Category Archives: Confessions

Testimonies of Miraculous Healings


I wanted to talk some more about miraculous healings. Normally, when I do that here, I just open up the scriptures. Well, we did have some testimonies: Betty, Melanie, and Shelby. But I wanted something fresh and here came Mario Murillo’s movie: “I am Living Proof.”

It was shot at one of his meetings; this one in Colorado Springs. In the movie you visit with 3 people who got miraculously healed.


Unfortunately, given the crush of work on me, I was not able to get this recorded and edited and published while the movie was still in the theaters. However, the stories are true. You can certainly find Brother Mario’s meetings on his website:

Maybe he will put out the movie in DVD format?

While the episode is late given the movie, I am posting it early given the weeks’ schedule. Still overwhelming. Every joint supplies.


Please remember: the point for GSb and OLP is that we believe in miracles and we will take them any way they come. Yes, we believe frank miracles. We also believe in healing — improvement over time. We also believe in healthful life style. We also believe in innovative, improved teaching methods. (about which, see our books   both Learn at Home for Great Shalom and Re-founding Education.) We also believe in faith applied (see How to Win the Game of School.)  Let’s don’t accept the lie of death, destruction and hopelessness. This ‘cast is here to encourage faith, to find the right answer, to obtain total well-being for all children.

Overcoming the PsyOP of Learning Disabilities

Today, we tell you the secret to overcoming the psyop of learning disabilities. As long as you think your child — or you– are DISABLED…. you don’t find the right solution to the problem, you have to depend upon someone else, and some bureaucrat keeps their job. You and others around you are harmed, suppressed, and basically: disabled.

However, if you understand that there is a learning PROBLEM, then you are enabled to find the right solution. School is important. Vocation is vital. You can do it. God created you good. Yes, the world is fallen. Your child was almost certainly injured by a polluted environment, some accident, or some poor educational situation. Fine; I understand. I and my family have had to deal with all of that. However, God is a redeemer — meaning fixing. Beyond that, God is a resurrector — meaning a Doer of the absolutely impossible.

So grab hold of this faith. Get hope to move on. Move on. Get your gold.

In the meantime, join with us for the journey. And let others know. Share both online and in person. Thanks.

Labeling is Real : Identify it and Overcome it

Thomas Scheff and David Rosenhans, among other sociologists and psychologists, have explained to us how labeling hurts people. People tend to live down to the labels they are given. Nowhere is this more true than among children who are labeled “stupid” or “bad” in school when they are young.

I explain the science just a little, give you some stories of children that I have seen, and give you a great technique that overcomes labeling.

More on What are Learning “Disabilities?”

Following our discussion of “learning disabilities” are — and are not , I continue giving you my read on what happens with “learning disabilities” in private schools and in homeschooling. I try to give you a peek into what it is like in the student’s mind. For this, see an old film called “How Difficult Can it Be?’ from F.A.T. City — widely available, link below. Then I also give you my best tips.


Diagnoses, because of the dynamics of labeling can be really deadly.  They are often resisted because parents see them as death knells. They should be used as guidance to the educators. We have given you some idea of the process in public schools. Private purchases can get higher quality, but still there is often a gap of understanding. The best tests come out in reports that need to be translated into educational plans, and then those plans need to be followed. Perhaps refined.

Private schooling can avoid labels, give hope & motivation — and sometimes give individualized help. Homeschooling has the superior advantage of truly individualized programming. A child can be taught in the way she or he best learns. These students can be advanced dramatically in their areas of strength and still have time to catch up skills in another area. Stigma, labeling, and time pressure is eliminated. Often it is ideal, IF the mother/father/ or hired tutor has the vision, creativity and motivation to help the student excel.


Use strengths to overcome weaknesses. Notice, what are called “disabilities” often are only weaknesses. These children CAN learn. Remediate weaknesses, but not to the point of failing to build up strengths. And be sure the child has a decent life!. Do not accept negative prophecies, but realize that not all students must be scholars. They do, however all need to be literate, get through school, and be able to choose a career.

This can be done. Faith for this is the first step. Then, there needs to be practical, innovative ideas. It is all of a piece. This broadcast is the only one that brings those two vital components together. And even as innocuous as this is, I have been suppressed. Therefore, please share with those who are interested!


How Difficult can it be by F.A.T. City

outline of “How Difficult…”

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HSLDA Home School Legal Defense Association

THSC Texaas Home School Coalition

For individual advice, homeschool coaching, or translation of Doctor’s/Psychologist’s findings, see  :