Overcoming Speech Problems – Speech Therapy

I will tell you my own grandchildren’s struggles and the victory we found. Sometimes a good speech therapist is the answer. Other times just an engaged adult is the answer. Sometimes the right education method is the answer. Hear our story and be encouraged and equipped!

Have you noticed that speech problems are increasingly pervasive? There is a dramatic increase in physiological problems. Why no addressing? Strong effort to stop farting cows and to go to cars that need unsafe batteries that take rare earth and child slavery, but no addressing of the pollution that stunts our children, visibly, increasingly, over only decades?

In a recent episode, we hear the claim that reading problems are created by poor educational methods. True, but also, an inability to hear and speak well, will also create difficulties in reading, let alone in social life. If it is preventable, you want to prevent. If it is curable with simple methods, you want to do that. DO NOT PUT THIS OFF!!! DO NOT RELY ON **supposed** experts in the school — that come with labels, shaming, and ….. BAD RESULTS.

We have better news, better hopes, and better outcomes here.

Oh my gosh, look at this:


A speech therapist saw many moms with children whose progress suddenly stopped after… a .. vaccine. There are risks. Are the potential upside worth it? For anyone? Is it ethical, then, to force this? No.  Now she is president of the Texans for Vaccine Choice. Increasingly, the legislators here are agreeing. Elsewhere, some other states,  they are more highly paid by the medical industry. But you, you parents, are responsible for the safety of your children.

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