Category Archives: In the news

Things to Do in the Summer with Children

July is already ending. Some of us are realizing that we haven’t done what we wanted to do with the kids this summer. Others are running out of ideas. LOL Anyway, the episodes that I share about activities are always popular, so I’ll include one or two now.

Just having fun is of real value for children who are drilled mercilessly on their weaknesses during school-time. Use the summer as fun time, and some of that fun can be very educative. Further their strengths. Do something multi-sensory and non-school-like that strengthens the deficits. Rythmn. Ordering. Coordination. Just don’t make it like school. Learning and school are NOT synonymous.


There are some learning opportunities, however, outside of school, that I think we really need to focus on providing.
What I hear on the news media is maddening. Obviously, people have lost their reasoning powers. Or else, and more likely as the Bible says, some “are deceiving and being deceived.” It is evident that the accusations are projections, and the propaganda is an exact inversion of the truth. Please sign up for announcements and get our document “Twenty Questions to Ask Yourself to Tell What is True in All Circumstances.” We don’t share your info; we don’t sell your info; and we don’t send it out fast. (And I won’t send it out to any no-name strange email. It has to look real.)

Critical thinking exercises and even direct lessons on logic could be some summertime fun, too. Unless your child is privately educated, then he or she is almost certainly not getting logic lessons at school. My parents’ direct teaching on how to deconstruct advertising we very helpful. Obviously, most parents are teaching their children these things because lying advertising continues — because it makes money. Today, lessons in how to avoid distractions is even more important than in those days. When I was young the conversation was how horrible it was to advertise sugary boxed cereals during the Saturday morning children’s programming. So, I was never attracted or distracted by that sort of advertisement. I was, by contrast, impressed with the Olympic athletes on the Wheaties box. Hmm…. an implicit inference that Wheaties was more healthful than…. some other cereal. Are you having these conversations with your children?

Now, these sorts of inferences, along with outright lies are coming directly from what purports to be authoritative sources. Simple math. Basic statistics. Common sense would eradicate such fear mongering genocidal assault. Are you confused? Do you need help in how to teach your child? Let me know.

In the mean time, sign up for our Tribe or Pride. Get ready for the coming school year. Oh, sorry. No, enjoy your summer.

Frontline Doctors Argue in Court that the Vax Authorization is Illegal

Epoch Times reports nonprofit suing US federal government for improper authorization and distribution of v*x.

Frontline Doctors, a physician nonprofit is suing Health and Human Services arguing that 1) the conditions for emergency use authorization have not been met and that 2) the vaccine does not prevent, treat, or cure any disease, so therefore it is illegal to permit its distribution.

Death numbers, even given the inflation of death and cases, do not indicate an emergency situation, but something only equivalent to the seasonal flu. This is undoubtedly so, based on real statistics, even if your news media has you scared into thinking otherwise.

The vax is not an immunization. it is dangerous gene therapy — so dangerous that animal trails were halted.

There are good, safe treatments available for the corona virus manufactured to be coivd-19. Even if use of these and knowledge of these was suppressed.

Suit asks for halt to distribution to anyone under 18, recovered from covid-19, and anyone not fully informed of dangers.

Doesn’t that include just about everyone? If case rates were high, then the recovery rate was high and we already have herd immunity. No one, virtually, has been properly informed. Quite the contrary.

We, the population need to start thinking. And so, why are we even talking about the Delta variant, since we know from Farr’s law that it must necessarily be weaker than the original? And that wasn’t very deadly, especially when properly treatment was available? And why is obvious fact — like math — suppressed then and even more now? Any elementary school child can divide deaths by population and get a number that is less than 1/1000th and know that is low. No pandemic. But, yes, for sure, a bio-weapon.

Why such protection and promotion and profiteering permitted by creators and funders? Why is there not a criminal case against the makers? The funders? The colluders?

I don’t know. Thanks to Epoch Time for their courageous reporting. /we here, just want the best for everyone. We just pray that judgement be once again founded on rigtheousness, that the truth not be suppressed, that repentance be granted, and shalom be upon all our children.

What is True? Math. Responsibility!

I have been very restrained for the ministry’s sake, but you know I have been warning against the v”accinashuns.” Since we had Dr. Wakefield on back in January 2009, I figured more conversation on “vacciNasions” would be tolerated. I knew people were so afraid they couldn’t think. When people are that afraid and feel under attack, often they attack. Others, knowing what was going on were simply happy to have some reprieve; they were coming for help for their child’s problem, after all, not more info on the … current news. After a conversation with a friend, I just had to speak and GIVE YOU A SUMMARY AND BE JUST A LITTLE MORE CLEAR. Some people still have no idea! This week, much is coming out. What some of us have known all along, is being more widely shared. The conventional news media and even FB, the worst of social media has had to admit that there is a bug crack in their previous “story.”

So, this episode is what I would say to my sweet but clueless friend. I give you just the top highlight, the simplest math, and the most obviously encouragement about what being a responsible mother/citizen would mean. Our previous episode on how to tell what is true is here. We are also offering a FREE document of 20 questions you can ask to ensure you are not snookered in any circumstance. (This comes out of my long study of logic, many years of managing controversial conversations in a college classroom, fearless devotion to studying theological doctrines from every angle, and handling business as a single woman.) Just email me and I will send you the document. It is just about 3 pages long so you can fold it up and put it in your purse. Then pull it out, when you need it. Or memorize it. Never be fooled again. Complete with at least one Scripture verse for each of the 20 questions. )

Then, also, I have just put together 2 long audio episodes to help you, especially if you are bewildered. One is a summation of what happened and when in the “pandemic.” The other track is a compilation of how to ensure your family’s health and safety. The problem isn’t over. It will never go away. Similar problems may continue to show up. The greatest danger is NOW — not a year ago. Inform yourself, arm yourself with knowledge, and have a tool kit, or a box of herbs and supplements at the ready. I point you to an array of resources, some traditional and others replete with citations to peer reviewed journals. Let me be your Mensa girlfriend, your wise old relative, the momma gorilla who helps the rest of the band have good babies!


As I think I mentioned, I am seeing that now people are willing to listen, as more facts are being exposed, and more lies are shown for what they were.

Here is what others are saying.

Flashpoint, a news analysis from ministers on gives a summary:

Elijah steams interviews Johnny Enlow. This is very deep stuff. Enlow has a great batting average, helping heads of state, opposing spiritual tyrants, and getting it right. I respect him.


OSHA had reservations but was bullied out of them Update: Gov Abbott of Texas bans vaccine passports. Let me give you the Gov’s site. We have learned not to trus conventional media, have we not?
We Have no Choice (in sending our child to a college and thus getting a *) WHAT?!

Doctors Sue Against Giving Children the Jab
Covid V*x Implicated in Heart Problems for Youth
Homeschooling is Tripling
Requiring an Untested, inlicensed Vax is Illegal in the US
Reair of One of Our Most Important Moments: Dr. Wakefield Please hear this, from 2009. Hear how reasonable he is. Compare this to the atrocious words about him. He was exonerated. His science was impeccable. But he withdrew in dismay. Why would someone be so vicious against him. Was it just their profit? Or did they know that 2020 was coming up?

Wow! I apologize if

I blew it! The last 2 episodes were posted on the website — but maybe not sent out as podcast episodes. Eeeek! Here they are:
1. Zero Percent Chance of Living This is the story of when we got a miracle for my grandson who was smashed in a car accident.
2. Overcoming Learning Problems thru Innovative Methods This is the story of how I helped another grandson with his learning problems.