Category Archives: Home education

PsyOp Death and Faith to Overcome Learning Disabilities

We have been learning many new things. The headlines are mesmerizing. Isn’t that so? Now we have all discovered and had confirmed what we had suspected in the area where we were: the evil has taken over the industry, the sector of society. Whether it is doctors going along with killing patients rather than helping them, or military focusing on not winning a war, or teachers being willing to hurt children — it is all the social structure that few are willing to contravene. But right to conscience based on the Judeo-Christian faith in something more than this here and now is what made our world great. And that hope continues. That God still reaches out his hand. Those who take hope, exercise faith, can overcome all the evil in the world.

My listeners, mostly mothers, but parents, grandparents and educators want to find solution to the learning problems their children have. Apply yourself here. Apply these solutions. Rather than being paralyzed by the word curses, the language that tells you that your child is hopeless and you must resign yourself. NO! These are not “disabilities” but “learning problems.”  Learning problems have solutions, even if we must learn what they are. Diagnoses should not be death knells but instead, guidance to parents and educators how to help the child. TM

You can pay someone any amount of money, hope for the best, feel like you did what you could, and resign yourself that it was impossible if it doesn’t work. Or, you could to a little investing, very little, and give it some application, and find your answer. Get the book, Learn at Home for Great Shalom at  Unique, it shows you how to consider what you child needs to learn and how to best deliver it. Then, get our *Celebrate the Victory* year long process. For sale this month only,  half price the already ridiculously low price, compared to what “providers” would charge you. Go to shop.

Is Homeschooling Lawful?

Is Homeschooling Lawful? and how to protect yourself, and your family from Lawfare. Here the story of how the Homeschool Legal Defense Association got started, how they work, and how they care about children with learning problems. You will be encouraged.

(rerun from 2009)


Yes, You Can Homeschool

I was asked to say something about this. I hear that there is a wave of new moms who are just bewildered about educating their children at home. I was told, “It is not like it was 10 years ago.” Okay, and surely not like 30 years ago; I get it. There is a new wave because parents are realizing that the government schools just are not doing it. But, they, unlike those few of us home schooling decades ago, have not thought about it for a long time, maybe are not as confident in their own skills as educators. Instead, they are rushed into this. Well, good news: some of us have done this before.


This episode I give you some first steps. Get in a group like Texas Home School Coalition or Homeschool Legal Defense Association that gives you and attorney. Then, get my book to help you look at your child and your goals and how best to accomplish that. Don’t just replicate what you thought school was like back in your day. That is what you remember, but that may not be the best all around for your particular student. There where things done to you that you may not even realize! And for sure, don’t just use public school curricula, online, because it is free!


There is a reason you are leaving public school. Don’t take it with you! And for sure, the best way of learning and teaching IS NOT online. Professional computer programmers know they learn best from reading; they print their manuals, read them, only then program on their screen. MINIMIZE SCREEN TIME!!!!

Here are some helpful links.


Then on see Stew Peters has a couple of episode this Spring about sex abuse in schools

Public School Exit


Overcoming Speech Problems – Speech Therapy

I will tell you my own grandchildren’s struggles and the victory we found. Sometimes a good speech therapist is the answer. Other times just an engaged adult is the answer. Sometimes the right education method is the answer. Hear our story and be encouraged and equipped!

Have you noticed that speech problems are increasingly pervasive? There is a dramatic increase in physiological problems. Why no addressing? Strong effort to stop farting cows and to go to cars that need unsafe batteries that take rare earth and child slavery, but no addressing of the pollution that stunts our children, visibly, increasingly, over only decades?

In a recent episode, we hear the claim that reading problems are created by poor educational methods. True, but also, an inability to hear and speak well, will also create difficulties in reading, let alone in social life. If it is preventable, you want to prevent. If it is curable with simple methods, you want to do that. DO NOT PUT THIS OFF!!! DO NOT RELY ON **supposed** experts in the school — that come with labels, shaming, and ….. BAD RESULTS.

We have better news, better hopes, and better outcomes here.

Oh my gosh, look at this:

A speech therapist saw many moms with children whose progress suddenly stopped after… a .. vaccine. There are risks. Are the potential upside worth it? For anyone? Is it ethical, then, to force this? No.  Now she is president of the Texans for Vaccine Choice. Increasingly, the legislators here are agreeing. Elsewhere, some other states,  they are more highly paid by the medical industry. But you, you parents, are responsible for the safety of your children.