Category Archives: Speech pathology

Overcoming Speech Problems – Speech Therapy

I will tell you my own grandchildren’s struggles and the victory we found. Sometimes a good speech therapist is the answer. Other times just an engaged adult is the answer. Sometimes the right education method is the answer. Hear our story and be encouraged and equipped!

Have you noticed that speech problems are increasingly pervasive? There is a dramatic increase in physiological problems. Why no addressing? Strong effort to stop farting cows and to go to cars that need unsafe batteries that take rare earth and child slavery, but no addressing of the pollution that stunts our children, visibly, increasingly, over only decades?

In a recent episode, we hear the claim that reading problems are created by poor educational methods. True, but also, an inability to hear and speak well, will also create difficulties in reading, let alone in social life. If it is preventable, you want to prevent. If it is curable with simple methods, you want to do that. DO NOT PUT THIS OFF!!! DO NOT RELY ON **supposed** experts in the school — that come with labels, shaming, and ….. BAD RESULTS.

We have better news, better hopes, and better outcomes here.

Oh my gosh, look at this:

A speech therapist saw many moms with children whose progress suddenly stopped after… a .. vaccine. There are risks. Are the potential upside worth it? For anyone? Is it ethical, then, to force this? No.  Now she is president of the Texans for Vaccine Choice. Increasingly, the legislators here are agreeing. Elsewhere, some other states,  they are more highly paid by the medical industry. But you, you parents, are responsible for the safety of your children.

Dr. Swank Overcomes Dyslexia, Learning Disabilities with Individualized Approach

Dr. Linda Swank argues for the individual approach in overcoming dyslexia and other learning disabilities. Back in 2009, Dr. Swank of the Swank Enrichment Center in Austin on Bee Caves Road shares with us how they help children with academic problems, especially “dyslexia.” With her PhD in speech and language as a grounding, she developed a unique approach to helping children. Rather than rely on statistical testing and labeling, they work individually with the child and parents. The individualized approach avoids the labeling. It avoids the varieties of definitional problems that “dyslexia” presents. It avoids the denominationalism that special educators and doctors and therapists find themselves in. It addresses the presenting academic problems. Many have overcome their problems with the center’s approach.

While her methods may be controversial, I would say the proof is in the pudding. Her method is much in contrast to what the public schools do and much in contrast to what the College of Education at The University of Texas now teaches about dyslexia. However, the Swank Center has been in Austin for decades and has helped many children and worried parents. There is little value, in my view, in building a “dyslexia orthodoxy.” Rather, helping individual children is out aim. Differing approaches should be very much welcomed, in my view, in order that more children might be helped, after finding the right approach for them.


Please note that this is a rerun, and announces that next week we will have a doctor/researcher to address the controversial aspects of immunizations. That episode will NOT air next week. That doctor/researcher was Andrew Wakefield and may be accessed by searching the website or the list of podcasts on the podcast host. If you find a search page full of old or false news that he was discredited, and nothing on a reversal of same, then doubt your search engine. He was a dramatically respected world class researcher before he ran aground of pharmaceutical companies’ profiteering. The center he founded in Austin lives on, as does he, entirely exonerated, if bewildered at the persecution. Listen to our interview of him, and consider for yourself if he seems like a decent level headed scientist… or something else.

We do hope to soon run an episode on the labeling issue that Dr. Swank brings up. Let us know if you want an explanation of the statistical analyses that Dr. Swank brings up.


We really enjoyed having Dr. Swank and she evidently really enjoyed being with us. Notice that heartfelt agreement at the end. It is unfortante that we haven’t heard from her since. Don’t be like that! Let us hear from you. What issues do you want addressed? Please leave your comments and requests. Most of all, sign up, letting us know that you are a Lioness, part of our tribe. Let us pray for you. Contribute to the cause!

Swank Enrichment Center

Victory for a Child who “Cant Speak”

Recently, I saw a prayer request for a little guy who cant speak, and besides praying, I realized that I had not shared our family’s victory with this issue. I had 3 grandsons who “couldn’t” speak. Let me tell you about them, and about another little gal. It should give you ideas and some hope and faith for any child of yours who “cant speak.”

Also, along the way, I mentioned diet. I took my grandson off milk, so he could hear. Here is a link to Dr. Melillo’s Disconnected Kids, to his book on diet, and to a search on the Fiengold diet. The Fiengold diet is an elimination diet that people use to find out what foods are irritating their children. Consequently, it is thought of as a diet for allergies or ADD, but the same logic works for any problem. Experimenting, you know… like science. LOL You have to laugh these days. People are so stirred up and angry about things they know nothing about. When this Fiengold diet came out, like in the 70s, lots of people spoke against it. It certainly has stood the test of time. You use it to find out what is bothering your child. If you already know, of course, it is a lot of trouble.

Like I said, your situation might not be exactly like any that I shared, but the stories will give you a place to start, some ideas, and surely some hope & faith. And that is where everything starts.