Category Archives: Current Events

Pentecost Power: Sound in Government

It is time to make a sound in government. Otherwise your rights will be gone: free speech, free assembly, right to follow your conscience. Shouldn’t have to explain much about that today. But how? Listen. That is what Holy Spirit came for.

Pentecost Power to Great Awakening — A Sound Thru the Earth

Just as we experienced Passover this year, as we were in our homes as the death angel passed over us, now we experience Pentecost. May Holy Spirit come and sit upon us and empower us with a sound from heaven. May we carry that sound, in unity, and going from our center out to the most remote part of the earth. Too long we have read this, said this, and not participated. Now. Our children first. Our family and our church is Jerusalem. Let’s make a sound. (This is the episode for June 6th, but posted early because I know I have people waiting for it. Pentecost/Shavuot was May 28 and Pentecost Sunday was last Sunday. )

Be Part of the Great Rescue

We covered several great rescues that God did on Passover this year. Following our mission of healing and equipping children, or parents and teachers for the well-being of children, we talk about a central issue of the safety of children from sexual predators. There is no way to characterize the historic pandemic shut-down as an attack of the enemy (whatever position you take on what was planned, all evil consequences are influenced by the supernatural world, so all evil is energized by the enemy satan.) However, we all know that the end of the story is that God, (all good, all Truth, all Love, all Justice) wins. Therefore, we are all called to decided on what side we wish to be on: good or evil, fear or faith, control or service. This is the classical Christian message. This is the message for today.

Parents, as they were shut in with their children had an opportunity to become better acquainted with their children and with their parenting. Many may have discovered some negative influences that they may rectify. Some may have discovered that the parenting that they were taught by the lefist influenced education or not taught by a self-absorbed culture. This can be fixed. A few have discovered their own lack. This can be greatly improved at the altar of salvation and the class of sanctification/spiritual maturity.

We are going to see more home education, more boundaries in parenting, more character education, more spiritual maturity, and certainly more practical protection for children.

This episode deals with the more critical taking of the land after a rescue from sexual depredation. God worked a great rescue for us, unveiling evil plans set for our destruction. But once we leave the slavery of Egypt, we need to learn to trust the Lord knowing He knows the way through the wilderness. This was our time of shut-in, looking to Jesus. Then comes taking the land given to us. We were shut in while the storm of evil or judgement passed over us. Now, after Pentecost, it is time we emerge… as the storm itself, energized by the Truth and Love that is the Lord Holy Spirit.

Rescue of Children – Sex Abuse Rings Busted

In our series of the great rescues that God did over this Passover season, we are going to cover a rescue of children from sexual abuse rings. We will not talk about the horrible details. I heard this from a ministry I trust. I could not find examples during the exact week. What I did find was reputable, conventional news sources reporting this regularly over the last 3 years or so. I had not really heard much about it. Had I mentioned elite people participating in child sexual abuse, with or without idolatrous religious connections, and/or law enforcement stopping and prosecuting same, I would have been mocked as a conspiracy theorist. However, apparently, this indeed was going on. Obviously, anyone who would do such a thing would like to keep it secret. That it is regularly being reported that there are “busts” is a good thing — if we can assume that these reports are true. If even half true, then some children were rescued. If there are ongoing abuses, let alone a trend, then more and more children are being rescued. Future children won’t be abused, thank God.

This Passover/Resurrection season surely has been amazing. We are in a regroup now, a shut-in time (hopefully shut in with God), in order to be released into working in the Great Awakening manifested on Pentecost. I think many of us are being awakened during this time. We are finding new news sources, and sloughing off old, corrupt ones. We are discovering corruption in most sectors or society. Our eyes are being opened to the creeping evil and resultant slavery even in our own country, cities, and homes.

Let’s a greet every revelation with thanks. God is on the move.First we hear the rustle. Then we go with God.

Let’s prepare to go with God. And God wants total well-being for all children!