Category Archives: Learning Disabilities

Rest as a Brain Optimization & Longevity

We all know we need to rest, right? Except those of us who went to grad school.
Really, getting the right amount of sleep is vital to brain function.
Don’t let your kids watch movies during the night! Don’t give them pop at bedtime! And, grandparents, work on keeping on sleeping like you were young. It is (almost) possible.
It is important.
Here are some ideas.

Retaining and Building Cognitive Power – Exercise

Continuing in our series for the grandparent generation, but not leaving the children out, we talk about exercise. Once again, I’m going to rely on some recent scientific studies from Life Extension.
For so long, I’ve read studies and relayed them only to have people poo-poo as unscientific. So here goes folks. Use it or lose it.
As we become more and more screen oriented, exercising along with human interaction is becoming the purview of the few.
Besides that, while I know of no research, I was putting together that there were some patterns of learning disabilities in the population that mapped to screen/gaming addictions back in the 1990s. Back then there were almost no studies in Sociology on learning disabilities. I checked. Only a couple and one of them was on how confused or mis-informed teachers were. At that same time the education faculty at Texas Tech was reputed to be teaching that learning disabilities didn’t exist. Oh well.
Muscles exist. Tendons exist. Brains exist. They are all connected. And designed to move. Together.

God Wants Success for Your Children

In this series we establish beyond a shadow of a doubt that God wants you healed. Healing is talked about very directly in the Bible. God may not get all He wants. God wants everyone saved, but everyone does not get saved. Yet, it is very encouraging, when one is seeking salvation to know what God’s will is. He desires us to agree with Him. So it is with healing!

Yet, there are so very many stories about why people don’t get healed. Actually there are very many stories about why God may not want someone healed. But virtually no Bible verses! Yet so very much time in Sunday School is spent on making up such stories!

Given this state of affairs, it become very hard for a mother to have confidence that God wants well-being for her child. That encouragement is exactly what this broadcast now podcast was set up to do: encourage. First faith, and then activity. Some healing comes by miracle, some by growth, and some by wise innovation or practice. I would take it anyway it comes.

Now, I know that not every child is destined to be a scholar. Nevertheless, every child can be successful enough in school. Every child can be success at his or her own calling. This we should believe God for. This is encouragement that it was not God that planned for pain, deficiency or failure. All that was brought in with the fall. And is sometimes brought in by choices. For instance, if someone smokes like a chimney, it is not surprising that their health is less than it could be. For a child, however, the child seldom makes choices to be less than successful. I assume a mother wouldn’t. So pray in confidence.

Even pray boldly. Even if we do not win them all, that would be no reason not to try, right?

So, that is why I wanted to talk about this: God wants academic success, learning success, the ablity to do what is needed.. and wants that for every child. Hear how!

Full series available at in store.

Leaving a Legacy IN our Children

These days we do hear the Proverb quoted that a good man leaves a legacy for his children and his children’s children. Prov 13:22. More important, of course, is that we leave a legacy IN our children. Sparking off a tragic story then in the news, I talk about the difficult situation that so many children and youth are in. Let’s consider what we can do.

Ha! I saw a posting this morning from a teacher who is quitting teaching. Not because the pay is better or the passion more in some other job. She says is it also NOT because children have changed. She says what has changed is parenting. SELAH.

This episode is the first in a series of 9. I also have a book on the topic, but it is not like the episdoes. It is a turn-key Bible study for a women’s group. There are even activities for the children. But if you don’t have a group, don’t worry, it will work for you too. It is all ready to go. You can get it in paperback or eformat. Get the Legacy Workbook.