Category Archives: Prayer

Overcoming Trauma

Dr. Lendell Braud, PhD in Pyschology, shares with us her method for helping children and teens overcome trauma. This is exceptional because she had data, over decades, of this actually working with the majority of her clients.
It is open to all comers; does NOT require giving up the Christian faith, nor using any religious language. It is God who heals people. I think that what this does is help people listen for God’s healing words. See what you think. Take what works for you. It is God who heals and delivers and makes new. Evil masquerades and lies, but never offers a better life.

Here is Dr. Braud’s website:

For a seed of any amount, I will send you a digital copy of a picture like those of Dr. Braud’s participants. For a seed of over $100, I will send you a handmade, prophetic picture of like kind: a picture of transition to newness of life. This offer good only in 2020.

Rescue of Children – Sex Abuse Rings Busted

In our series of the great rescues that God did over this Passover season, we are going to cover a rescue of children from sexual abuse rings. We will not talk about the horrible details. I heard this from a ministry I trust. I could not find examples during the exact week. What I did find was reputable, conventional news sources reporting this regularly over the last 3 years or so. I had not really heard much about it. Had I mentioned elite people participating in child sexual abuse, with or without idolatrous religious connections, and/or law enforcement stopping and prosecuting same, I would have been mocked as a conspiracy theorist. However, apparently, this indeed was going on. Obviously, anyone who would do such a thing would like to keep it secret. That it is regularly being reported that there are “busts” is a good thing — if we can assume that these reports are true. If even half true, then some children were rescued. If there are ongoing abuses, let alone a trend, then more and more children are being rescued. Future children won’t be abused, thank God.

This Passover/Resurrection season surely has been amazing. We are in a regroup now, a shut-in time (hopefully shut in with God), in order to be released into working in the Great Awakening manifested on Pentecost. I think many of us are being awakened during this time. We are finding new news sources, and sloughing off old, corrupt ones. We are discovering corruption in most sectors or society. Our eyes are being opened to the creeping evil and resultant slavery even in our own country, cities, and homes.

Let’s a greet every revelation with thanks. God is on the move.First we hear the rustle. Then we go with God.

Let’s prepare to go with God. And God wants total well-being for all children!

Prayer in Pandemic

I was seeing so many people so stressed out that I felt to make this prayer episode for you.
Yesterday I saw so much good news, I wonder if it is even necessary.
However, I figure many are still in worry, so please enjoy the prayer episode.
Please come to the Facebook page to chat about the good news (bet never depend upon Facebook because it is controlled an manipulated). The good news is that our prayers have been answered and the virus pandemic should peak about Passover/Resurrection Day. Thus, shutting down the economy so long that it will crash is unnecessary. Perhaps to the chagrin of those who wish to take power or like to feed on gloom and despair. HalleluJah! Prayer do work.

Please give us a like on Apple podcast or your favorite platform. It really helps to get the word out.

God Wants Healing for You

God wants healing for you. God did not make this world fallen. Therefore, God did not make you sick. God did not even choose to let you get sick; God only chose to let Adam and Eve have authority on this earth. And you know what happened after that. BUT –and a big but — Jesus came. Jesus died for our sins. And we are learning and growing. In the end all the enemies will be put down. The last one is death. In the meantime, we are learning more about getting healed. This is a fix to the brokeness that came in with the fall. Might be a fix to poor health habits. In any case, God would like to get this healing to you. Jesus’ suffering and death was enough. We don’t always download all the benefits of it — but let’s consider it. When we realize that God desires us to get healed, that should help.

Today, we will consider healing from the standpoint of what the Apostle Peter wrote.

This is part of a longer series. Check for this in our store.