Category Archives: Child rearing

Heroism Needed, and Available, for Overcoming Learning Problems

Taking a lesson from Judah Macabee, and the story of Hanukah, we talk about just the right level of heroism needed. If we do not inculcate faith and work and stick-to-itiveness, our children will becoming disempowered wastlings. If we dollop only this they may become discouraged or exasperated. We do not need heroism based on Superman, but based on reality like Judah Macabee. I trust this will bless you.

Also, I give you an opportunity to sow into orphans in poor country,that they might be fed and educated. It will bless you to help them.

Blessings upon you and your children at this holiday time.

How to Help Your Child Build a Successful Life

We all want a good life for our children, but all too often we don’t even define it. Sharon unpacks the ingredients, gets to the bottom of this, and makes it easy. Busts some myths along the way.

Christmas Crafts for Kids

Lots and lots of quick ideas for having a merry month. Many are completely free and most are very inexpensive. You can make great memories, all the while have learning experiences that seem like play. Don’t spend ALL your time on academics. Have some fun, especially this year. Chock full of ideas to the end — you are going to love ’em!

Resources for Overcoming Learning Disabilities –AND Christmas Gift Giving!

Just felt that I needed to go over the resources I offer, since many of you haven’t heard of them yet. Starting with the book that started this broadcast, I give you a 360 birds’ eye view of all your child’s needs, to you can pick what to teach, then give you some choices about methods, so that you can go and pick curricular resources — RATHER than just shoot in the dark as is usually done. You are not trying to replicate a failed and limited public school system, with it very limited fact/skill base, aimed at the average student, with methods at best suited for the factory system. Yes! This is directly overcoming “learning disabilities” or “overcoming learning problems” — each chapter deals with different learning needs and how to cover that — no matter if your student is average, above or below — who cares? The point is, how can you help your student. I answer that.

Also I talk about solid and unique resources for study skills and learning English spelling. Also, other resources for the parent, educator, and citizen interested in education. Come to

Please buy from a small business this month — for everybody’s future.

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Happy Thanksgiving, Blessed Nativity, and happy anyday!