Category Archives: In the news

Homeschooled Children Do or DoNot Have to Prove They Have their Vaccinations?

Notice what is happening in Tennessee. In this almost solidly Republican state, a law was recently passed by the legislature (which they call the General Assembly) that homeschooled children do not have to report their vaccine status. But the state health department has instead created a new rule that they do. How does this work? First, most homeschooling is done under the auspices of some umbrella managed by a private school. Therefore the definition of what a homeshooled student is is unclear. Second, as is true across the country since the Progressive school of thought promoting the idea of an expanded bureaucratic expert run and enforced policy making, normal functions of legislative, executive, and judicial are overshadowed. That is what has happened in TN: the bureaucrats are continuing on, in defiance of the legislature. Here the full situation in their podcast.

Coming attractions. To your location.

To thoroughly understand the dynamic, take Hillsdale College 101 and 201 on The Constitution. Those free courses, lectures by their professors, show the contrast between the original philosophy of our Constitution and the Progressive view of an expert  polymorphous rule making and inquisitorial enforcement.  So, while the founders expected every citizen to be able to compare Bible to all the laws so they could correct any deviation in the law in order to secure their liberty; by contrast, we have a socialist bureaucratic voluminous, ever changing laws that favors the oligarchy.


The abrogation of rights by rulemaking.


Grandmother’s Prayer Army Encouragement

Next installment.

I recounted in a full episode a meeting of an old friend of this broadcast, Simon Okwayo, and his burden for American children and youth. Hear that. Then, I announced a prayer campaign: pray 10 minutes a day first for your offspring and then for the neighbors and finally for the nation’s children and youth. Since then, the movie “Sound of Freedom” came out. More has come out. This week, we will go to the library: mom and the kids. For now, more encouragement and specific ideas for your prayer campaign.

Invite others, won’t you?

Send for our free, full color, brochure on how to pray for your children by sending us an email to We will send you a link.

Barbie and the Library

People are liking my “hot summer activities” — actually pretty cool and can do indoors. Let children in on the real in church — let them have their own experience with God — with guard rails, of course. Hear Becky Fischer talk about her program. With depth and realia.

By contrast, I am hearing that people dislike the new Barbie movie. Ben Shapiro said it was trash in a 45 minute review, and then did another episode comparing the backlash to that review to The Inquisition. Robert Barnes expects a class action suit, since the precedent has been set for false advertising. Promoted as a light-hearted child’s movie, it seems to be instead a very dark far-left anti-motherhood feminist diatribe. It starts with little girls smashing the heads of their baby dolls — and apparently gets worse from there.

Parents, check out a review. Think about what your children are doing and how that will influence, impact, change their lives.

I think it was Ben Carson who said his mother made he and his brother go to the library and write a book review every week. But gosh, I understand library content is now at issue. Here is a tip. Decide when your children can go into the adult section of the library. If you find adult books in the children’s section, take them to the Head Librarian, complaining, like you have never heard of any controversy. If you don’t get a good response, go to the City Council, who has oversight and budget responsibility. If you don’t get a good response there, then work in a challenger’s campaign. Back to the library, take a guided field trip, helping your children evaluate books, based on covers and titles. What kind of books are being added to the collection? How can they tell which are good, classic books and which are new, trashy books? How can they tell?  Finally, check what your children are checking out and reject any not worthy of your children.

Then, in addition to reading some historical books, and historical fiction, go to some historical places. Be ready with good questions for the docents. It can be amazing fun.

Stay cool.

Children in Touch with God


Searching for what to do this hot summer? Here is an inside activity that is hot hot hot! And very cool, too. This is a re-run from our radio day with Mr. Chris Wiesnhutter, often called “Weezy”. He worked in high tech, but at that time was running the Children’s Equipping Center, I believe at True Life Church in Round Rock.


This completes the thought we started with our Becky Fischer interview (of course she has curricula and events). It is high time to pay attention to the children’s ministry. We have Sunday School curricula that is informed by leftist doctrine. We have Children’s Church that is nothing but candy and games without Christian content. Then, we send our children off to schools where instead of traditional educational content, they are battered by every form of perversity.

Thank God for the exposure of the evil, if that is used to eliminate it. We must have that in a democratic republic. But we also, even more, need the banner of positive what to do. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord raises a standard. This raises the standard.

I saw a posting on Twitter, purportedly by some pastors’ organization that seems to say that it is important to send children to government schools for the good of the whole. Is this appropriate evangelism? Or is this is lie, asking for sacrifice of children to Ba’al?


Allow children, lead children, to hear from God. Of course, they also need a strong foundation of the Bible. Here what Weezy says: they pray the Bible and share their insights. Their eyes are fixed on Jesus.

If children have adult problems, how much more should they be equipped. Jesus, even when he was here on earth, said, “Let the children come to me.”

This summer, why don’t you read Scripture with your children? Memorize some verses. Sing Bible songs. Spend some time even praying — including listening. Talk with other parents about what is happening and what should be happening in your children’s department. If you go to a house church, what is happening with the children?

Why don’t children have access to what the adults do in church?

Children love to meet with Jesus. Jesus is enough.