False Choice of Communist Versus Fascist – Know What You Are Talking About


In our world today, we talk a lot about Left versus Right politically. We call one kind of extremism “communist” and the other kind “fascist.”  It is abundantly clear, however, that we need some definitions.  These historical parties are a mix of both political and economic ideas or ideologies. They do not include the full spectrum of ideas and reality is not on a 2 dimensional spectrum.

Socialism is centralized government and redistribution of wealth. They coined the term “capitalism” which does not adequately define “free trade” of all kinds. Communism is merely authoritarian socialism. Fascism is centralized government while retaining private ownership of the means of production. Authoritarian government can partner with private industry and still be tyrannous. Democracy is rule by the majority. Republicanism (when used by American founders) meant representative democratic government under the rule of law, rather than of men.

In fact, communists and fascists are more alike than different. But, yes, they like to hate one another. Fascists, specifically the Nazis, were socialists, just like their Bolshevik and Trotsky-ite cousins. Both were authoritarian. Communists of the day like to call everyone they hated, a Nazi. Mao, Gramsci and others had their own twists, but all were based on increasing conflict toward revolution and top-down control afterwards.

What we really want, I think is liberty with some charity. I don’t think very many people want tyranny — except those few on top. They have been fairly successful at fooling all the rest of us.  Get definitions before you go out and fight for idea, some promise, (especially one that has always lost out, been fake, and stolen lives.)


In this week’s news, hilariously, a government and specifically the Prime Minister of that government who like to make slurs against his opponents by calling them “fascists” and “Nazis”  (because he is a communist and the government there has long leaned socialist) actually invited an real Nazi, a fascist who fought for Hitler, into their official meeting and gave him a standing ovation — twice. They were thinking about the current conflict in Ukraine. However, they have many citizens who fought against Nazism, many from Ukraine, Lithuania, Estonia, and many from Poland who well remember World War II.  They took great exception to the Parliament’s invitation and honoring a Nazi. The international press noticed too. Canada’s government is in a scandal. More importantly, the government has been thrice caught in tyrannous policies, violating their own Charter Rights. This may end the PM’s career and I would expect an election to be called, or at the very least a shuffle in the Parliament. The Speaker resigned with apologies.


We could not have know about this drama when we made this episode several weeks ago. Dear listener, dear reader, feel good that you are ahead of many by learning. Please show us the love for how we have taught so selflessly for so long. Please send a thank you donation, share with your friends, and talk about these issues in civil ways. Thanks for your response.

False Choices in Children’s Literature : Dead White Guys or Trash

We just answered some mother’s questions about preschool curricula choices. The confusion arose because of some intended distraction fights among and between preschool educators.

Now, an even more pernicious false choice, even more intentionally caused. On the claim of needing to have diversity within the reading choices, all good literature has been banned. Good is defined as what has stood the test of time, and thus worth learning about. Further, it was replaced by tawdry, poorly written…. trash. Look, it is. Stop yelling and start thinking.

This situation in the classroom of teaching porn is heightened by the refusal to teach the classics. Diversity is great. INCLUDE female authors and authors of a variety of ethnic backgrounds or nationalities. Fine.

Reduce the book list  to only poorly written, modern books, especially on inappropriate topics, and you have ….   well, not anything worthy of being called learning. This is mis-education. And everyone knows it. That is why, instead of defending it, they get violent, first in words, then in actions, and finally in lawfare.


False Choice: Play or Learn

Thanks to some young mothers in homeschooling conversations this longstanding controversy arose, reminding me of all the wasted time I have heard this argued. Children should play! No! I want them to learn. This is such a false choice. It is a trap. It is what is called a “false dichotomy” as if there are only two discrete choices. This is not true. In this case, the best is a “both-and.”

In other situations, the best is something else entirely. It is not just home-school mothers who bless their hearts are just asking what is best, which way to go. I have seen educators engage silly disputes. Indeed, I have seen professors spur this on. And that is the problem. WHY is this such an issue.

New home-schoolers are just asking. But why would flocks of teacher argue about this for decades. Because it is what they were taught. Let’s consider that.  But first, let’s answer the moms.  Enable your child to learn while they are playing — as far as they are considered. As long as you get your head out of the 2D world and don’t obsess on making your two year old boy sit still, you have no problems. It all becomes easier when you see that.

PsyOp Death and Faith to Overcome Learning Disabilities

We have been learning many new things. The headlines are mesmerizing. Isn’t that so? Now we have all discovered and had confirmed what we had suspected in the area where we were: the evil has taken over the industry, the sector of society. Whether it is doctors going along with killing patients rather than helping them, or military focusing on not winning a war, or teachers being willing to hurt children — it is all the social structure that few are willing to contravene. But right to conscience based on the Judeo-Christian faith in something more than this here and now is what made our world great. And that hope continues. That God still reaches out his hand. Those who take hope, exercise faith, can overcome all the evil in the world.

My listeners, mostly mothers, but parents, grandparents and educators want to find solution to the learning problems their children have. Apply yourself here. Apply these solutions. Rather than being paralyzed by the word curses, the language that tells you that your child is hopeless and you must resign yourself. NO! These are not “disabilities” but “learning problems.”  Learning problems have solutions, even if we must learn what they are. Diagnoses should not be death knells but instead, guidance to parents and educators how to help the child. TM

You can pay someone any amount of money, hope for the best, feel like you did what you could, and resign yourself that it was impossible if it doesn’t work. Or, you could to a little investing, very little, and give it some application, and find your answer. Get the book, Learn at Home for Great Shalom at  Unique, it shows you how to consider what you child needs to learn and how to best deliver it. Then, get our *Celebrate the Victory* year long process. For sale this month only,  half price the already ridiculously low price, compared to what “providers” would charge you. Go to shop.