Category Archives: Mission of this ministry

Learn at Home For Great Shalom

Drawing from my own experiences both as an educator and then as a grandparent of some boys with some special learning needs, and at the command of my pastor, I wrote this book. This book helps you to consider all the aspects of what you need to teach and know what methods and then lastly, what curriculum to use. Often, mothers go about it the wrong way, directly to picking a curriculum that their friend found helpful. That might work, but to consider all the needs, and have a guide through the methods, and then pick a curriculum will find a much surer, better result. This is a unique, easy to understand methodology. This is a unique ministry, aiming for faith for overcoming learning problems rather than assuaging hurt feelings and urging resignation. This is a vital resource. Get it now. Click through on the right sidebar and the printer can send it either electronically or through print on demand. This is perhaps the most important investment you will ever make for your children.

Homeschool: You Can Do It

We expect a large uptick in homeschooling this school year because of the experience of the lockdown. Many parents found out how few on task hours their children had of education. Others discovered what their children were not learning. A few may have even taken stock of the pervasive leftist viewpoint expressed in increased violence in the country. But many parents wonder if they can really homeschool. They are not professional educators. They may not have a large base of friends who have homeschooled successfully. If that is you, here is some encouragement.

Many people have done it. On average the academic result has been outstanding. The social result has been overwhelmingly outstanding. Like anything, schools or any other phenomenon, there is variation. However, the average outcome of homeschool has been shown for decades to be superior to public schools.

It does, however, help to have encouragement and some pointers. Here they are.

Learn at Home for Great Shalom

A great resource, under-used: the book I was ordered to write! This will help you consider all the areas of your child’s life that you need to teach into. Then, it helps you consider what methods and finally what kind of curricula you might want to use. This is a much better approach than just asking a friend what curriculum she likes, and then maybe at best replicating what public school does. for the book — click through. Nothing will do better to approach children’s learning problems than teaching aimed at teaching the way they learn. This, not the public school method of “accomomdating” “learning disabilities” will work! Instead, teach innovatively, multi-sensorially, individually and with and remediate (meaning, have a good time and fix the problem).


GSB is getting a lot of hacking attempts. Foolish, because nothing to steal here. And no way to blackmail me. But, just in case the site goes haywire or dead, you will know what happened.