Category Archives: Child rearing

Agree, Sleep, and Stop Crazy the Screen Addiction — and everything becomes better

Practical Parenting… So Kids Stay Grounded In A Spinning World — Keith McCurdy

Dr. Keith McCurdy gives near panacea advice to families, youth : parents must agree, kids get 10 hours of sleep, and kids must do a social media fast… and then we can deal with whatever problems remain. Amazing. Rings true.
So, whether the problem is anxiety, ADD/ADHD, rebellion, mental illness or whatever else, if we start with a healthy baseline, then the problems reduce… and can be addressed.
Parental agreement (just on how to proceed in this instance rather than on everything) , sleep, and stopping the spinning crisis world of screens… yes, that looks exactly like the key to me.
McCurdy is a pyschologist and is interviewed by the Base Camp Live podcast, which centers on classical education. Everyone will profit.

Please see also, previous episode on gaming addiction.

BE The Village

Once we understand the problems, have analyzed the difficulty of the current policy, what will we do? We might sally forth and try to change public policy, but experience says that such efforts normally go into the black hole of frustration. There is something, however, that can be done directly. You, yourself can probably help children.

If public policy for public education of young children has been worse and worse, there is some robust, replicated, scientific research that shows that church affiliated schools and preschool outperform. So instead of tearing your hair out trying to expand public education, why not help a congregation open a preschool? We have many buildings empty all week. We have a few good women, often college educated, who might work part-time. Churches have the expertise — and the history. If you can not do this, you have find someone who can. There are obstacles, of course, but I can help you over them.

First, take a listen. Then share. How much more sensible, practical, than sallying forth with self-righteous finger pointing: “It Takes a Village.” Well, if so, then WE need to be that village. The government is not a village. Not even a city. We can be, though. Please next, go to for more information how your congregation could start a licensed child care center as a mission.

The Government is NOT a Village

Have you decided what the most important long term issue is? I know we have a LOT of issues. Fake news is assaulting us on every hand. Outrageous things are happening everywhere. Long term, however, what we teach our children may be the most important. What will they think when they vote?

While I study educational methodology, I hear a vastly contrary method propounded by … good people. For instance, I am reading and studying how reducing college down to job training is stealing the soul building, skill cultivating, citizen formation from the students, thus ensuring a slave workforce, unable to critique the government. Not a new idea. Then, I hear, from a Canadian, proudly, that their government and colleges are focusing more and more strictly on job skills. Sounds prudent, except in relation to the broader concerns about soul and society. These were the original ideals of public education when founded in the colonies and the new nation here.

For years, I learned Sociology, and made the assumptions that government programs were charitable. Looking back, I see that there was quite a bit of evidence to the opposite. Bureaucracies tend to goal displace toward self-preservation and growth. Nations that had a healthy business environment had less poverty than countries with directive governments. I have been reading a history of Canada, and comparing New France with the Hudson Bay Company. We all know that Canada is today in the British Commonwealth, and not a protectorate of France .. or Spain. So, yes, let’s have less poverty. Of course, let’s have charity where necessary. Why not let’s do some comparisons to inquire what might work along those lines. (O btw, doing comparative studies is frowned upon in American Sociology as racist — even at the country level. But it is common in Indian Anthro/Soc, but so what?)

We were so pleased back in the 1990s that Mrs. Clinton took up the concern for children. But the statistics that she rightly pointed to, if not entirely coherently, have gotten much worse. The solution, to put more children into failed government schools, is increasingly pushed. Surely no one still misquotes that children have their IQs raised when put into group care. NO! That is not what she said. She said IN THE BEST CARE, the child from the worst situation COULD have their IQ raised. But the fact is that the middle class child ends up with a higher IQ and fewer illnesses when kept at home. Of course, we will have to have many children in group care. Many more, now that we have so many young women giving birth without being married. So we ought to make that care better. But the government run Head Start programs and public school pre-Ks are the worst. Guess what are the best. Replicated, robust research says: congregationally affiliated schools.

Today, let’s consider the problems. Next time, the solutions. But be aware, science does not line up with what politics has been insinuating. No surprise anymore. To get the full book, The Government is not a Village, go to Do that, and you might get a discount, too.
Please share with your friends and anyone interested in educational policy.

Leaving a Legacy IN our Children

These days we do hear the Proverb quoted that a good man leaves a legacy for his children and his children’s children. Prov 13:22. More important, of course, is that we leave a legacy IN our children. Sparking off a tragic story then in the news, I talk about the difficult situation that so many children and youth are in. Let’s consider what we can do.

Ha! I saw a posting this morning from a teacher who is quitting teaching. Not because the pay is better or the passion more in some other job. She says is it also NOT because children have changed. She says what has changed is parenting. SELAH.

This episode is the first in a series of 9. I also have a book on the topic, but it is not like the episdoes. It is a turn-key Bible study for a women’s group. There are even activities for the children. But if you don’t have a group, don’t worry, it will work for you too. It is all ready to go. You can get it in paperback or eformat. Get the Legacy Workbook.