Category Archives: Prayers for teachers

Grandmothers’ Prayer Tool

Wrapping up our Grandmothers’ prayer campaign that we were running this summer. Encouraging prayer always, of course. Explanation of the progress of prayer through the ages and how a prayer tool like this fits in. I cover several of the most popular scriptures to pray and several options for continued prayer.

Fortunately, we know that if we pray in the will of God, we will have our answers. And we do know that God wants total well-being for all children! Yay! HalleluJah!

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Back to School

It is back to school time in Texas, and will be soon in other places. Therefore, today, we are going to bring back an old episode in which we had an intercessor pray for teachers and students going back to school. It was 2008 and Bob Long came into the radio station with us to talk to us about what teachers and students could do in public school and primarily to pray for them. At that time, his ministry was leading intercessors across out metro area. After that, he spent a lot of time praying for those in our state legislature. I’ve lost track of Bob since then, but surely our parents, teachers, students…. and governmental officials need prayer now more than ever.

It is a busy time as we go about trying to meet our own needs, those of our families, and work for civic duty. It is the start of the school year here, so that is often a change of schedule. Some are going off to school Others are beginning homeschooling. I have just heard from another state, that while many were learning online, so many people are hungry for face to face interaction, that many homeschoolers are abandoning online and  starting to meet with others.

Here, many of my friends are involved in election work: door knocking, more meetings and so forth. Given what we heard at the summit this weekend in Missouri, we have a much clearer picture of the challenges before us. Facts are abundantly clear that are hilariously still disputed —  but a new and even more nefarious picture of widespread evil has emerged. This must change strategy.

For parents, protecting our children must be foremost. For those of us with enough to sustain ourselves, we are tasked with civic duty to try to bring our nation back to liberty and justice.

Clearly, it is a time for earnest prayer!  Lord, help us! Purify our hearts. Grant repentance to our land. Strengthen the hearts of the pure. Thank you for the angelic hosts.Thank you for the sons of God, willing to lay down their lives to teach and lead us.  Come, Lord, Jesus!


Dani Johnson on her Grooming the Next Generation for Success

How might a parent prepare their children for success? Dani Johnson, millionaire, sales coach, and multi-level marketer, is also a mother. She took time out of her successful life to write a book on how to parent: Grooming the Next Generation for Success. Then she gave us an interview in 2009. It is a keeper. Since I am once again encouraging faith for success and improvements in parenting and teaching toward student success, let’s hear Dani Johnson once again.

Here is a woman who gained great success. She trains others for success in the marketplace. Out of love for her children, she considered how to teach them to be the kind of people who will be successful. She gave them vision for success. She gave them tools for success. Then, she wrote a book to share that with us. This is a second opportunity for us. Perhaps you weren’t with us in 2009 when she gave us this interview. Take advantage of it now. Be a successful parent. Share this with your friends. Make a lioness tribe of successful moms because they have successful children.

Given that she is a mother and a successful millionaire, she is not as intimidated as a professional educator or pastor to say something that we all know. Discipline in parenting is needed to inculcate the kind of self-discipline that is needed as an adult. Perhaps that is more clear after this past year even than it was in 2009. Given that she is a sales trainer, she talks about “scripts” — what I would call “verbatims’ given my ministry training. In short, she helps her children know the words to speak. I love the story where she is helping her son see that chipping in to do housework really is part of the kind of leadership training that he desires. She transposes her conversation with him, mother-son, to his future conversation coach-to-athlete. Priceless. It gives vision, don’t you see? Also, when asked to do something that maybe wouldn’t be their preference, her children say, “Yes, mom, I would be glad to.” Self-restraint! Self-direction! Don’t we need a little more of that in the world, right now? Why then, do we provide scripts for resentment, self-indulgence, and violence? Or, while decrying discipline, then inculcate shaming, threatenings, and violence? HMMMM? Things we see so rampant today that we never thought of in 2009.

You will want to get the book! In her book, Grooming the Next Generation for Success, she also addresses how to help children avoid porn and how to deal with dating. It is amazing. Why, why why has no one discussed this before? And so helpfully?!?!? I sued to spend a lot of time giving you links to Amazon for the many books referenced here. Today, please go to Christian Book Distributors, or your other favorite bookseller. DO get the book.

See Dani’s book and course on Grooming the Next Generation for Success.

Christmas Blessings

Here is a bonus episode, just to bless you. I know in hard times, an elder’s blessing, from Scripture just might help.