Category Archives: Providers

Good Breakfasts May Prevent Some Learning Problems

It was about 1900 when we discovered that children who had not had breakfast tended not to learn well in school. Since then, schools who had poorer children started serving breakfast. In the 1970s my friend, Dr. Lendell Braud, a psychologist who taught often in the education department, discovered that red dye creates impulsivity, exactly like ADD/ADHD. Today, however, schools still serve foods with red dye and lots of sugar for breakfast. Then they wonder why children are having learning and behavior problems.

Children with “learning disabilities” often have a cluster of unexplained, even sometimes apparently random school failures. Some of these may be explained by reaction to poor food or food allergies. Given that better nutrition is never harmful, but always the reverse, nutrition is an important thing for the desperate mother of a learning disabled child to try, explore, research, and experiment with.

I promised you an interview with Dr. Braud, but we are waiting on the finishing touches of her new website, having to do with her trauma therapy. You will definitely want to hear that–next week.

So, while we wait, please enjoy a re-run of another wonderful interview that Dr. Colbert MD and Mrs. Mary Colbert (wife and mother) gave me back in 2009. Mary had agreed to come on, and when Dr. Colbert came on, I nearly dropped my tea. It was a wonderful time.

Of course, this nutrition advice applies to all children. It applies even more to children who are having learning or behavior problems. Similarly, it applies to mature people who are having any kind of cognitive or physical problem, because, just like another guest, Dr. Ted Edwards MD, said, “Many of the things we think are aging are really toxicity.” We can all agree that better fuel makes better performance for cars and planes. It is no difference for humans. If you are a mother, please consider if improved nutrition would improve the lives of those for whom you care.

Dr. Colbert’s Bible Cure for ADD.


Learn at Home for Great Shalom

This is a book on how to teach your children and cover all learning needs, primarily for homeschoolers. Even if your child goes to a school, you the parent are responsible for the entire rearing and education — more than a school could ever cover. Furthermore, schools are aimed at a statistical average, or lower, and not at helping your specific child. Every child has special needs. Every child has needs for learning beyond the standard public curricula. This book helps your consider all the needs and find resources to cover all those needs. There is no book like it.

I didn’t want to say “methodology” because although it will help you decide which curricula and which methods, it is written for the average mother. I didn’t want to say “learning disabilities” or “special needs” because, well because I have faith that all children can live up to potential. Because I hate labels. Because every child has some specific special needs. Because this book is just much more cheerful, hopeful, and fun than a book labels “how to help your special needs child.” This really is the most helpful, most over-arching book that will help you pick everything else. Every parent, and especially ever homeschooling mother needs this book.

God Wants You Healed

If everything seems bleak, get this book. It will stir your faith. On Biblical grounds, you can stand in faith for healing for yourself and your children.

BTW, there are other books by the same title, but I titled and wrote mine first. It is not the first book on healing ever written, for sure, but my title was first before others. LOL. Anyway, I think you will like it; it is chock full.

Carl Sommer’s Principles of Success

Last week, we talked to Carl Sommer about his books for young children that teach character principles — like the mouse who discovered it was best to pay attention to what his mother said. This time he lost only his tail! And how the bear found his smile.

Mr. Sommer gave us a great discount of 25% this month for typing in the code “great.” This applies even to a subset of his books that have library binding that are already on sale for half price of …. get this… $4.95. We can’t be sure that there will be any of those books left. My librarian and preschool director friends have probably already snapped them up. So go right now.

All of the books are inexpensive for what they are and the 25% discount is great by itself. Be sure to peruse the whole website. You will find some free things.

In this episode, Mr. Sommer let out that he writes even more than is on Advance Publishing specializes in character building books, in a variety of languages, that teach character principles and are acceptable to public schools in the USA. But there is more. He is part of a project that teaches math. He provides the practical lessons, so students understand that math really is needed in the real world. For math resources, all the way up to Trigonometry This is suitable for public, private or homeschool educators.

Then, for specifically Christian content, especially success principles for youth, go to

Finally, for the the ebook format for the Kindle or iPad, let us help you with direct links. For a fee ebook edition of Education in Crisis go here. And for Teen Success in ebook form, go here. Many of his books are online with various vendors, including his books on Electric Discharge Machining, even a book on sex for young people, and his book

that originally alerted me to his work.

Please let us know which books of his you like most below.

New Books for Children With Character Development

New discovery for me and for many people I hear from: a set of better books, all with themes that develop character for children: Carl Sommer at Advance Publishing.

Not long ago, in a group of women one said, “I have been looking everywhere.. and I just can’t find good books for my grandchildren.” Everyone nodded. Yes, I knew that for 40 years stories with morals were not welcomed in the publishing industry. Then I received, as a gift for joining the Christian Educators Association International, a book entitled Character Under Attack.It was Carl Sommer’s book, telling how he had faced this and overcome it by starting his own publishing house.

I went to see him. He gave me an interview. I bought books! They are high quality, well bound — and on discount. Listen to the interview! IN it he offers our listeners a 25% discount for typing in the promo code “great.” Only through September 2017. You may also find some library bound books still on close-out. This would be a great find for preschools! Hurry; those may be gone already. And you will find that if you buy over $50.00, you get free shipping.

Check out

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Christian Montessori Training – Hunley and Hyatt

Sharon Hunley from Elizabethtown, KY and Laurie Hyatt from Chicago, Ill discuss with us the project for expanding Montessori teacher training. This is the third and last installment of our series on Christian Montessori.

This is also our last announcement of our Homeschool Moms Pamper/Support/Share event March 31 and April 1 in San Antonio. Contact me today if you want to get in. Opportunity is closing very soon. 512-249-7629