Retaining and Building Cognitive Power – Exercise

Continuing in our series for the grandparent generation, but not leaving the children out, we talk about exercise. Once again, I’m going to rely on some recent scientific studies from Life Extension.
For so long, I’ve read studies and relayed them only to have people poo-poo as unscientific. So here goes folks. Use it or lose it.
As we become more and more screen oriented, exercising along with human interaction is becoming the purview of the few.
Besides that, while I know of no research, I was putting together that there were some patterns of learning disabilities in the population that mapped to screen/gaming addictions back in the 1990s. Back then there were almost no studies in Sociology on learning disabilities. I checked. Only a couple and one of them was on how confused or mis-informed teachers were. At that same time the education faculty at Texas Tech was reputed to be teaching that learning disabilities didn’t exist. Oh well.
Muscles exist. Tendons exist. Brains exist. They are all connected. And designed to move. Together.

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