Category Archives: In the news

Good News is the Fight Against Porn in School

Probably by now you know that there is some controversy because schools — as  a policy — are teaching children what they call “inclusive sex education” at ages there no sex education would be appropriate and what would otherwise be legally defined as pornography. Not surprisingly, those enforcing this are attempting to keep it secret from parents. And then accusing parents who object as being domestic terrorists. And not surprisingly, anyone not directly involved does not about it and when told can not believe it.  Same thing in public libraries.

Dani Johnson, because she was plugged into the marketing industry warned us about this push in the marketplace back in 2009. No one expected this to be in schools. But we know for sure it is now. We have had some disappointing losses in elections such as for school board. I am happy to pass along some good news. One example that I know of is from Tennessee. I tell you about the case briefly, but here is the full interview:

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and same story from a Tn newspaper

While we would not expect Christian schools to teach porn, as such, we are hearing that accrediting agencies are requiring a pro-homosexual stance.

The bad news is that a few, very dedicated people, with no shame and some strategy can make a whole nation turn. The better news is that with the help of God, 12 fully dedicated people can turn the whole wicked world right side up again.

Dani Johnson On Porn Marketed to Children

Multi-level sales guru, Dani Johnson, gave us a couple of interviews back in 2009. She had just written a book on how to help children prepare for successful lives. But I know that in her marketing workshops, she offered a bonus that was her crusade against porn marketed to children.

She sounded the alarm that marketers, since they had maxed out the adult market, were then plotting how to get children addicted, in order to maximize the vendor’s profits. Today, what she said seems prescient, even prophetic. She had great ideas and they are still valuable today.

Even in the book, she mentioned how she prepared her sons to go to the mall with her, and how they would manage when they passed by Victoria Secret store. She planned with them how they would manage when they were standing at the grocery checkout and how they would handle the magazine covers they had to stand next to. Great.

Next week, I will give you some good news in today’s fight for the protection of children.

Why: Filtering the wireless signal to your home can protect kids from porn by greatly reducing the risk of accidental access to inappropriate content. Plus, …

1) Learn what pediatricians are saying about the impacts of pornography. · 2) Begin teaching early. · 3) Know how to respond if you discover your child is viewing&nbs…

Jan 5, 2022 … Federal law (18 U.S.C. 2251) also protects minors from the production of child pornography. If anyone attempts to persuade, entice, or force a …

There is no gray area: that child needs immediate compassionate, professional help. A boundary that a mother can set right away is that upon discovery of his …

Josh Glaser and Daniel Weiss describe why “the talk” about abstinence isn’t enough to guide your kids in our pornographic world.

Where sex addiction exists, however, a careful evaluation for risk factors is always warranted. Understandably, parents will want to protect younger children …

Recognising emotional states that lead to temptation · Don’t leave your child wondering about sex. · Keep reigniting discussions about porn, and sexuality in …

Actual Science Related to Covid Prevention

I am SO perplexed when I hear people confidently teaching others the most stupid things. Standing in a line at a senior citizen center in Fall 2022, someone is telling people they should get vaxxed for covid. WHAT? Can you not see that the people saying this are barely alive? Have you not seen science and obvious fact widely known disprove this?

Here are a couple of more recent reports:

Neither N95 masks nor universal vaxxing stops covid.

Obvious investment tip: SCI — the biggest funeral home owner in the US. Notice its earnings over the past 2 quarters. Mega church pastors, if you didn’t tell you people to avoid the clot shot, then hire someone else to do funerals in your church.

Everyone else: learn what science is and how to tell when someone is lying to you. Now, I am not posting covid related stuff anymore, and haven’t for a long time because I figured that anyone who wanted to know, knew. But I see people with grossly dirty masks on, sitting behind registers at Wal-Mart. I pity kids like this. I see old people hardly able to drag themselves into a place, STILL urging people to vax. These are people who are not capable of surfing the net and depend upon television.  Every one around can see that they are dying.

People still say, “Well I know someone who died of covid.” I am beginning to wonder. Did they die of covid or of inappropriate hospital protocols. Never heard of anyone dying of covid outside of a hospital. But I can see numbers. I saw the numbers from the Diamond Princess. I saw definitions change. Get a grip.

Holiday Foods for Health and Smarts

Today, I am getting ready for Thanksgiving. Everyone here in the United States, especially if they are the cook for their family or friends is doing the same. So, today, I’m re-running my episode on great, basic, traditional foods that help health for body and brains.

New links:

20 Brain Foods That Will Boost Your Focus & Productivity


Recently, I heard someone who seemed bright and even-handed talk about human parts that were used as food additives. Oh my God! Dear, Lord, save us! After the past 2 years, I tend to believe that this could happen.

While I do not know about that, I do know that most processed food has problems. Artificial dyes created hyper-activity or attention problems in 80% of the population. I know that the most common ingredients in face soap and shampoo creates skin problems for me, and is used in industry for widely different uses. Do you want the same chemical used for stripping off ship’s deck varnish for taking off your makeup?

But organic vegetables have a hard time to find any critics.


So, I commend to you the basic, traditional Thanksgiving and Christmas foods. Sweet potatoes are some of the most nutritious foods around. Wash, bake, and serve with free range butter. Nothing better! (Do not, do not, use canned potatoes, the poorest around, and then glop up with the worst sugary stuff around!)  Then, make some apple pies, with pie apples and fresh flour and butter. How about some greens with nut gravy? How about some salad with mandarin orange slices? How about some mixed nuts instead of my old favorite: Texas Trash. Notice where the recipe came from? The cereal companies. Read the ingredients there and forget it. Get some lightly salted mixed nuts.

Have fun. And while you are snacking, talk to your family, play games with them, and lay off too much screens. If you do screen, share the big one from far away.  Okay?

The first step in helping learning disabilities is to prevent them! Food has got to be part of the equation.