Category Archives: In the news

Texas Government Ignores Law, Abuses Family

The news is out, just today, that the Tutt family case has a sad ending. 1) CPS worker illegally and without evidence targeted a home school family, and 2) a lower level judge again without evidence, removed children from their fit parents and 3) the state intentionally delayed beyond legal limits and 4) children were randomly removed and only some of them returned and 5) the adoption of one of 3 siblings being delayed so as to block it and 6) the Texas Supreme Court unaccountably took no action on this case that had already proven to be illegal and certainly beyond wild imagination.

We will continue to pray for the traumatized Tutt family in Dallas county. The THSC will seek prevention of future abuses at the state legislature. All of us are on notice that freedom comes with the price of vigilance. Be sure to vet all candidates, including judicial ones, when you vote.

This news comes amazingly on the very day I had planned to air the interview with Tim Lambert, a lawyer and a co-founder of the Texas Home School Coalition. God must be taking a special interest in this matter.

Please notice that March 9 and April the 3rd are THSC capitol days. This is a great day to show up at the capitol, and exercise your rights and have a great civics lesson. Notice also THSC convention in Arlington/Dallas May 11-13 and The Woodlands July 20-22.

GSB is soon to have our own homeschool event. This is a pamper day and a group support day for home educating moms. March 31 and April 1 in San Antonio, at the historic Menger Hotel (across from the Alamo) Conference only $100. Room on your own. P.O. Box 971 Cedar Park, Texas 78630. Don’t miss out on this pamper time!

Also, send for our forthcoming binder that will help you start your homeschooling right AND be sure you cover all your child’s needs. DO NOT merely re-create a poor public school academic only education. Address all of your child’s special needs, character needs, and spiritual needs. Oh, and have fun and take the stress off! All in one packet. $300.00

Or private, confidential consulting available. (in person or by phone) Also scientific assessments available (only in person in Austin.) Email me for more info:

Vaccines Controversy Rages – Here is Real Info

We have an ongoing discussion about vaccines in our society: parents tell horror stories while governments and businesses spend extra money on encouraging vaccines like never before. Here is one family weighing in.

Gardasil: The Decision We Will Always Regret

We have heard a lot about Zika, and all very confusing. We have heard we need to be worried and careful about mosquito bites and we have had reports of no evidence of Zika in our area. We are hearing that it is an epidemic in Florida and that it is not. One representative from medicine company says a Zika vaccine is a long way off. The president encourages us that a Zika vaccine will come quickly.

Then I heard two different reports that Zika was in fact not a virus but, instead the result of a vaccination campaign in Brazil. And there were further allegations that I am afraid to own, but when I checked them out was told that they were quite possible.

What I think I can say with some certainty is that safety testing would be appreciated before we have massive mandatory vaccination campaigns. Further, I can say I am suspicious and wary of interests who find it useful to smear researchers and clinicians while making a great deal of profit. Further, I have no patience with authorities who act like bullies, shutting down discussion, and cover up real science (meaning peer reviewed scientific journals).

What I can offer you is this interview with a world-class researcher, who engaged in world class research on a variety of topics. I think he speaks quite sensibly and unsensationalistically. I offer it to you to make your own determinations.

Great Info Coming on Great Shalom – Education, Faith, Answers

I have such important things to post, but gosh, right now, I can’t. We have some technical transitions going on. Once we accomplish it, we will have much greater reach and it will be easier for you to access our episodes.

In the virtual green room, is an episode about how to “be the village” that children need. This is current; both candidates for presidents acknowledge we need to pay attention to children’s education. Okay, but what? How will it work? What can you do now? I will answer that.

Also I have a series ready on how to answer questions and challenges to the faith. You and your children, at least your older children desperately need this information. How I have seen good Christian parents be dismayed at what their children turned out to be. They never realized that other influences were giving them an alternate value system. They may not have realized that they themselves had swallowed one. Let’s talk. I’ve got some answers for you.

Are We Living in a Sexualy Repressed Society?

Are we STILL being taught that today’s problems exist because we lived in a sexually repressed society? WHAT? Time to rethink.

Repressed Sex?

Apparently, this is still taught and still given as an explanation. However, we surely know that our society is HIGHLY sexualized. Indeed, it has become stock-in-trade to point to the 1960s ubiquitous practice of selling cars by draping pretty young women across the hoods. While that is not done any longer because of the outcry of the feminist movement — and the number of female car buyers — today we are even more highly sexualized. Just go out in public and watch people. See how they dress. How they interact. Sexual purity has become a relic of the past. Indeed, suggesting that sex should be between one man and one woman in marriage only itself has become controversial, even despised. So the argument fails.

So why is it still trotted out? Does some one have an agenda to push? Who benefits from pushing this oversexualization? Who benefits from condemning wholesomeness and sexual purity? And why?

If it is NOT TRUE that sexual problems in society stem primarily from sexual repression (and given that we have more sexual problems than ever, more rape, more violence, more children molested, and much much more sex trafficing, then why isn’t some constraint being considered? Why not a move FOR “sexual repression”?

Is it because of this old saw? Where did it come from? Why is it still repeated? How could we change the situation?

Speak the truth.