Category Archives: Current Events

Summer Activities for Your Family

This week: summer activity ideas for your family. Every year I do one of these posts, it is very popular. Gosh, I saw a post on Twitter from a father lamenting summer. How can this be? Right. Lack of ideas. Really, it is a great time; a time to be together; a time to teach and pass along so much — and time to fix the problems.

Children with learning problems just need some fun! With so much hard work on academics, and often exactly the wrong handling of their problems at school, summer break is a welcome time of relaxation — and learning — without the stress of the academic format.

I’ve given you some new ideas in the episode, and some background on how I came up with those. Predictably, those ideas are rooted in current events and the discussions from those. Is it time to do a “how to tell what is true” series? Want more on homeschooling? Looking for more specifics on the ailment your family is struggling with? Let me know at

Coming soon: rerun of ideas to make businesses with children, Richard Eberiga

In the mean time, post your ideas, complete with pictures. It is helpful if those pictures are .gif or .jpg   and reduced to fewer bytes.  Thanks a million!

Overcoming Nursing Problems with a Recipe for Baby Formula

Young Mom Finds Victory Over Nursing Challenge

who wants the dilemma of not being able to breastfeed but not wanting to feed  your baby commercial formula. Have you seen the ingredient list? “Breast is best,” but what if it is not possible?

Christina Nichols is our guest today, telling her story of victory over a nursing challenge. She found a great recipe for baby formula that she shares. Links to cookbook below. Lots of fun!  And very good news.  Especially today!

Links to Resources for Nursing / Baby Formula Help  The La Leche League — club for women to help each other breastfeed

Christina’s recommendation on a cookbook

The Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) is your source for accurate information on nutrition and health, always aiming to provide the scientific validation of …

Find out more about the baby formula crisis here

Baby Formula Shortage Crisis – The Reporting & The Conversation

Introducing the topic to introduce the interview: Baby Formula

Just today, I am seeing headlines about a baby formula shortage crisis. I am herein just passing along the reporting and the conversation. This will introduce the interview that I recorded some weeks ago with a young mother who tells of her victory overcoming her problems with nursing. She found a recipe for baby formula. Looks a lot better to me than what I have seen as the ingredient list for commercial formula. Amazing that that episode was just waiting for the news today,

It might be helpful to hear the news altogether. Since this is a ministry about faith to overcome learning disabilities, then

  1. Learning how to learn is important. Today, that means sorting out truth from falsehood. – this episode
  2. Learning how to prevent learning problems is of great value. – the other episode

Here are the promised links to reports about Baby Formula Shortage/Crisis

 Tru News

Apr 29, 2022 … Claims online speculate that fires are being set at food processing plants in order to create a food shortage.

May 4, 2022 … Data on the number fires at food-processing plants in 2022 “does not signal anything out of the ordinary,” according to the National Fire …

Apr 14, 2022 … Firefighters contained a massive blaze at a central California food processing plant that prompted authorities to tell thousands of nearby …

Apr 14, 2022 … SALINAS, Calif. (AP) — A massive fire at a Northern California food processing plant prompted authorities to tell thousands of nearby …

Hoping that having these contrasting viewpoints side-by-side is helpful to those not familiar with the pattern. Snopes used to be the tool to swat down critical thinking.  Surprised they still exist; check them out. Largely forgotten. Then it was Facebook (aka fakebook)  factcheckers recently admitted by Z himself that they are biases.  In large legal trouble. Widely ridiculed. Point it: check out info, drill down to get real facts, hear both sides, and then make your own judgments. BTW, you might look back as see what your batting average is. The sickest people at the table shouldn’t be telling others how to manage their health. The guy in the most debt can’t teach finances to his friends who have not debt but savings.  And the one who has never heard the other side and is just going on emotion… well, you get the picture.

COLLECTION OF REPORTING – Discussion in Congress re agreed upon facts  AND another discussion of Suspicions

And Finally: Stew Peters

See all of Stew’s content at https://StewPeters.TV

Watch full episodes here:



Didn’t you think it was strange when Psaki, to a question about what the administration was doing about the baby formula crisis, responded that parents should see their doctor. Of course, that makes no sense. Doctors wouldn’t know better than someone else where there is formula, would they? And they certainly know little at best about nutrition. So, the response was ridiculous. Except. Today, I heard that physicians have been instructed to tell mothers not to make baby formula.

Sound just like a tiny supplement store owner who told me that just when covid started that an FDA representative visited him personally and said, “If  you suggest that you can cure or treat covid, we will shut you down.” Interesting. Why was it financially feasible to send a rep personally even to this tiny shop on an edge of a medium sized city, to insure that nothing could be said about reducing the severity of a virus?
Further, lactation consultants lose their credentials if they tell people that commercial formula is bad, unhealthy, or dangerous. They even use the word “unethical” — confusing ethical principles with the training or state credential rules. Actually, truthfulness, and allowing people autonomous, informed choice is what is ethical.

We are not ignorant of the devices of the evil one. We see patterns, don’t we? Let us stand up to represent the Son of God appropriately God wants total well-being for all children.*(

Of course, find out how someone has solved the issue here.  And please, please share. Moms and babies will thank you!


6/7/22 conversation ongoing  about 7 min someone blocked European formula when shortage started … what?

7:20 physicians offices sell commercial formula, when doctors have zero studies on nutrition, and they are legally prevented from selling food supplements… what?

Allison Morrow and friend right on how “conversations” flow in legacy media

OH WOW! SOME IMPORTANT WARNINGS ABOUT what happens on hospitals -unbeknowst to mothers — against breast feeding!


Gardening as Home Education

Gardening as home education, health and now safety.

Prepping is trending. Are we entering a famdemic? Who knows? But be prepared!

Here are some quick ideas to help you garden in whatever situation you find yourself, especially if it is late for putting in a garden.

You will also want to check out one of our oldie goldies, from 2008 with Marcus Young of Bloomers Gardens in Elgin, Texas.