Category Archives: Current Events

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled — Blessed Passover/Resurrection Sunday

Wow, can we get a slow news day? What a turmoil! Jesus knew. Jesus told us. And His words prevail: “Let not your heart be troubled. Believe in God. Believe also in me.”

This year the celebrations of Passover, Resurrection Sunday, and Ramadan come together. This year, so much is happening and so much is being revealed. It is hard not to be troubled. It is imperative not to be complacent. How do we go forward? According to the Word of the Lord, we net our hearts not be troubled by believing in Him, by looking to Him, by repeating his Word.

In this episode, I go thru a number of Scriptures, touch on the times, and bring it back to 4 simple things to do to keep a peaceful, victorious life. No question. It will change your life. It will enrich the life and learning capacity of your child.

Please communicate with me. We discovered a huge batch of emails went to z-space. Apologies. I do want to hear from you.


Obviously, keeping our children alive, safe, and well is of utmost importance. While this is beyond my level of ability to check out scientifically, at least in the short run, it seems believable to me. It seems to match with the facts as I know them. It is passed along by what I consider to be reputable sources. Knowing this will allow you to take precautions that themselves are not wild or unknown. Thus, it is wiser to pass it along than not.

The covid vax is reported to have a 1,000% increase in nuerological disorders, as well as a death rate that is high enough that no other vax would have been permitted to stay on the market. That, in itself, suggests that conversation about the vax is included in what this broadcast should be discussing. Intelligent and diligent mothers would be looking into this topic.

Dr. Ardis DC was interviewed by Stew Peters and it was broadcast last lnight 4/11/22 on   also posted on Bitchute,com and is being quoted widely.

Says that covid, covid vax and Remdesivir have viper venom in them. Basically, he discovered this when he was pointed to the research and found that anti-venom is polyclonal antibodies, while monoclonal antibodies work for coivd 19, was promoted by Gov. DeSantis, but subsequently forbidden by Biden.

Ardis says that KingCobra or Crate (Chinese) snake is used.

This venom paralyzes the diaphragm thru attaching to specific brain receptors. The venom was put in city water supplies.

Substances that block the receptors:

Nicotine   heavy smokers have clogged receptors,

Ivermectin       used as a horse de-womer, and also for an unrelated use in humans; some humans have been substituting other vermifuges because there seems to be a work, like animal that causes the clots, but for this purpose, blocking the receptors, a substitute would not be recommended

Zinc                 you need mor than in  over the counter cough drops

Too much is toxic

Quercetin        available in health food stores

NAC   N-acetyl-L-choline is what I see in the stores. Note, that it needs a lot of water drunk with it. Of course, drink only purified water.

Hydroxycholorquine  (HCQ is available from frontline doctors and maybe other brave doctors,  quinine is available in some tonic waters, and quinine bark is sometimes available; other malarial drugs derisved from quinine can be purchased at pharmacies for traveling)

Vitamin C


Bentonite Clay

Corticoid steroid

Budesonide  (nebulized)

Here is the link:  April 12

HERE IS ARDIS’ ANTIDOTE INFO Visit to learn how to protect you and your loved ones during this biological war. 4/12 confirmation on Stew Peters Feb 28, 22 dec 21


Notice that other eye witnesses match the facts, even when they have slightly different interpretations.  Other nurses have called Remdesivir : “run death is near.”

Also, to put someone on a ventilator, a bunch of drugs are used that paralyze the diaprham. Then they are left on the vent too long, and infection sets in. Often they are not given water or food. No surprise then, they die.



Driving around, I am shocked to see advertisements for Covid-19 testing, for covid-19 vaxxes, etc. What? Covid-19 left with Omicron. It did. Vaxxes are now widely known to have killed more  people, even immediately after taking it than covid did.  There is a concerted pushback from all quarters of society, even in the delayed and slow court system. And the courts are belatedly siding with the citizens. How is it, then, that some corporations are still advertising these things? Are there really some people so benighted that they are still participating? Is there profit in in some way? Or is the corruption money still flowing? Yikes. Protect yourself. And your children.


Well, yes, people are still dying in hospital from covid treatments. Please try to think straight. From covid treatments, not from covid. I know of a man who never had any covid symptoms and is now dead from the treatment.  Medical power of attorney was not honored. Several cases around the country are reported, and more are being litigated. Here is help.

check Rodney Howard Browne’s words about the near future, based on knowledge, at, during Sunday evening services.

BTW, there are many stores I no longer shop in. I am finding that this is very beneficial, as I now patronize local businesses more.

OTHER EVEN MORE UNBELIEVABLE —  REPORTED BY MORE THAN ONE SOURCE  (Also entitled “How to Avoid the Mark of the Beast.)

DISCOVERING  Recent ANTI PARENTAL MOVES by Government Colluding with Medical Industry

I am hearing repeated moves by elites, through the government, to take over the ownership of children in contradistinction to parental rights, to abuse them, and to endanger their health. There is so much news, it is hard to see patterns, but there is a definite pattern of aggression against the safety of children and the denigration of parental rights.

First, we are discovering that there is child sex trade to a level that has never been before. The regular police don’t even try to address it. Finally, some independent ctiizens are addressing it. Covert reports suggest moves against covert trade. We do know from conventional news that there was official action in the Trump administration and is the Abbot administration.  At the national level, however, the efforts were stopped with the new administration. We also know from conventional news sosurse that a new influx of immigrants, including many unaccompanied children, that have come in … and disappeared. i worry.

Now, I am hearing, as are you, even in the most conservative states, citizens having to struggle against fait d’accompli of legal destruction of parental rights.

3 Republicans Sneak In Vaccination Without Parental Consent Amendment (Update 4.1.22)

Mother testifies about her family’s experience at about minute 45…-the-truth-parental-rights-and-hunters-laptop-paul-cr.html


The Great Shalom has never been political. I even tried to restrain the Patriot Academy having the one word “conservative” when they came on in 2009.  We are focused on overcoming learning problems of children. However, that is inevitably connected with health and safety. Notice what happened to the founder of Focus on the Family?


Yes, we are continuing to have unexplained technical problems. We fix the problems we see. if you are having trouble contacting us, please keep trying. You should be able to type in a comment box below this post and you should be able to email me at If you are unable to buy product, please contact me, for sure!!! Life is also happening. We are continuing to work for you.

(And btw, a number of the videos I was going to post here are now labeled private or unavailable.)

I would also gratefully take donations. As I give work, word, and encouragement to you, sharing money with me — especially so I might be able to hire some tech help to get more goodies to you — would be a good thing.

Above all, please share with any who would listen. You will be saving lives. Apparently, some people still don’t know. Have mercy on those who can’t think well, for whatever reason.

Homeschooling Triples — Encouragement to Be Part of the Movement

By very conservative estimates, homeschooling has tripled. Why do you suppose?

Whatever the reasons, there are good academic reasons. Even after the covid theater has shut down, there are safety reasons. Character and civics education is very needed. Getting away from Critical Race Theory and Marxism is not on the list.  Worldview, lifestyle, and family reasons rank highly, too.

Here is some great encouragement for you. Also, I am offering some guidance on choosing curricula and methods. First, see my book ” Learn at Home for Great Shalom.”

Also, helpful for the student in junior and senior high, and certainly before going off to college. How to Win the Game of School.