Category Archives: Teaching

Overcoming Learning Problems Instead of Labeling into Entrenched, Weaponized Disabilities

Our position is that as parents and educators, we want to overcome learning problems, rather than labeling our children as disabled — thus intentionally failing to do our job, thus damaging children, thus increasing resentment in order to overturn “the hegemonic order.”

Problems need solving. Learning problems need to be solved or worked around — or in some other way to be overcome. This is the path to a successful and happy life. This is the path that works.

This is also the Biblical was to proceed. We are called to be overcomers — by faith, and woks. The Word of God and the example of Jesus and the leadership of Holy Spirit in all ways invites us to have hope, faith, hearing of good ideas, selfless service, and long-term blessing.

By contrast, there is another path. One that insists on labeling problems as either insignificant thus unaddressed — or as “disabilities.”  Disabled? meaning not able!  Labeling theory, long and strongly accepted in Psychology, Sociology and Education disciplines shows how people live up — or down — to labels. Nowhere is this more true than with children and social environment of school. Please see academic paper by Sales connecting JD and LD in the 1990s. Older, more well known work is widely known by Rosenhans, Schiff, Becker and others.

Diagnosis can be used as death knells, or as I encourage, as direction to parents and educators. However, if diagnosis are used for labeling (and they inevitably are in schools) the path is turned away from solving problems. Educators do not remediate but rather accommodate — at best. Look around. Notice, as the oldest research in teachers’ behavior showed, that teacher treat anyone with LD diagnosis/label as less intelligent. Thus, they get less, rather than more, quality education. They get pulled out of class, so they miss more. They have abbreviated curricula, missing more. They get drilled over and over again at what they are weak in, thus insuring demoralization.

But there is much more. If you have read James Lindsay, or Alex Newman, or Paolo Friere you might even be able to detect it in the critiq2ue of what we are doing by the conventional LD podcast. It is important in Marxist thought to always tear down whatever is considered normal. It is important to weaponize one group against another. Marx himself said in Das Kapital that he cared nothing for science, but only wanted to increase conflict, in order to improve society. Marx originally was thinking of class warfare. However, in the United States, where nearly everyone thinks of themselves as middle class, other conflicts have been intentionally excerbated. Whereas once the government school could not be  bother about  learning problems, and parents worked to get education for their children, since oh about 2000, public educators have been grooming students and their parents to be hostile to educators in a way to ensure the greatest conflict. Teachers are constrained by school rules; schools insist on being in complete control of any move regarding the “learning disabled.” Thus, fewer problems get fixed; fewer even than when the problem was not recognized.

This is in larger context, also a Marxist ploy. In our 5th generation warfare environment, in our cold WWIII, outside forces that have taken over the elite, are ensuring that our youth are not educated. Not in academics. Not in social skills. Not developed in anything — except perhaps in being weaponized, emotionally triggered pawns.

Once you see this, listen again to our detractors. You choose. Do you want to spend your time and money in resentment and conflict and status squabbles? Or would you like to have learning problems solved, and weaknesses overcoming by strength, and faith applied to find good ideas — for success and total well-being. Two paths. You decide.

When Do I Start Homeschooling My Child?

I am seeing this question over and over again on xy. OH! This tears at my heartstrings! I try to respond as helpfully as I can. I just am not on xy very much. Clearly, these mums are trying to do their best. They don’t even know the right questions. Okay, so maybe that is just the quick way of saying it. Oh, maybe.

Okay, here is the deal. You start teaching your child as soon as the child is. When you start introducing academic stuff like letters is what they probably mean. The answer to that is about four, when the child is asking for it!

Oh gosh, I have a whole series on how to teach reading. So very very important. I have a book review on Alex Newman’s *Crimes of the Educators.*  Even if you don’t agree 100%  with Mr. Newman’s thesis, look, you have got to admit, he is onto a problem.  Sight reading doesn’t work. Never has.

Most curricula are 2D paper. (This is also wrongly assumed because we are brainwashed about what school is supposed to be, but anyway…)   So, it doesn’t teach reading. You can’t just shove paces at a kid and expect the kid to do well in reading. But between “read to you kid” and “send them to school” not much has been done on helping students read, or parent know how to teach reading.

Check out my “When The Road to Reading Gets Rocky” series in the store here, and just prevent problems. (And btw, have fun with learning; do not reproduce boring, deadly school.)

(Also look for more coming book reviews on Youtube.)

If you want individual coaching on how to homeschool, check out and contact me. If  you want testing for school readiness and we can meet somewhere (mostly Texas), same. If you want to consider starting a school, see

False Choices in Children’s Literature : Dead White Guys or Trash

We just answered some mother’s questions about preschool curricula choices. The confusion arose because of some intended distraction fights among and between preschool educators.

Now, an even more pernicious false choice, even more intentionally caused. On the claim of needing to have diversity within the reading choices, all good literature has been banned. Good is defined as what has stood the test of time, and thus worth learning about. Further, it was replaced by tawdry, poorly written…. trash. Look, it is. Stop yelling and start thinking.

This situation in the classroom of teaching porn is heightened by the refusal to teach the classics. Diversity is great. INCLUDE female authors and authors of a variety of ethnic backgrounds or nationalities. Fine.

Reduce the book list  to only poorly written, modern books, especially on inappropriate topics, and you have ….   well, not anything worthy of being called learning. This is mis-education. And everyone knows it. That is why, instead of defending it, they get violent, first in words, then in actions, and finally in lawfare.


PsyOp Death and Faith to Overcome Learning Disabilities

We have been learning many new things. The headlines are mesmerizing. Isn’t that so? Now we have all discovered and had confirmed what we had suspected in the area where we were: the evil has taken over the industry, the sector of society. Whether it is doctors going along with killing patients rather than helping them, or military focusing on not winning a war, or teachers being willing to hurt children — it is all the social structure that few are willing to contravene. But right to conscience based on the Judeo-Christian faith in something more than this here and now is what made our world great. And that hope continues. That God still reaches out his hand. Those who take hope, exercise faith, can overcome all the evil in the world.

My listeners, mostly mothers, but parents, grandparents and educators want to find solution to the learning problems their children have. Apply yourself here. Apply these solutions. Rather than being paralyzed by the word curses, the language that tells you that your child is hopeless and you must resign yourself. NO! These are not “disabilities” but “learning problems.”  Learning problems have solutions, even if we must learn what they are. Diagnoses should not be death knells but instead, guidance to parents and educators how to help the child. TM

You can pay someone any amount of money, hope for the best, feel like you did what you could, and resign yourself that it was impossible if it doesn’t work. Or, you could to a little investing, very little, and give it some application, and find your answer. Get the book, Learn at Home for Great Shalom at  Unique, it shows you how to consider what you child needs to learn and how to best deliver it. Then, get our *Celebrate the Victory* year long process. For sale this month only,  half price the already ridiculously low price, compared to what “providers” would charge you. Go to shop.