Category Archives: In the news

Dani Johnson Warned About Porn — but Who Could Have Predicted What We Have Now?

We so appreciated Dani Johnson’s sharing with us her crusade against porn aimed at children. Dani Johnson, for those of you who don’t know, is a near famous trainer for the multi-level marketing industry. She is also mother of five and author of the book, Grooming Children for Success. I highly recommend it. I will post here the archived broadcast.

Dani Johnson v Porn aimed at Children Dani Johnson is a guru in the multi-level marketing industry so she knows what the marketing gurus are doing. They are sitting in board rooms planning how to addict children to porn. Rerun from Jan 2009.

I think it is worthwhile reflecting on the trajectory of our society at a time when most of us can not believe what we are hearing: requiring both sexes of children to bathroom, dress, and shower together. When I first heard it, I thought my friend surely had it wrong, that maybe it was a mandate to make one bathroom for anyone. Who could have believed that an American public official would forces schools to harm 100% of the children over some purported or help or right to some 1/100th of the population that even science is uncertain really exists.

The Great Shalom has worked hard to steer clear of all political controversies, but clearly when the safety, health, and well-being of all children are at stake, and the moral well-being of the country is seriously in question, we cannot be silent. GSB can not/will not opine on whether transgendered persons are so by ascription or acheivement, whether they are born so or are mentally ill. If they are born so, then perhaps there may be a need to take care of them – but even this eventuality does not dictate a particular direction as to what is helpful. This may be left to experts. However, even if there are “transgendered people” and even if the best thing is to go along rather than treat them, nevertheless, we can not sacrifice the at least nearly 100%.

We have been appalled at the sexual assualts at school. We have been appalled at the porn aimed at children. We look back and see a downward trend, having begun about 100 years ago, to encourage cross-gendered behavior. Bobbing of the hair by women was widely preached against. Men shaving perhaps did not have the same controversy, but was certainly an innovation, accepted because of purported lice in military quarters. We might want to consider historical and sociological questions. Indeed, I have thought that it would be humorous to suggest that we all engage in social protest: the women by wearing long hair and long skirts and the men by sporting beards — without military mustaches. But some others have thought of these measures before I did. LOL.

Certainly, as parents and citizens we must discuss policy. We can not imagine that this move is a move by one man. Indeed Fort Worth was already engaged in such a controversy. And a Round Rock teacher was reprimanded for correcting a high school girl who went into a boys bathroom — before there was any such mandate. Think of this. You are responsible for herding high schoolers; you see a girl walking purposively to the boys bathroom; you never heard of any transgender mandate (maybe never heard of transgender anything; and you get reprimanded by your boss? WHAT?  This is a movement. And why? Why would anyone make a concerted effort across the nation, against all public schools for a purported 1/100th? We need to talk about this. And what is the right response? We need to talk about this. Please go to for policy discussions.

If you have questions about starting or running a preschool — and now home school cooperative or a school, please go to





Vaccines and Faith

Having heard of legislation going appallingly the wrong way, in order to hurt yet more children for yet more profit, it is sadly time to review our broadcasts about vaccines and immunizations.

First, world class researcher weighs in:
Andy Wakefield Long respected as a world-class researcher, Andy Wakefield, in the height of the persecution on him speaks in measured way about the need for safety testing on vaccines and why.

Please continue to pray for him. He has been persecuted maliciously and viciously. Because he was a researcher! And called for safety testing. Notice how measured and careful he is. This highlights the evil of the other side. They have silenced him, and they try to silence me, but the Truth will out.

Also, we had Dr. John Ensign giving tips for parents:
Dr. Ensign How to keep your children safe from flu and from vaccines

And I have opened up the Word of God on the issue faith and health:
Take your Word “Flu shot” Build up your immunity based on The Word

Dr. Don Colbert has also weighed in on the issue, although somewhat after he granted us an interview.

Great teaching on Christianity and Islam by Ravi Zacharias

Islam and Christianity:
The Points of Tension
Ravi Zacharias
$9.00 (One CD)

The long-simmering tensions between Christianity and Islam have escalated to alarming and often dangerous levels. But outside of fiery rhetoric, how does the Christian worldview most effectively engage Islamic thought? For an exhilarating hour, Ravi Zacharias defines the differences and clarifies many of the fundamental positions of Christian apologetics in response to Islamic challenges. Delivered in the Middle East, this is an important presentation that could truly change the way you think about the world’s most critical issues.

Revelation on Riots

The news this morning is that not only are their peaceful protests in Ferguson, but also burning cars and looted shops, and riots are spreading across the country. STOP. THINK.

If you want to protest a controllist government, this will not help, but hurt. They will come out with more violence than you can muster and put you in prison or all of us in martial law.

Here is the revelation. It is a shmita year and a year of war. What that means is under the Hebrew calendar, this would be a year of seven year rest, when farmers did not plant. But there is also some symbolism of war. How do you rest and go to war? Answer: you war BY resting.

Right. When “the enemy’s” plan is to wear you out, then you rest. HA! We are so bombarded by garbage information that we might fail to notice something very important. Fast from all but necessary media. We are so worn out by robotic type work that we might forget to think about important strategy. Cut your work hours to agreed upon and necessary. Take breaks to think about what you are doing. Most importantly, don’t work so much that you sacrifice your time communing with God. God is the One who can “see around the corners.” Be sure you take your prayer, meditation, and Bible reading time.

Remember that God always had a strategy for David.

Today we are not in a time and place where literal fighting with our literal government is appropriate. Romans 13. “War” by prayer, service, and leadership. Continue to stand in faith. Continue to believe for your children, our children, all out children.