Category Archives: Current Events


Okay folks, the problems are bad enough that it is time — well not to worry — but to act. Act now. Given the problems, and given the pervasiveness of the problems, you need to be educating your children at home. Three safety issues are each grave: sexual depredation, gun violence, and cognitive restructuring substituted for learning. After briefly pointing out the problems, I tell you how to go about solving by educating at home. Don’t go off, do things incorrectly or in the wrong order and get into trouble. I give you a short, practical list of what to do, in order. You can. You must.


No matter how many smiley faces in send in lunchboxes, or how many texts you send of “I love you” … if you let your child be sexually groomed for depredation, shot in a situation where it will predictably happen, or manipulated through deceptive language and marxist pedagogy in a way that ensure that he or she will never be able to think for themselves or have the skills to have a successful life… if you do this… she or he  will eventually figure out that you care more about convenience and money than you did about him or her.


James Lindsay’s Marxification of Education  T

to buy book on Amazon :


Introducing The Marxification of Education

James Lindsay: The Marxification of education

Marxification of Education – Dr. James Lindsay


Kevin Kookogey’s  An Apology for Liberty


Sarles Learn at Home for Great Shalom    in paperback or ebook format

Dr. Marlene MacMillan speaks on the Dialectic Process — or how language is used deceptively throughout society to bring bondage

Look for her book, Mountains of Deceit.



Dani Johnson On Porn Marketed to Children

Multi-level sales guru, Dani Johnson, gave us a couple of interviews back in 2009. She had just written a book on how to help children prepare for successful lives. But I know that in her marketing workshops, she offered a bonus that was her crusade against porn marketed to children.

She sounded the alarm that marketers, since they had maxed out the adult market, were then plotting how to get children addicted, in order to maximize the vendor’s profits. Today, what she said seems prescient, even prophetic. She had great ideas and they are still valuable today.

Even in the book, she mentioned how she prepared her sons to go to the mall with her, and how they would manage when they passed by Victoria Secret store. She planned with them how they would manage when they were standing at the grocery checkout and how they would handle the magazine covers they had to stand next to. Great.

Next week, I will give you some good news in today’s fight for the protection of children.

Why: Filtering the wireless signal to your home can protect kids from porn by greatly reducing the risk of accidental access to inappropriate content. Plus, …

1) Learn what pediatricians are saying about the impacts of pornography. · 2) Begin teaching early. · 3) Know how to respond if you discover your child is viewing&nbs…

Jan 5, 2022 … Federal law (18 U.S.C. 2251) also protects minors from the production of child pornography. If anyone attempts to persuade, entice, or force a …

There is no gray area: that child needs immediate compassionate, professional help. A boundary that a mother can set right away is that upon discovery of his …

Josh Glaser and Daniel Weiss describe why “the talk” about abstinence isn’t enough to guide your kids in our pornographic world.

Where sex addiction exists, however, a careful evaluation for risk factors is always warranted. Understandably, parents will want to protect younger children …

Recognising emotional states that lead to temptation · Don’t leave your child wondering about sex. · Keep reigniting discussions about porn, and sexuality in …

Minor Teach-in

Canadian attorney unpacks the UK history of covid injection history.

We need to know what science is. We need to know what the facts are. We need to make prudent decisions.

The best method of overcoming learning disabilities or any such problems is avoid them. Death or not being born is the worst of all.

Senate will Vote on a Same Sex Marriage Bill Today

Studies show that when same sex marriage is legalized and even when it is just practiced, it hurts children. See a study from Denmark on legalization. See Regnerus’ study for just practicing.

While we have no objection to civil unions, calling it marriage, is an affront to Christianity, any other traditional religion I know of, Western traditional culture — and most importantly : the well being of children.

Please check the foregoing article and call  your senators.