Category Archives: Autism

Expose on Glutamate — Excess Harms Brains

We knew that some children had a problem with gluten, but we didn’t know until recently how many foods had excessive glutamate in them — and how much it harms brains — and how many ways it may harm us. Here our latest report. Thanks to Dr. Russel Blaylock, MD. Not surprisingly, there is an autism connection — but that is not all of it. All preventable — that is the good news.

What a Mother Can Do About the Flu

A really bad flu seems to be going around. It is going around in Austin, with kids and with adults. It is going around the rest of the country. I hear it is going around in other countries. It is a bad one.

I also hear (rumors and televised news is close to the same these days) that the CDC flu vaccine doesn’t stop it. This is quite possible because how the flu vaccine is only a guess at the top 3 or 4 strains out of many many. I also heard a strong, middle aged adult say she wasn’t going to get a flu vaccine because she was afraid she would get autism. Well, neither the mercury implicated in autism nor the aluminum implicated in giving babies strokes is likely to hurt an adult. I’m not taking any stand on flu vaccines for adults. Discuss with a competent wellness professional.

Whether or not you and your family are into flu vaccines, still, there is much that can and should be done to stay healthy.

Washing hands is very important. In our century the mass of people discovered how important hand washing was, but then we are forgetting. We are with so many people! Have they washed their hands? Have they touched something with sticky hands? Most importantly, little children, crammed in with many other little children from different homes — this is an artificial and dangerous situation. So professional childcare experts are very big on handwashing. And table washing. And door knob washing. Knowlegable parents will also want to be informed if a plague is circulating through a classroom. Is there a way your child could stay home in such weeks?

All of this relates to learning disabilities and learning problems, because studies show that children who more health insults, even these comparatively minor ones, do less well in school. One study even showed that children with dirty fingernails, tended to have colds, and thus miss school, and thus did more poorly and were often thought to be less bright. More of their energy was going to physical wellness instead of learning.

Dr. Ensign will share his interview. This is a re-run from 2009. Notice, he favors real hand washing over the alcohol sauce, but public schools have often made that the only option.

Excitotixin Glutamate : New Key to Learning Problems

Dr. Russel L. Blaylock MD provides information on glutamate as an excito-toxin. Yes, you knew that Accent and meat tenderizer was to be avoided, but did you know how pervasive glutamate is, in the American diet? Did you know that it is often mis-labelled or hidden in food? (We do tell you what to look for.) Did you know That is causes learning problems and anxiety/depression?
Also included, is a discussion of how we know, how to tell if something is scientifically true and what passes for science.

Why is this all good news? Because if you know what is poisoning your child — or you — then you can stop it! Of course, it is not good news that we are poisoning ourselves, but it is great news that we can do something about it easily. Stories that tell us to lower our expectations, figuring that God had simply put some limitations on us, is just not right. God wants total well-being for us. God didn’t bring the brokenness to the world; God created the world good. It is his gracious gift to teach us how to align with and use that world properly.

Dr. Blaylock has a number of books out. An older one is *Excitotoxins, the Taste that Kills.* Please check for his works at your favorite bookseller. Or look for him at

Thanks so much to the family friend that went out of her way to let me know about Dr. Blaylock and the dangers of excess glutamate.

Vaccines Controversy Rages – Here is Real Info

We have an ongoing discussion about vaccines in our society: parents tell horror stories while governments and businesses spend extra money on encouraging vaccines like never before. Here is one family weighing in.

Gardasil: The Decision We Will Always Regret

We have heard a lot about Zika, and all very confusing. We have heard we need to be worried and careful about mosquito bites and we have had reports of no evidence of Zika in our area. We are hearing that it is an epidemic in Florida and that it is not. One representative from medicine company says a Zika vaccine is a long way off. The president encourages us that a Zika vaccine will come quickly.

Then I heard two different reports that Zika was in fact not a virus but, instead the result of a vaccination campaign in Brazil. And there were further allegations that I am afraid to own, but when I checked them out was told that they were quite possible.

What I think I can say with some certainty is that safety testing would be appreciated before we have massive mandatory vaccination campaigns. Further, I can say I am suspicious and wary of interests who find it useful to smear researchers and clinicians while making a great deal of profit. Further, I have no patience with authorities who act like bullies, shutting down discussion, and cover up real science (meaning peer reviewed scientific journals).

What I can offer you is this interview with a world-class researcher, who engaged in world class research on a variety of topics. I think he speaks quite sensibly and unsensationalistically. I offer it to you to make your own determinations.