Category Archives: Faith

Story of my grandsons and how this podcast got going

Today, I tell the story of my older grandsons and how this podcast go going. They had some problems to start with, but then my daughter had a terrible auto accident with them in the car. the oldest went to be with Jesus. The next was given zero percent chance of living. He turned 5 in a coma. The third, not yet two, was thrown from his care seat, out the windsheild, and his femur fractured, and had glass in his forehead.

We went to the “best ICU” in the state and got unimaginably bad “care.” But we got help from a famous ministry that I happened to know in that town. And we got some healings – in a variety of ways.

i really credit the folks at that ministry especially for coming out to my grandson’s memorial service. Gosh, that was kind. It is one thing, as a professional to provide one, but for lay folks just to come out; that is kind. And we got some healings. The second grandson woke from that coma, and started talking — to the utter amazement of the speech therapist. And he is working now. Pediatricians were flabberghasted that he could walk. He can come close to being management, at 25, I am told.

Third grandson, I pulled glass out of his hair. And taught him to talk. He is a valuable tradesman, now at 22. And will have to make a hard decision about whether to take a supervisory position, too.

All this because I had a faith perspective.

And my pastor said, “Write a book!” Well, I did. And you can buy it: Learn at Home for Great Shalom. That is what I knew. That is why I told my father that there was not point in my earning money to save for the boys’ college if they never learned to read. They did. But not because of doctors or schools, but because of Grandmother. And they are not the only ones. The Lord has sent me into schools a few times to rescue other children.

What about yours? You need to listen and learn, first the faith perspective, and then the right strategies for your children, grandchildren or students. God wants total well-being for all children. And you need to be part of providing that.

Also, other people need to know about it. I have been censored, I am told, because I have curated info about … well you know… that also hurt children and old people. But God still wants total well-being for all children, old and young alike. And with faith and perserverence, we are going to be part of delivering that. Please help. Share face2face and otherwise, won’t you?

How to Think Better: Love the Truth

This is our capstone episode in our series on how to think better — although it might not be the last. We have talked about the necessity of realizing that there is such a thing as Truth. Today, we will talk about the necessity of aligning with, pursuing the Truth, even loving the TRUTH.

I have made some argument that I hope and expect that non-believers will understand. Of course, I use some words of Jesus. I don’t assume that everyone who listens is already a Christian believer. I do think they will understand, if they are just patient with my explanations aimed at those who don’t already know Biblical language.

This is really vitally important, but overlooked in the discussion of how to think better, and how to tell what is truth. And that discussion is often overlooked for students with learning disabilities. Look, what is true and false, what is good and bad is not some esoteric subject that only graduate philosophy students can grasp. It is just that they know how important it is, and have language as well as motivation. This is an important subject to all people — if they want to have successful, happy, good lives. So, let’s not overlook it. Let’s directly teach it, especially to students who maybe don’t get it as quickly simply because they are immersed in the tedious aspect of academics!

And surely, if children are not “getting it” then it is time to directly teach it.

Bart Once Was Non-Sighted; Now he Sees

Finishing up our 3 part series on miraculous healing, we hear the history of “Blind Bartimeus” — or Blind Bart or today maybe Bart who used to be non-sighted. Well, Bart was once non-sighted, but now he sees. He heard that Jesus the Miracle Worker was coming to town. He positioned himself. Then he started calling out — loudly.

Look at the dynamics, because they are typical. He positioned himself and he started calling out, toward where he had heard Jesus was coming. People around him told him to stop. Typical!!!  But Jesus did hear him and called him. Then, the people around him changed their tune and were telling him to go.

He threw off his beggar’s cloak, the label that permitted him to get his beggar’s pittance. Jesus healed him. He walked away, seeing. This throwing off was a faith statement. Jesus said more than once to someone, “You faith has made you whole/well/saved.” (It is all the same word in Greek: sozo.)

Go thou and do likewise. Meaning: position yourself, call out, ignore contradictions, have faith, and walk away victorious. That is the way it works.

It might be easier to learn how to read, how to do algebra, and how to understand philosophy than to believe for sight if you have never seen. So, go for what you need. And by all means, throw off the label!

Also, announcements following in the audio.

Holiday Activities to do with Your Children 2023

Happy, faith-filled, educative, fun activities for your children. This is important for students with “learning disabiities” just to have some enjoyable, joyful experiences! This is important for all children, to engage in the faith of the family. This is important to your family to pass along traditions. This is important for all of society, to pass along values, skills, traditions — culture.

Ideas include gifts to make, greeting cards, crafts and arts that depict your faith. Whether your family celebrates Christmas, the Hanukah miracle of the oil, or the history of the Macabees, make it meaningful.