Category Archives: Child rearing

Praying in the Prodigals

Nearly every family has one — or several. Too often, feeling alone, we have lost the heart to pray for them. It is high time we link arms and pray together. Today we are doing just that. Using Isaiah 43:6 as our promise, we pray in confidence that the prodigals will be brought back. In fact, while we are at it, let’s make the enemy pay for the theft of our children with the return of their whole generation into the kingdom.

Praying Together – Especially for Mothers

Mothers’ prayers are effective, yet we sometimes get discouraged. So here is an opportunity to pray together.
Dr. Mahesh Chavda, in his Mothers’ Day sermon, mentioned the necessity and effectiveness of the prayers and blessings of mothers.
Here is the link:

Please let me know what you Would like to pray about. If you are an anointed prayer warrior, feel free to send a clip, through DropBox or the mail — not through email. Thanks!

FYI about my major project: — a course aimed at helping congregations start preschools/ licensed childcare centers.
For teachers and managers: — pardon the transition phase of the site.
For policy:

Awakening Parents and Bringing Revival to Youth: Marta Silva

The Lord told Marta to go wake up parents, to tell them the dangers that their children were facing. She got a room, often at the school, and went door to door to invite parents. She is also talking directly to young people. She is experiencing revival now in her region (the northeast.) She tells you her simple formula. You can email her at… or you can simply replicate this model. Or hear your own.

A couple of years ago I met Marta Silva a couple of years ago at Calvary Pentecostal Campground, where we were both worshiping, going to summer camp-meeting. she told me of her new project. I probably told her of my podcast. This season, as we go into summer, I felt to have her on the ‘cast. Normally, I focus more on youth than children during the summer. I felt that right now was the right time for this idea to air. What about focusing on youth in your neighborhood this summer? What can you do?

Does it seem hopeless? It probably seems hopeless when the teen that Marta was talking to told her that he worshiped satan, but it was only a week later when he came back to her and gave his life to the Lord. You know, the Lord Jesus is a better lord than is satan. LOL. Catch Marta’s enthusiasm!

I apologize for the sound quality. We had a number of challenges in getting this interview long distance. I did what I could in audio editing to make her voice louder. If you have expertise to share on how to do long distance interviewing — or sound editing — feel free to contact me.

In the meantime …. see Jesus in the youth. When did we see you naked, hungry or in prison? When you saw the least of these. This probably means youth too, right? They are hurting, and yet may not know, literally no have any idea of which way to turn. They may never have heard of the saving work of Jesus Christ… or possibly even of the 10 Commandments. It is time to wake up!

Can you love someone and disagree with them at the same time?

For most of us, older folks, who have long been in church, we would think the answer to this question is obvious. Of course people and disagree about something and still love one another! How could it be any other way?
However, some folks think not. “This is who I am, so if you don’t agree, you don’t love me.”
Let’s consider the matter.
It is very important today.
Let’s also consider what it means to love, how to love wisely, and how to disagree properly.
Let’s consider what flows from each claim and counterclaim. Is it appropriate to say “You must agree with me completely or you are not loving”? What does it mean to a parent when a child says this? What might one say back?
Notice how this relates to child rearing, witnessing, evangelism, and politics today!
More, deeper Bible Study on this topic on What does it mean to follow Jesus, being loving, and yet standing against sin?
Feel free to weigh in… in a civil, polite, restrained way.