Category Archives: character education

Educational Liberty at Stake; Many Confused, Deceived – URGENT

I am convinced that educational liberty is imperiled. Nothing short of losing the right to privately educate our children, or educator our children as Christians is at stake. Politicians are claiming to to the reverse, and people everywhere want to believe the lies because they want money.


There are people who would argue otherwise. But talk to them for a while. Find out if they are telling you facts. Do they know definitions? What are their actual claims? Have they considered the evidence? Have they fairly evaluated the likely results of the policies? (Yes, exactly what I have been teaching in my thinking skills courses. I taught them because THIS is the greatest learning obstacle around right now.)

You know very well that most bills are named the exact opposite to their intent and result. You know that many well-intentioned plans are utter failures when put into practise. You know know, or should know, that originally all rights were reserved to the people except those explicitly granted to the government. You know that that government has consistently crept up, thought that they ruled us, and even taught that they granted rights. You know that most Republicans are really RINOs. You know that most Democrats do have some sane arguments. It is sane to expect accountability from monies disbursed!


You may not know, however, much about the truth, and history of the “school choice” movement. It is a movement push, as far as I can see, by RINO governors. It will grant some monies, one way or another to some people that privately educate, for some time; however, more will be granted to the government schools — to continue going ever lower in academic achievement, safety, and sanity. This was ever the plan.

If you doubt that destroying education and liberty has been the plan, then read Chapter 2 in my forthcoming Book: Re-founding Education.


I have heard and read the wildest, silliest claims. Folks, if you want liberty and do not have it, then propose a bill in your legislature that prohibits regulation of private education including home education. If you want more money to educate your children, then argue for lower taxes. If you want more money to go for educating poor people, work to see that your private school grants good scholarships. These are the only ways those objectives will be accomplished.

Negotiate with liars and you will get snookered. Don’t gamble with your liberty!

Books on Character for Giving this Season

Today, we run a wonderful conversation with Carl Sommer, the owner of Advance Publishing, former public school teacher and Machine Shop owner. Such a wonderful memory of meeting Mr. Somer and his family! Amazing machine shop. Really great contribution in his writing and researching, coming out of being a NY public school teacher. Now, retired from business, he continues to run the publishing house and a TV show on Christian television. You will want to hear his story. Very encouraging.

You may also want to pick up some of his books. Here is the website for Advance: nThese books will be great for Christmas/Hanukah. They are exceptionally great for giving as gifts to public libraries and government schools — who need some replacement books, don’t you think? Each book demonstrates a character moral, but none is overtly religious. Mr. Sommer wrote them especially for elementary level public schools.

Where are the Pictures of the Pilgrims?

Where are the pictures of the pilgrims? How — and why! — has that history been erased. Let’s think about that today.
This is a rerun from 2020. Some of us who said things that weren’t always well received in 2020 can now legitimately toot our own horn. It is time for the recognition of discernment and wisdom.

Let’s sort our our curricular problems in education, just as we sort out method. Our children should not be hampered by the refusal to teach them facts. Or by the lack of wisdom in how to teach them.

Today, not just a diatribe but some good ideas for what to do with the children this Thanksgiving weekend.

Let’s also consider some gift giving — whether Christmas, or if in your house it is Hanukah. Books are always great. We have some.
Here is a wonderful article by Marshall Foster on Thanksgiving and the character of the nation and its original founders.

Start Something – Rescue Children Academically

Start Something – Rescue Children Academically. Likely, you are a frustrated parent. Maybe you are considering homeschooling – and that is great. Maybe you are a homeschooler and your child wants more children around?

Perhaps you are a homeschool “graduate” grandmother? Maybe you are a Christian congregational leader?

Consider that you could start something to help children. As a mission. As a charity.
It could be a licensed childcare center. For training and consulting, see Or maybe your church would prefer a course, for which see

Maybe you could start a big school. Let me help you with board training, vision finding, and the myriad other choices.

Or maybe you would like to start a micro-school — right quick. Here what I have to say, and check out the page for microschools on