Category Archives: Problems of public education

Why STEAM education is Dangerous

STEM is science, technology, engineering and math. It was heralded as a step forward, after low American scores. More recently art was added. So STEAM is all the rage. Wait. What? While we are celebrating, now for years, something we did very badly, and still do even worse…. what is missing. What is being hidden? Watch out.

This is dangerous. See why. Come to your own conclusions. Join me through a few stories for a fun ride. With an ending realization that History and Civics, done well of course, should be the center of education. That is what is being left out.

Why has History been so very neglected? What has been the result? If there is an intention behind it, what would that be?

How can you correct it?
For more on the history of Homeschooling judicial decisions in Texas, see the Texas Homeschooling Coalition

Also: Hot News: World History Institute, inspired by the work of Marshall Foster to show how the Bible, the Reformation, and good history line up for a better world today, is working on High School curricula. I’m sure it will be great. In the meantime, get *The American Covenant* as reading or curricula, in either newer or older version.


Understanding Testing for Grades, Placement, Aptitude, and College Entrance

Today we talk about Testing for Grades, Placement, Aptitude, and College Entrance. I find that many people don’t understand the difference between criterion based and norm-based testing. In this way, they do not understand the scores.

Also, almost no one understands how random and arbitrary grades are. Even the standardized tests (either criterion or norm-based) have been re-centered much lower. No one has much motivation to talk about this, however.

Secrets revealed on how to find placement tests for purchasing homeschool curricula. Explanations given to allay concerns of homeschooling parent about their children being behind or being competitive in college entrance. Of course, it is helpful to understand how these tests work, but in general, home educated students are far ahead. And most college admissions clerks know that by now.

When Do I Start Homeschooling My Child?

I am seeing this question over and over again on xy. OH! This tears at my heartstrings! I try to respond as helpfully as I can. I just am not on xy very much. Clearly, these mums are trying to do their best. They don’t even know the right questions. Okay, so maybe that is just the quick way of saying it. Oh, maybe.

Okay, here is the deal. You start teaching your child as soon as the child is. When you start introducing academic stuff like letters is what they probably mean. The answer to that is about four, when the child is asking for it!

Oh gosh, I have a whole series on how to teach reading. So very very important. I have a book review on Alex Newman’s *Crimes of the Educators.*  Even if you don’t agree 100%  with Mr. Newman’s thesis, look, you have got to admit, he is onto a problem.  Sight reading doesn’t work. Never has.

Most curricula are 2D paper. (This is also wrongly assumed because we are brainwashed about what school is supposed to be, but anyway…)   So, it doesn’t teach reading. You can’t just shove paces at a kid and expect the kid to do well in reading. But between “read to you kid” and “send them to school” not much has been done on helping students read, or parent know how to teach reading.

Check out my “When The Road to Reading Gets Rocky” series in the store here, and just prevent problems. (And btw, have fun with learning; do not reproduce boring, deadly school.)

(Also look for more coming book reviews on Youtube.)

If you want individual coaching on how to homeschool, check out and contact me. If  you want testing for school readiness and we can meet somewhere (mostly Texas), same. If you want to consider starting a school, see

Dr. & Mrs. Colbert on Starting Your Child’s Day with a Good Breakfast


We re-run a cherished episode from when we were in the radio studio back in 2009.  Mrs. Mary Colbert had agreed to come on, but when Dr. Colbert came on, I was so surprised I nearly dropped my coffee. He is such a star in the circle in which I was running at that time. Of course, he continues to be the rockstar doctor in the Word of Faith circles. Just look how young he looks! Amazing! And so funny with brightly colored socks.

Anyway, you will be warmed and cheered this winter morning, thinking about good breakfasts for your child. About right now we could use some encouragement, right? We are right between Christmas cookies and Valentine candies! Yikes! Make those a once in a while treat, and in the meantime, serve up some brain boosting protein  and energizing fruits and vegetables.


There are so very many detrimental myths about foods, almost all of which are pushed by conventional authorities, for thier own benefit, or gosh… it has to be admitted, for the plain detriment of the population. Brains grow on good food.

Being sure that poor children had breakfast so they could do well in school was a concern from the lat 1880 until about…. maybe 1980. Back in 1880, charities that couldn’t afford meat and eggs for the children at least gave them meat soup. But now, after 1980, I see schools serving up commercial concoctions of transfat and sugar and dyes. Just about the worst. And this is charity? No, it is either thoughtless or intended to be harm.

Now that you know better, you will do better.

Since the 1990s, here in Texas, we had mothers advocating politically, successfully, for taking vending machines out of schools, in hopes of having better nutrition. But then, school lunches often changed from agriculture department surplus cooked in the school to commercial vendors. So, once again, after all the effort politically, the will of the people was subverted, and the children suffer.

Now that you know better, you will do better.


Poptarts were just about my favorite when I was a child. That was well before they all had “icing” on top. My dad said, “No,  you can put jam on your own toast.” Actually, today, I have much better than the bread my parents could obtain. I do make myself cherry tarts once in a while, but normally I have boiled pasture raised eggs, and a variety of other things like pomegranet juice, grapefruit half, home-made pumpkin pudding, bone broth, and always the highest quality tea with collagen and often raw cream. Wow! living high on the hog as we say in the country, but want to live long.

And my grandsons get country eggs, bacon, and “farm milk” because they live on a farm  — and wouldn’t have it any other way. Did I tell you that my grandsons are good competitors in chess tournaments, wrestling tournaments, and now starting in robotics competitions? And you bet, they do their chores everyday.

Dr. Don Colbert – Divine Health|legacy