Category Archives: Current Events

Should I Privately Educate My Child?

Should I homeschool?  Can you recommend a good curriculum? Can you recommend a good private school? What about sports? What about calculus and physics and… I am inundated with these questions right now. So, here are my answers.


Many people are questioning whether they should homeschool or better, privately educate their children now. We are bewildered about the results of the elections here, particularly for the school board. The government schools have plummeted in academic achievement, and have suddenly and covertly introduced pornography into the curriculum down to elementary. This seems to be true in many metro areas, although not in the smaller towns here.

I do not understand the election results. I am not a political analyst. I do think I know the spectrum of opinion, because of where I live and because I taught Sociology. But there is much about the situation I can not analyze. I do, however, know the basic answers to the questions about private education. I thought I would mention the background so those who live elsewhere understand why the questions are arising.


So, I answer whether I think you should privately education. Yes, it is your duty as a parent. This is the center of the Judeo-Christian mindset. Yes, I know, seldom have we been taught this, but nevertheless, it is true.

Can I recommend a good school or  good curricula. There are many. However, the way to begin finding what is best for  your child, is to consider what all your child needs to learn, what method he or she learns best, and only then start shopping for curricula or school. For this, I have a guide: the book  Learn at Home for Great Shalom. Get it. Amazon will sell it to you, print it and ship it to you. It would be cheaper than consulting with me –which I would be happy to do. For that, please see:

Texas Home School Coalition

Home School Legal Defense Association

If you live in the north Austin Texas metro area, and you want to  join with me to start a school, or if you child(ren)  has/have a specific learning need, please see :

Doctor Speaks Plainly about Bioweapon

Just relaying the words of a courageous person who has more expertise on this topic than I do. A medical doctor, familiar with the international situation speaks clearly about a/the bioweapon.

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: Criminal mRNA Injections And How They Kill

I understand that there are people who are still confused. People who have never been online or who have been restricted from getting real news. Appallingly, some people are still restricted from movement. But more worrying are people who have the intelligence, experience, and teaching who intentionally have made themselves ignorant of the situation.

But, I do have a report that a developed nation with many friend in it, friends who have dropped communication either because of fear or pride, who find themselves in a sea of anger because the population is belatedly finding themselves lied to.People are dying all around them and they have no official story about why.

Well, truth will out. It can not be hidden forever and always to all. Anyway, this doctor speaks clearly.  It is a bioweapon.

Please get a hold of our 8 episodes on How to Tell What is True. It will be in the store right away.

Lying… What God Says: Don’t Lie

Concluding our series on how to tell what is true, I felt to open up Bible wisdom about lying. God mentions it. God says not to lie, generally…. and there are bad consequences for those who do. Lying is so very well accepted in our culture, that any remonstrance is met with questions about exceptions, even from seemingly good people. So then, it becomes accepted in business, and then in church, and…. as we have seen… to an appalling extent in media and government.

Let’s see what God says. This will help us sort out what is true and what is false. And the point is: Don’t Lie.

Then, let’s apply God’s wisdom to our own lives. It really matters.

Oh…. I don’t think you heard this very clearly. Let me underline by telling you something esle: Do you know why Gandhi was so sure that no one or no thing would hurt him? Because he was nonviolent. My guess is that he based this understanding on a verse from Pantanjali… but there is truth in it. Call it sowing and reaping, if you will. Your own adherence to truth will help you identify to avoid falsehood coming at you.

As well as later judgment for being on the wrong side of the flow. You see,you get caught up in the flow, the river you stand in. Then you end up where that river takes you: the mystery of iniquity going to destruction or the mystery of righteousness going to glory.

So, don’t lie, and you can better see the truth. Don’t lie, and you can better detect when others are lying to you. Don’t lie, don’t deceive others, and you will less likely be deceived.Yes, I know that we have an experience of maturing where we have to grow out of naivete, but real spiritual maturity is called “second naivete” by theologians. Don’t lie.

Lance Wallnau recently on on 2 Timothy 3: Podcast 737

How To Tell What is True by Evaluating DATA

In our series on how to tell what is true, after suggesting you get numbers, now let’s consider how to evaluate the data. Is this good data? What does it mean? Can you even tell? Another way to tell if a claim is true, is to drill down to see how good the data is.  For that, you have to know how the data was collected, how the data was analyzed, and how the data was presented. All these are the steps in the scientific method.


People like to say “figures don’t lie; but liars figure.”  Well, that is true. Here are a few simple steps to see how good the data is. And to see if what you have is actually science or nonsense.

How needed this is! I just saw a sign that said “science is real.”  But, the trouble is, people who put those signs in their yards typically are arguing for things that are NOT scientific. “Kindness is everything,” they say, supporting chaotic, illegal violence. And even yet, the worse possible, outed liars are still making bold to say THEY are the ones restraining dis-information. Notice “dis-information.”  Remember, check definitions. “Misinformation” is mistaken and wrong. “Dis-information” is propaganda injected by a foreign power. Do you know what “projection” means in Psychology? LOL


Okay, look, we all need to know who to sort out truth from falsehood, fact from lies, and science from nonsense. Our children must be taught how to do it. None have more trouble than those who are struggling with what is often call “learning disabilities.”

Please share this episode. Maybe it is not a funny or as sensational as some other listening options. However, few are as useful. Or timely.


Viva Frei on Fake News — reasons through how a “fact checker” actually spun or mis-construed a scientific claim. Well worth watching. Also see other episodes for examples of legal reasoning.

Dr. Lee Merritt with Dr. Poornima Wagh Virology is Nonsense

Example of a site that has academic type articles that might not be published in the better known peer reviewed journals. Here is an article from Africa.

MacAlvany Weekly Commentary 22-08-17 The Everything Rally