Category Archives: Prayers for mothers

The Mission of the GSB Ministry

Did you know that I started this to help mothers with children who had learning problems (aka “Learning Disabilities”)? Of course, I want to stay rooted in faith — faith to find natural solutions as much as to receive supernatural miracles! Did I go too far in failing to say “learning disabilities” so that the search engines couldn’t help you find me?

Of course, everything is connect to everything in some way. Better nutrition for better brains is an interest of the grandparent generation maybe even more than it is of most moms. Of course, education reform is of interest maybe even more to educators than to moms of children with special needs. Maybe moms want more faith talk. Maybe some moms tolerate the faith talk to get new practical ideas.

Please tell me who you are and what you are interested in? Help me help you, yes? And engage so we can be a better tribe. Like Junia and I said, we are lionesses: we go get what our cubs need. We work together with other mothers in our family and in our community. Engage with us, okay? (BTW, there is a Facebook page, too. Post funny things there, if you like. Comment below, if you like. Email me or mail me. ) Just let us hear from you. Thanks! Sharon


Who Are You (in relation to GSB?)

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The Center of all Character Development, All Religious Education

Homing down on the very center, the very essence of the first most important task of a good parent. We found, very surprisingly, last week that religious education was primary, because it was primary to call character foundation, which is foundational to anything else we might want to convey to our children. So, it that is so, what is the center, best, single most important thing we can convey in that religious education? I give it to you here.

It might be surprising. It might be shockingly familiar. However, it can not be controversial. It is the center of all of Christianity, and agrees with the center of Judaism. Further, while the outcomes agree with the desired outcomes of other good paths, the center is centered on the uniqueness of the message: grace.

You will want to hear this. The surprising, and almost never discussed center point of what being a good parent is.

Prayers for Children, Election, Nation

Hi you all! It is time to pray, isn’t it? This week I am spending our time together leading in prayer. Mostly for our children, but yes, also for the nation. One influences the other, isn’t that right? We need lots of healing, in lots of areas. Fortunately, blessedly, God has that healing for us, for our children, for our nation and for our world.

Hope you enjoy. Feel free to contact me with your prayer requests also. What should I give out as the free thing for November? Maybe a free one page sheet on how to pray for our children? Go to the tab above for that.

It is time to pray. Let’s get after it, just like Miss Clara in *The War Room.* Speaking of which, did you see “her” in Kirk Cameron’s *Revive Us*? What did you think of that? For me, besides voting and praying which of course I do and encourage, it brought up some discussion about education around history and current affairs in our country. Let’s talk about that at some time — maybe after the Answers series. Maybe after the first of the year. I think I will have some great interviews of some educators by then.

GSB Almost in Audio for 2016

Happy to announce that we are in audio again, for 2016. Please subscribe through WordPress (to the right on this page). In 15 minute format now, because I understand this is the most popular podcasting format these days. This week a little explanation and a prayer of blessing. Next week, how to change your atmosphere with singing.

First Audio of 2016

Double click on this and then look for the black bar. That is your player. Press the little triangle because that is your play button.

Now, I have to remember to put text into WP, then make a link, then put code in, being sure it is right with no trash AND THEN to eliminate the “http://” because WP will automatically put that in. Aha. (And never mind that WP just added some code to this text! OY Vey!)

Apologies to those of you who came early and found a bit of coding trash. I was obviously technical difficulties. Our sound file hosting friends had an unavoidable change in servers. WordPress as decided to make several changes too, which in our view were all poor choices. But I also was having some difficulty getting my code up right. So I was getting changes or eliminations of the code from my server support. Struggle. It would be better if I could devote myself to my calling to creating the content and that I had someone whose calling and talent was to do the tech. I need some volunteer tech help or money to pay tech help. Audio files are ready to go, with good server support (we really like NetBroadcasting — great for churches.) Contact me if you have help.

First Audio of 2016