learn about love. We have some to learn about how to receive the large load of love that God would give. We surely have a lot to learn about how to love more perfectly. To be perfect is to be loving… See Matthew 5:48.

During this time of preparation, let’s do some soul searching. Let’s even talk with our children about how to be more loving. How does that look in the family? in the workplace? At church? In civic life? Then see if there are some activities you might do with your children. Then reflect with them. For instance, is that political rally you are going to … motivated by love? Try it out. Then reflect efterwards. IS that church group singing at the old folks home motivated by love? How could we make it more so? How about their relationships with their friends. Have they offered love? Are they loving wisely? Because it wouldn’t be good for your child, on pretense of love, to go and do something bad with their friend, right? That wouldn’t be love. Truth and love go together.

What Story Will You Believe… and Teach?

In a little series, running up to our celebration of Resurrection Day, let’s consider what we chose to believe …. and teach. Sometimes we don’t even realize we are making choices. But choices we do make. Choices do have consequences. And we are teaching our children more loudly by what we do than by what we say.

People Are Reaching Through the Screen To Get Your Kids Addicted to Porn

I am re-playing my talk with Dani Johnson, of multi-level marketing fame. As a marketer and a mother, perhaps no one speaks more credibly on the real danger of addiction to porn. She also gives some great ideas on how to talk to your children about it.
Please add, in the comment space, ideas you use to protect your children from this real, present, and intended danger.

Here are some important links:

And the more recent BaseCamp Live podcast :

And Covenant Eyes
Protect Young Eyes: They provide both software/apps and presentations for parents. Free videos are on the website for you now.

Remember: Only those who love the truth will not be deceived.