Category Archives: Youth

Principles from the Founding of the USA on This National Day of Prayer

Today, 5/3/18 is the National Day of Prayer. So, since I am doing a retrospective series, I thought I would post the first of the series I did on Citizenship for July the 4 back in 2012. Home educators in Texas know that they are tasked with teaching citizenship; would that all teachers took the same as seriously! All of us should pray earnestly for our leaders and in order to live in peace, just as we are instructed by the Bible. Current events would lend some urgency to that recommendation!

This episode was the first of 5 that dealt with the founding of this country, its Christian roots, and what lessons we might draw from that. I was reading the Primer that school children of that period were taught from and so I made an audio primer. It would be very good to buy for your children or grandchildren. Indeed, we all might be edified by its lessons. Normally the bundle of the 5 messages plus the hour long CD would run $100, but for this week, let’s have a special and offer the whole things for half price: $50.00. Please send a check to Sharon Sarles/The Great Shalom P.O. Box 971 Cedar Park Texas 78613 and I will send the CDs to you.

Carl Sommer’s Principles of Success

Last week, we talked to Carl Sommer about his books for young children that teach character principles — like the mouse who discovered it was best to pay attention to what his mother said. This time he lost only his tail! And how the bear found his smile.

Mr. Sommer gave us a great discount of 25% this month for typing in the code “great.” This applies even to a subset of his books that have library binding that are already on sale for half price of …. get this… $4.95. We can’t be sure that there will be any of those books left. My librarian and preschool director friends have probably already snapped them up. So go right now.

All of the books are inexpensive for what they are and the 25% discount is great by itself. Be sure to peruse the whole website. You will find some free things.

In this episode, Mr. Sommer let out that he writes even more than is on Advance Publishing specializes in character building books, in a variety of languages, that teach character principles and are acceptable to public schools in the USA. But there is more. He is part of a project that teaches math. He provides the practical lessons, so students understand that math really is needed in the real world. For math resources, all the way up to Trigonometry This is suitable for public, private or homeschool educators.

Then, for specifically Christian content, especially success principles for youth, go to

Finally, for the the ebook format for the Kindle or iPad, let us help you with direct links. For a fee ebook edition of Education in Crisis go here. And for Teen Success in ebook form, go here. Many of his books are online with various vendors, including his books on Electric Discharge Machining, even a book on sex for young people, and his book

that originally alerted me to his work.

Please let us know which books of his you like most below.

Testimony of Shelby Ring

I want to have you hear Shelby’s testimony. She gave this December 2008. What amazes me is how deeply she was into trouble – even though her parents were right there. And they are great people!

Last week I met a woman who has done some work on the streets with kids. She says she wants to start talking with parents to let them know that we are in an emergency situation. I know that there is a new initiative with pastors in this area to fight sex trafficing — AMONG CHILDREN WHO LIVE AT HOME!!!!

Let’s wake-up and connect with the young people. It has been said that any society is only one generation from barbarism. We are less than that. We must learn to connect, evangelize, and disciple the next generation. Please contribute your comments/

End of Summer Spark Toward School: Critical Thinking

Don’t let the enemies of your child’s future be in charge of their thinking. You lead them into critical thinking. And connect that to faith. And do it now, in the summer. Make your children ready for school and life.
Thinking is a good thing. And don’t let anyone tell you that it is anti-thetical to faith.