Category Archives: Problems of public education


Okay folks, the problems are bad enough that it is time — well not to worry — but to act. Act now. Given the problems, and given the pervasiveness of the problems, you need to be educating your children at home. Three safety issues are each grave: sexual depredation, gun violence, and cognitive restructuring substituted for learning. After briefly pointing out the problems, I tell you how to go about solving by educating at home. Don’t go off, do things incorrectly or in the wrong order and get into trouble. I give you a short, practical list of what to do, in order. You can. You must.


No matter how many smiley faces in send in lunchboxes, or how many texts you send of “I love you” … if you let your child be sexually groomed for depredation, shot in a situation where it will predictably happen, or manipulated through deceptive language and marxist pedagogy in a way that ensure that he or she will never be able to think for themselves or have the skills to have a successful life… if you do this… she or he  will eventually figure out that you care more about convenience and money than you did about him or her.


James Lindsay’s Marxification of Education  T

to buy book on Amazon :


Introducing The Marxification of Education

James Lindsay: The Marxification of education

Marxification of Education – Dr. James Lindsay


Kevin Kookogey’s  An Apology for Liberty


Sarles Learn at Home for Great Shalom    in paperback or ebook format

Dr. Marlene MacMillan speaks on the Dialectic Process — or how language is used deceptively throughout society to bring bondage

Look for her book, Mountains of Deceit.



Good News is the Fight Against Porn in School

Probably by now you know that there is some controversy because schools — as  a policy — are teaching children what they call “inclusive sex education” at ages there no sex education would be appropriate and what would otherwise be legally defined as pornography. Not surprisingly, those enforcing this are attempting to keep it secret from parents. And then accusing parents who object as being domestic terrorists. And not surprisingly, anyone not directly involved does not about it and when told can not believe it.  Same thing in public libraries.

Dani Johnson, because she was plugged into the marketing industry warned us about this push in the marketplace back in 2009. No one expected this to be in schools. But we know for sure it is now. We have had some disappointing losses in elections such as for school board. I am happy to pass along some good news. One example that I know of is from Tennessee. I tell you about the case briefly, but here is the full interview:

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and same story from a Tn newspaper

While we would not expect Christian schools to teach porn, as such, we are hearing that accrediting agencies are requiring a pro-homosexual stance.

The bad news is that a few, very dedicated people, with no shame and some strategy can make a whole nation turn. The better news is that with the help of God, 12 fully dedicated people can turn the whole wicked world right side up again.

Study Skills Resources for Learning Disabilities

Continuing our interview with Susan Maher of Regents Academy of Austin, we get a look at how she helps students perform well.  She finds their brilliance. She helps them overcome their weakness. She partners with the teachers to give minimal accommodations — and no modifications. Thus, these students, even with diagnoses, keep up with their peers at a prestigious, even perhaps exclusive school.

Mrs. Maher’s students learn how to take notes, write papers, read a textbook, or study for mathematics in just a more detailed way than others. Any parent or educator will want to hear what Susan Maher, Regent Academy of Austin, has to say.


“Accommodation not modification” is Mrs. Maher’s mantra. She means that minor changes in the school, like time or quiet are acceptable because that is like real life. Beyond that, she teaches more detailed study skills to the students so they can overcome their weaknesses. This is unlike public school where modficiations are made to a curriculum already aimed very very low. Thus, the student leaves with neither skill nor knowledge. That would be an unacceptable outcome at this well-thought of private school


Let me know if you want more information on this. For now, please get my book on “study skills” that I wrote for my community college students, students who often had not been successful but now, as adults wanted to do well in college. I forged these ideas by teaching my child and grandchildren, overcoming their challenges.

How to Win the Game of School  by Sharon Sarles — really study skills for the game of learning as well as the game of making good grades

Should I Privately Educate My Child?

Should I homeschool?  Can you recommend a good curriculum? Can you recommend a good private school? What about sports? What about calculus and physics and… I am inundated with these questions right now. So, here are my answers.


Many people are questioning whether they should homeschool or better, privately educate their children now. We are bewildered about the results of the elections here, particularly for the school board. The government schools have plummeted in academic achievement, and have suddenly and covertly introduced pornography into the curriculum down to elementary. This seems to be true in many metro areas, although not in the smaller towns here.

I do not understand the election results. I am not a political analyst. I do think I know the spectrum of opinion, because of where I live and because I taught Sociology. But there is much about the situation I can not analyze. I do, however, know the basic answers to the questions about private education. I thought I would mention the background so those who live elsewhere understand why the questions are arising.


So, I answer whether I think you should privately education. Yes, it is your duty as a parent. This is the center of the Judeo-Christian mindset. Yes, I know, seldom have we been taught this, but nevertheless, it is true.

Can I recommend a good school or  good curricula. There are many. However, the way to begin finding what is best for  your child, is to consider what all your child needs to learn, what method he or she learns best, and only then start shopping for curricula or school. For this, I have a guide: the book  Learn at Home for Great Shalom. Get it. Amazon will sell it to you, print it and ship it to you. It would be cheaper than consulting with me –which I would be happy to do. For that, please see:

Texas Home School Coalition

Home School Legal Defense Association

If you live in the north Austin Texas metro area, and you want to  join with me to start a school, or if you child(ren)  has/have a specific learning need, please see :